The two keys of attraction


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
I think that the number one thing that attracts the ladies is your outer appearance (looks). If you're an average looking guy than work on improving that the best you can. You can workout, wear cool clothes, have a cool hair-style, etc. The better you look the more options you have the faster women will be attracted to you. I believe women are just as shallow as us men. Looks are very important.

The number two thing is making a connection. You make a connection by showing the girl you like her. There are various ways to make a connection. If you are a decent looking guy than when you show natural interest in a lady, she will naturally feel interest for you as well. It is like a mirror effect.

Even if you're a skinny guy like I used to be, if you're good at making connections with women than you can still be successful. Here are a few of the things you can say or do to make a connection with a girl you fancy.

"I like your smile."
"You're my type."
Put your arm around her.
Be interested in her and ask her rapport questions.
Give her a unique compliment.
Tell her unique things about yourself.
"I think you're sexy."

I think the number one mistake a lot of guys make is they force things by trying to be something they aren't. Just be you. You don't have to force anything unless you want to make things harder for yourself. You don't have to talk super slow or super fast just because some guru tells you to. You don't have to have the best posture if it doesn't come natural to you. Nobody gives a sh1t. Only you care about the little details of how others percieve you. Everyone else is worrying about their own insecurities, not yours.

So for me, the two keys of attraction are, looks and making a connection.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
For initial attraction, when first meeting and setting up a connection, i think the looks plays a part indeed.

But the attraction that develops a relationship completely different from initial attraction i believe. Of course it is still necesery for sexual attraction but that is established since you are together in some form of relationship anyway. Looks really lose its importance compared to your game after the initial choosing stage, as long as you dont gain 30 pounds.

Also even the ugliest guy can be decent with a makeover and the right posture and swagger