The toughest game in town.

Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
Hey all you crazy players and pick-up artists, I've got a question for you I'd really like some help with.

I think I must be living in the toughest town on Earth to get a good PU or even a dance with an attractive lady out at the clubs. Things seem really different here.

For starters, I have a friend who was telling me about his time out in the nightlife with his female friends. Guys would come and go, approach, buy drinks, try chatting the girls up, and then leave after seeing the girl wasn't interested. The girl would turn to my friend and say "Damn, that guy was creepy." So the impression I've got is "don't approach girls because in this town they find it a turn-off."

Of course, my friend didn't provide any details on how their approach was handled. If anything, they were probably total AFC's who came on too strong/too weak and had no idea how to flirt or get along with a group or make conversation etc.

Secondly, girls in this city seem to hunt in packs. The nightlife definitely seems dominated by alpha males (who tend to look for fights) and groups of girls looking for someone to f**k - usually the biggest, strongest, blackest guy in the club. This is definitely not me, so my confidence is a bit shot from the word go when I go out.

From the advice I've just been reading from the DJ Bible, the following things seem to be essential:

- Social proof. Go with a group of friends. 3-5 guys/girls (mixed?) seems a good number.
- A pivot or two. Some decent girl friend of yours who will dance with you or make you look cooler to other dumb b!tches in the club.
- At least some dancing ability. Rhythm helps. Don't be too shy and even worse, don't be too flamboyant. Last time I danced too enthusiastically an alpha male f**khead wanted to beat the crap out of me for "being a fag."
- Good approaching tactics. The classic eye-contact-then-smile approach seems to be the best.

Now here's where I stand... usually I'd go out to town with a good sized group, hopefully with a pivot or two. That's fine. Dancing I need to work on, but I remind myself that failure is just a setback to the inevitable, and practice makes perfect. I'm definitely better than what I used to be. Where I struggle is the approach and having confidence. I usually don't feel so hot when I'm in the clubs, which doesn't help. And due to the predatory nature of the girls (who have already decided who they want to take home and f**k by the time they've walked through the door), the cards sure as hell seem stacked against me.

I really need some help getting on top of my game and getting some decent pulls out in the club. If I can get a girl to dance with me, I'd be succeeding. People in this town just seem too hard to crack.

Any advice for approaching what seems an impossible situation?


Fantastic Mr. Fox.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score

I hate to tell you this, but it's the same everywhere.

Blaming it on the town where you live is not good enough.

You have to decide if this is a problem worth solving, and if so, work out how to solve it. There are no answers except experience.

Go out with the focus of having fun, instead of to pick up. Girls can sense the difference, and come to you because of it.

And if not, at least you had a good time anyway.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
dude you are in one of the biggest cities in your country that means its one of the BEST places to get women

im curious to know whether the typical new zealand alpha is the "rugby boy type" (esp in clubs/bars)

you need to go out to "interact" - taking this frame rather than a scoring frame will remove the pressure you put on your self, you wont appear desperate to women when you go out


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
runner83 said:
Blaming it on the town where you live is not good enough.
I was going to comment on this, but you've nailed it. You also seem to want to blame it on other guys.

The advice to go out to have fun is priceless. When you go out with the focus to pick up women, there is pressure. When having fun becomes the objective, not only is the pressure removed but...well.... you HAVE FUN!

What are you doing in bars and clubs? Unless you are already great at picking up women you need to be going to coffee shops and book stores.
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
Damn. What can I say?

You're all right, I was blaming it on the town and the other guys. Just last Saturday I went out with my friend for her birthday and because I was focused on just having fun met a great chick, got her number and walked away smiling regardless because it was such a great night.

Thanks again SoSuave.