The tide is turning.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I believe that the pendulum is swinging back to sanity. We have a long way to go but the shift is happening. Many women are starting to see that being a man is difficult. This is because of a few things. One reason is because of lesbian relationships. Many women have actually experienced what it is like to do date women. They essentially have experienced what it is like to be a man. This has given them much needed perspective. It sobered them up. Many ex lesbians have publicly apologized to men.

Another reason is that feminism has caused them to suffer. Being independent gets old. Women now see what men have been going through in the workplace. Work is not cute past a certain age and a woman's psyche is not built for it.

The legal system is giving women perspective. They legal system is becoming more harsh on women. They dont get automatic custody in family court like they used to etc. Women are seeing what men go through now.

Much of the nonsense women talk is just based on a lack of perspective. It is not always malice. Most foolishness is based on a lack of perspective. You can empathizes with someone that you cant relate to.