The Time Of Your Life And How To Shape Yourself


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages (at least those 13 and older, due to internet regulation guidelines...)

I have seen countless threads about approaching, confidence, inner game, etc on this board. I have seen people struggle and not know why and then get down about it. I have seen people afraid to break away from what they know, from what is comfortable...Pretty much, after being here over 10 years, I have seen nearly every type of thread imaginable. Yet I haven't seen that many threads that was very forward, very straight up, very "to the point." Here goes nothing....

High School. Hell, even Middle School. They are like the beginning of a book. They are, in fact, the best of times and the worst of times. These are the years where you, well, become YOU. The personality, the traits, the habits we begin, shape, and form during these crucial years pave the way for the rest of our lives. These are the years where you decide who YOU want to be. These are the years to try new, legal(ish) things.

Take if from someone who has been there. About *ahem* years ago, I graduated from High School and went to college. Years later, I am beginning a very nice career. However, I get asked why I do certain things. 9/10 times, the answer is "I don't know, I've been doing it since High School."

These are the years to break out of your shell, try new things, take risks. Afraid you are going to be made fun? Guess what? You are in Middle and High School. EVERYONE gets made fun of. EVERYONE does stupid, funny, and crazy things in High School. Years later, no one cares. Remember the starting quarterback who always had a different girl? In 5 years, you will probably be buying a car from him. The head cheerleader that seemed to be a goddess? You'll probably run into her in a department store buying "anti wrinkle cream" at the ripe old age of 22. The computer nerd who was always getting wedgies? You will be buying stock options in his company.

Don't wonder "will she think I'm creepy?" "Will I get laughed at?" "I can't do this...I don't know her!" Just go do it! If she thinks you are creepy for walking up and talking to her, she is in for a long, sad, battery powered life. If she laughs, I can GUARANTEE you that she WILL remember, if nothing else, the fact that you had the balls to talk to her. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but she will NOT look at you the same way. Her mind will revert back to you and your chance. If you are scared because you don't know her, then go change that! People don't get born with a friend. Everyone starts out somewhere.

So, when I look at the Boot Camp that just started, I don't want to see people avoiding the tasks because of being scared. I want to see people embrace their fear and go "this is MY time!" Don't sit there 2, 5, 10, or 25 years down the road and think "man...when I was in High School, I should have done XX..." This isn't just about girls either. Learn a new language. Take up a new hobby. Find something that interests you and dive right into it (ok, that also includes p*ssy, but work with me here...)

The more improved you of tomorrow, starts today. Don't hold back, don't fear up. Just go out there and create memories.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I completely understand your point. That's definitely how I look at myself and my future.

But I have a hard time taking advice (that boils down to seize the day) from someone who isn't in high school. It's really hard man. As much as you know that it doesn't matter, it seems like it really matters in the moment. As hard as it is to approach some girl in a club, it's much harder to approach girls in your high school, for all kinds of reasons.

We're all on this site for the same reason though. We realize that starting to improve yourself at 16, 17, 18, makes your life so much easier than being lazy your whole life and trying to turn around at 30.

So the fact that we have a Boot Camp at all, and people are participating, is a great sign to me. Everyone who works hard gets rewarded for their work. If someone doesn't work hard, and flakes on the Boot Camp work (I did today, unfortunately) then they'll have a written record on this site of what they did do, and what they failed to do. Be proud of your successes, put your failures behind you, but remember that the combination of the two makes you who you are.

Great post though. I'm excited to see how this site will have changed my life in ten years.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
Great post Eternal!
It made me think about high school and how I was worried about what other people in my school think of me. I must change and I will!

And writing about failures and being scared isn't so bad, because when you'll improve a lot, you'll look at your past and see how much you improved. You can compare your old feelings to your new self. Anyway, I personally like to write about my bull**** sometimes to let it out, but I gotta say it's always better to write about success.


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
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You are right Eternal. In high school you care too much about what other people think of you and we always try to please others so that they wont see us as weird in some way.

This is really the time of my life and i am sure not to waste being scared of taking risks. I have been living that way for 17 years and it needs a change!