The Secret of My Success

Tom Crown

Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
I've been on this site for about two weeks now and its been like a gift from God.

The other night I was out at a club with some friends of mine when I noticed some cutie across the bar glancing my way. One of my past weaknesses was making eye contact, but thanks to this site I have gotten past that. The trick I use is to look directly at her eyebrows so that she thinks I am looking right into her eyes. We exchanged looks but I didnt go up right away. She was with a group of friends and I was waiting for the right opportunty to make my move.

After a short while, I went up to the bar to get another drink and accidently ran into her as she was doing the same. This was pure accidental and actually caught me off guard. Well, she was about to walk away when my instincts took over. I grabbed her wrist lightly and said "Stay here I want to take to you." She replied with "I'll be here all night" and gave me a nice smile and a little kino.

Anyways, the club wasnt that exciting and group decision was to bail and head elsewhere. She was sitting there with some friends (guys and girls) and I decided that since we were leaving I needed to go in kamikaze style, get a number and GTFO. Here's how it went down:

Me: Hi, I know youre going to be here all night, but I'm leaving.

Her: Oh....

Me: We didnt get a chance to talk, but I want to talk to you in the future. Give me your number so I can call you.

Her: Well, I am sorta seeing someone now.

Me: When are you getting married? (Another trick I learned from this site)

Her: We're not (laughing)

Me: Well, great, then it wont hurt if we talk then will it? (A little reverse negative to throw her off. As I said this I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone) So, whats your number?

Her: My number is......

Me: Great, by the way.....whats your name?

Her: (Name)

Me: I'm Tommy, I'll talk to you soon.

A small victory, but one nonetheless. It never would have happened without this site and the help I get from it. Give me some feedback and let me know how I could have improved on this? Thanks guys.

"I do have a test today, that wasn't bullsh**. It's on European Socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So, who gives a crap if they're Socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car."

Ferris Bueller


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
I think you did it very cool. Way to go Tom!


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2001
Reaction score
DC Metro Area
YOU ARE DA MAN!!! ROCK ON MAN ROCK ON..Thanks for the tips also.. I will use them im my DJ arsenal...

Dr. Pimp

Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
Welcome to the forum Tom. That’s the right attitude to have and it seems like you did many things correctly. I have some questions for you that will benefit both you and your fellow DJs. How and where was the approach actually done when you were in the club. Was it at the bar when she said she’d be there all night or was it after that when she went back to her friends? Were any of her friends around, or close by, at the time? Is anything else being left out that may be critical to the understanding of your situation in order to get better feedback from the DJs?

My experiences with getting numbers from girls with boyfriends or someone they’re seeing is that they use that excuse to justify their decision not to go out with you when you call to set up a date. After you’ve expanded on your experience, you should update us on how the call went, her excuses if any, your and her responses and reactions, additional things you’d like to caution us about, etc.


[This message has been edited by Dr. Pimp (edited 02-19-2002).]

Tom Crown

Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback boys.

After she told me she would be there all night she left and went back with her friends. I approached her with a couple friends in the vicinity, but not right next to her. Thats why I referred to it as a kamikaze mission because thats what I felt like, all eyes had to be on me. To tell you the truth I was so focused on getting her number before I left I was oblivious to them and what their response would be. I guess since I knew I was leaving and figured I would never see them again so what the fvck.

Anyways, I got her number and got the fvck out, plus my boys were waiting for me so we could leave.

Any ideas or tips for when I call her? I'm open to suggestions for how to approach it when I call her. We didnt say anything other than what I wrote earlier, so anything is fair game the way I see it.

"I do have a test today, that wasn't bullsh**. It's on European Socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So, who gives a crap if they're Socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car."

Ferris Bueller

Tom Crown

Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
One more thing, she probably will use the fact that she is seeing someone as an excuse not to go out with me. Does anyone have any ideas/techniques on what I should say when and if this comes up? I hadnt planned on bringing it up. But it could be an issue.

"I do have a test today, that wasn't bullsh**. It's on European Socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So, who gives a crap if they're Socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car."

Ferris Bueller

Dr. Pimp

Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tom Crown:
One more thing, she probably will use the fact that she is seeing someone as an excuse not to go out with me. Does anyone have any ideas/techniques on what I should say when and if this comes up? I hadnt planned on bringing it up. But it could be an issue.

Hey TC, so how did the call go? Or are you still making her wait? Well if you haven't called, here's how to get over your dilemma since none of your fellow DJs gave you any advice. All you have to do is use the power of logic in order to persuade her to come to the correct conclusion. It's a difficult skill to develop but the benefits are well worth it. Lay down your situation after the call ahs been made and I'll see what I can do.
