I always find it funny how the anti-marriage folk complain about how the good 'ol days are gone....in terms of gender relations, that is; but when it comes to having children, they seem just fine with tearing a page out of the Radical Feminist's Guide to the Galaxy and supporting the notion of children being born and raised out of wedlock. :crazy:
Those who want to have it both ways are playing themselves.
They can't grasp that creating a family is not just the cornerstone of marriage, it is also the cornerstone of society. Marriage involves building something that is bigger than you or her as individuals. Neither my wife or myself even dared to entertain the idea of conceiving our daughter out of wedlock, much less have her be born to unwed parents. Though my wife and I are both conservative, we are not religious fundamentalists. We surely didn't get married to make a sociopolitical statement, but it still follows that by default, getting married and having a family is an automatic rejection of radical feminism; and we like that.
MARRIAGE hasn't changed. PEOPLE have changed. Our uber-liberal, fukked up court system has something to do with that, but it's not the sole motivator. People's VALUES have changed for the worse, no thanks to increasing materialism/greed, hyper-sexuality, spiritual and moral bankruptcy, arrested development, cultural and moral relativism, drug "culture" (thanks beatniks and hippie baby-boomers), pornography addiction, mainstream ghetto glorification, widespread support of homosexual marriage...all of which is facilitated by an increasingly aggressive, seductive and degenerate media. Babylonian decadence. The family unit is now considered "unhip" and a life sentence of minivan cruising, while many believe that if one is still going to have children, that legions of bastard children are to inherit the Earth....and yet that is somehow supposed to work out best for society. Those are some LOONEY tunes they're singin!