The Technique for Summoning a Surge of Confidence


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA.
Have you ever wanted to have the feeling of confidence flow into you like a tsunami, empowering you until you feel like you could do absolutely anything?

I have found a way to do this almost by sheer accident. it is extremely unorthodox compared to most things on this site (it requires you to look at confidence as an intangible essense that surrounds you, kind of like how air does). For all of it's strangeness, I highly recommend you to take a look at it because It works for me every time I try it.



My friend, what you are about to learn is one of the newer techniques that I have learned how to use. I discovered its usage rather accidentally. Despite it's recent discovery, this technique as I have come to realize it is by far the most powerful technique of it's kind that I have ever seen to this day.

By now, my friend, you should know that the true source of confidence comes from within. We generate it from within ourselves, and it sustains us for the challenges that we face every day. However, in order to make use of the confidence available to us, we must first pull it into our mindset and make it a part of us.

Years ago, I tried to accomplish this through many ways. I tried to concentrate it and force it into my mindset through sheer willpower. While this is effective to some extent, it did not deliver exactly what I wanted. Whenever I did this, the confidence flowed into my mind slowly like a sluggish river. It was enough to sustain me, but not enough for what I truly wished to generate and use. I knew that confidence existed all around me in infinite quantity to be drawn upon; it needed only to be called into existence to be used.

I have already stated earlier that confidence is by nature a mindset that comes and goes until you learn the ability to contain it permanently within you. It comes and goes with our various mood shifts, sort of like how the ocean tide flows in and out daily. However, the mindset is easier to acquire when we picture it as an intangible essence that is floating around us, just like the air that we breathe. The air around us is drifting, waiting to be consumed. It is easier to use confidence if you envision yourself to be immersed in it like you are in air. Just like air must be inhaled in order to be breathed, confidence must be drawn into us in order to be used.

Since confidence is by nature an intangible mindset, it therefore exists in infinite quantity, and it's potency is unable to be diminished. Therefore, there is no theoretical limit to how much confidence you can contain within your mind at one time. Coming to this realization on the spur of the moment, I have devised a way to gain an incredible flood of confidence. The secret to gaining more is how you draw upon it.

Before I discovered this technique, I was trying to forcefully pull the confidence into my mind so I could use it. However, since confidence is by nature infinite, it is without number or limit. Because of this, I was unable to forcefully measure a set quantity of confidence because I would be trying to grasp infinity. The human mind is unable to fully comprehend infinity for the sheer immensity of it. Because I was trying to forcefully pull the confidence into my mindset, I was only subtracting minuscule buckets from an endless ocean.

In short, I was only able to grasp a fraction of what I could truly use.

Upon this realization, I realized that since confidence can quickly leave your mindset, it could just as easily flow into it.


Rather than removing small quantities from the whole infinite quantity as I did before, I did the exact opposite: I LET THE WHOLE INFINITE QUANTITY FLOW INTO ME UNTIL I COULD CONTAIN NO MORE.

When I had tried to actively summon confidence in the past, it always flowed in like a small river. When I opened myself fully to it, the confidence surged into me like a massive, huge waterfall. I was quickly filled to my limits within instants. I was permeated with confidence; I could feel it filling my whole consciousness with an incredible surge of energy, happiness, and boldness. I FELT LIKE I COULD DO **ABSOLUTELY** ANYTHING.

This technique is so effective because you are opening yourself fully to the intangible supply of confidence around you. Rather than trying to physically draw it out in small quantities, it is by far easier and more effective to visualize the confidence of infinity flowing into you until you can contain no more without being overwhelmed. You can literally feel the rush and surge fill your body like a tidal wave.


Pook said, "As you think, so you shall become." When I think of a massive waterfall of confidence pouring into me, I literally take on the confidence that I mentally envision. As long as I am mentally visualizing the waterfall of confidence pouring into me, I can LITERALLY feel the confidence continue to pour into my mind. Once I have reached my limit, I attempt to bring the confidence that I have generated into my current thoughts. In this way, you are able to utilize confidence and bring it into your mindset simply by concentrating.


Through my experience, It had to be awakened within me by doing multiple, sequential acts where confidence is required. As I did more and more of these acts (such as approaches, or even something simple such as smiling and greeting people) it became easier and easier, and I started to feel more and more confident. Now prior to this, I already had a high supply of confidence, but doing multiple actions that required confidence, I could feel my confidence supply start growing. I was able to be more confident than I had ever been before. Emboldened, I was determined to continue the process until I had become so confident through sequential experience that I could no longer contain the confidence flowing into me.

It was at this point where I discovered how to do this technique. The best news of all is that once achieved initially, this technique is easier to do every time. The most difficult part is learning how to do it the first time. Once you have mastered it, then the confidence will always be ready to flow at your command.

Like lesser levels of confidence, it can be stored within your mindset for permanent use. Confidence is "stored' only when you permanently develop a confident mindset that is absolutely unbreakable, for you will contain this confidence at all times. However, you cannot store this type of confidence permanently, although you can maintain it through considerable amounts of time.

This is because in this case, we are dealing with confidence in its purist form. Because of this, you simply cannot contain it for extended lengths of time because it simply leaves you once the task that you created it for has been resolved. I assume that it is possible, given significant time and training, to be able to contain increasingly larger percentages of it alongside your conventional confidence.

However, this more powerful surge of confidence also leaves your normal stored confidence feeling revitalized and empowered in some way that I have yet to understand. Perhaps once you realize how emotionally charged you can become with a surge of pure confidence, you may learn how to make more effective use of the confident mindset that you carry with you daily.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
Miami, FL, USA
amazin' ! when will yoor book be finished? ....can't wait to read it...

Don diego

Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2002
Reaction score
Paris, France
How long till it´s finished?
Can I have a Copy?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA.
The book will be finished soon.

I will upload a copy for all to download when the time comes.

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.

The concept seems a little unclear. Perhaps you should explain it in more concise language...

Good post though, just a little unclear.

De La Soul


I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
I am not certain whether or not the "waterfall technique" would work or not, but confidence is not something that one needs to fake.

Confidence comes from self-love, and respect for yourself and others.

Faking it may be effective for a short time, but if you know yourself and are happy with who you are and who your becoming, faking it becomes unnecesary.

Your writing style is very seductive, your book will probably be an entertaining read at the very least, I would like to give it a read when its finished. If you haven't already, add something about true confidence in there also.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
yea. i always love your stuff page, but can you please explain some of it. i mean iwas readin all happy like yay this is gonna be awesome and then u get to the part wher u say THIS IS THE TRUTH, and i got totally confused. u said u tried to just think of it and get it in infinite amounts, but it didnt work. then you said just to imagine it like a water fall...isnt that jus what u said doesnt work? i really dont understand this
, i would GREATLY appreciate it if you could explain how to obtain it a bit more, thanx.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA.
Originally posted by Mr. Mystery:
I am not certain whether or not the "waterfall technique" would work or not, but confidence is not something that one needs to fake.

Confidence comes from self-love, and respect for yourself and others.

Faking it may be effective for a short time, but if you know yourself and are happy with who you are and who your becoming, faking it becomes unnecesary.

Your writing style is very seductive, your book will probably be an entertaining read at the very least, I would like to give it a read when its finished. If you haven't already, add something about true confidence in there also.

Mr. Mystery

This technique is meant to be used for short durations of time, and it is meant to help you get into the mood to feel confident.

Confidence is a mindset. By the waterfall example, I was only using that to help explain how easily confidence will come to you if you visualize yourself as being confident. It's like Pook said: 'as you think, you shall become."


I have found that it is by far easier to just relax and let confidence flow through you rather than trying to force yourself to be confident (as I was doing before).

Just visualize the confidence flowing into you, and you will suddenly *feel* confident. This technique is useful to help give yourself a boost in situations where your confidence level is not where you would like it to be.

Just last night, I tried this technique again, and it was so effective for me that it was almost like a high. I felt like I could do anything, and accomplish anything with minimal effort. It was an amazing feeling, and I can still feel the surge a whole day later.

Just keep trying the technique until you get it. Just relax and visualize the confidence flowing into you. If you feel a sudden boost of boldness and energy, you're on the right track.

I hope this clarifies it for oyu.

[This message has been edited by Page (edited 12-10-2002).]

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Yeah. It does work as a short-term boost.

For me, I imagine myself breathing "confidence" (like air) and filling up with it. As I breathe I become more relaxed and confident.

De La Soul