The Psychology of Challenge.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Adapted from a variety fo sources on the 'mind', particularly NLP, Hypnosis, Psychoybernetics, and Motivational, I have drawan some conclusions on why challenge works, and so for those who haven't yet understood the 'why' and 'how' of it, I am opening a post to solidify that.

It came upon me last night, in fact, experienced first hand. The value which we place upon something is in direction proportion to how difficult it is in getting in. Meaning, if you have goal of earning $250,000 next year for 2005 (as I do), then it's BIG FREAKING GOAL. But, isn't it motivational? Doesn't it get the mind churning in all the ways to MAKE THAT POSSIBLE? To hit that mark...

-Trade the stock market.
-Start a business.
-Enter the R/E investment field.
-Become a sales person on high-end products or fast bucks.
-Sell drugs.
-Royalties, Licensing, etc.

Then you begin to dig inside yourself to find out 'how' can I do this. I know it happens to me. Whenever I sit lethargically going "well, I got all I need," I get rather depressed, so I go back to myself and ask where can I improve? For us human specimens, growth (like an acorn growing into a tree) is done not in bodies, because that happens whether we force it or not, but in life. Our lives are our growth. Making more money is a great cause if it increase our life. Well, to have more life you need more of the substance that supports human life, money. So our personal growth is growth of life, increased friends, better health, more knowledge, etc.

And so I set forth to making big goals, and realized THESE are possible, and if they're not, do you lose anything by only falling short of them?


Well, if the human mind, according to Maxwell Maltz is a "goal-seeking mechanism" that sets its sights on whatever it thinks about and zeroes in on it until it's accomplished, then doesn't the same thing happen to women in dating, too?

Don't think of a black BMW 745i with 22" rims.

Did you?

Britney Spears.

Did you envision her, too?

You see, the mind will first VISUALIZE whatever it has to, regardless of the command. This is why NLP is so important. When you're told NOT to do something, you FIRST have to do it, envision, and realize, to NOT do it.

For those rAFC, and AFC's, when you're focusing on the problems you have women, it only BREEDS MORE problems. When you're focusing on WHAT NOT TO DO WRONG, you have to DO it, to NOT DO IT. STOP.

Focus on what it is you should be doing...

-having fun.
-noticing things about her, mannerisms, quirks, so you can play off them.
-notice unique attributes.

True listening to me, is hearing what they say and making a mental connection between what I know/understand and what they said. Just last night I went to visit a girl I'm casually seeing and she was mentioning her upcoming b-day with a co-worker. The co-worker was there with her, and looked familiar, so I said:

Me: You look familiar, where are you from?
Her: I said the same thing, where are you from?
Me: Lowell. You?
Her: Arlington.
Me: Do you know_____?

And it turned out she did. By virtue of listening and making that mental connection I was able to gain instant rapport. We chatted for another 15 minutes and it turned out she knew alot of people I do and was able to put me in touch with a long lost college pal. Beautiful! Not to mention, she'll have some respect to watch out for my gal while they're at the strip clubs on her b-day.

Moving on...

If our minds are goal-seeking torpedos, would it make sense that women also have the same chemistry? Maybe it's not as INTENSE as a man's, but surely we ALL know women who when the desire a pair of pants, a hairstyle, clothing, nail jobs, a car, THEY FIND A WAY TO GET IT. Maybe they moan to their father, their boyfriend, their mother, or even rack up the credit card to get it. Whatever means they use, they use it and get it.

Then what happens?

She hates the hairstyle. Or she disrespects the $700 pocket book. I even knew an X-GF of my buddy who got the BMW she wanted, had it for a few months and blew the engine up. She was forced to get rides from friends and her parents. Later on, he was getting it fixed and he didn't want it, but wouldn't pay the payments on it anymore. He offered it to her. Know how she got it?

She charged the repairs of the engine to her father's credit card, well over $5,000, and assumed the remaining loan payments, plus insurance. Now, she's financially strapped, nearing bankruptcy all for a car she wanted, disrespected, and then wanted again!

You could pose the argument that women are into superficial, material goods and her emotions got the best of her, and even if that's the case, who are we to dispute or even tell her what she wants or doesn't want? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. If you're gonna tell a woman what she wants or doesn't want, you better be in her confidence, i.e. boyfriend, lover, husband, brother, cousin, etc, because few girls will tolerate being told what to do or what to hear without getting *****y.

If you play what the emotional mind wants, then you can't HELP BUT fall into line with what she'll go after. Look at your own self. Our minds are goal-seeking mechanisms, and whatever you think of you become. If you focus on getting fawked up everyweek, what do you do? If you focus on acquiring more business or more knowledge, isn't your mind intune with that? I know mine is, I've met alot of great people on here (Vesti, Drex, others included) who have been like-minded. Keeping your mind open to these things present opportunities because THEY ALREADY WERE THERE, YOU JUST MISSED IT BECAUSE YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE.

To understand challenge, understand WE ALL enjoy a challenge. If you set a goal to earn $10,000 this year, is it really motivating? Do you get inspired to grow? NO! Because what improvement would $10,000 make in your life? Maybe you could eat and workout, but what a new car? A new house? New clothes? The result of that goal isn't motivational.

If you set a goal that within a year you wanted to be in a bodybuilding competition and are now 20lbs overweight, isn't that motivational? SHYT yes! YOUR WHOLE LIFE CHANGES. You measure food portions, organize a structured workout program, and generally refocus EVERYTHING. What's the result of the goal now? Unbelievable self-empowerment. Women fawning over you. A new found confidence to do anything. And remarkable health.

If you were the object of a womans' desire, a man seen to make her wildest dreams come true, wouldn't she more mountains to make that happen? Wouldn't you do that for a woman who you felt would make all your wildest imaginations come true? SHYT yes!

Challenge is right. Challenge is true. Challenge is natural. And challenge is the AUTOMATIC result of big things, big goals, and big dreams. It's not AUTOMATIC from wimpy things, which is why a 'nice guy' doesn't insight any goal-seeking within her.

End of Part !



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Part II

Part !!

Nice guys lose, not because they aren't good people, but because to her, it's not a big goal, it's not WORTH her time. Tell me, tagging a 10 versus tagging a 5 takes about the same time right?


Well, what's the difference then in learning to tag 10's versus or 5's?

Skill. The additional skills and characteristics of yourself, of your value is all. If you're at a mall, and a 10 is scoping out some overpriced shoes, and then a cute 5 goes by, it takes no more effort to walk up to the 10 than it does the 5, but to you, dear DJ, what's the benefit?

A hot girl, who you will likely be attracted to forever. And possibly a great personality.

They say "behind every great man is a great woman."

Why is that?

Because great women CHALLENGE MEN TO BE MORE THAN WE NORMALLY ARE. THEY ARE IN LOW SUPPLY, THEREFORE HIGH DEMAND, and we have to have our A GAME when dealing with them. Isn't that fair? Being a great man encompasses several facets...

-polishedness. a 'good' woman wants a knight, not a jester.
-style. bottom line, you're an ornament to her friends, look the part before she tries to change you into it.
-success. she has to know she's cared for. she's beautiful, and other men will support her so she has to consider all suitors.
-culture. being unique, learning a language, understanding art/music.
-resourceful. if you don't know the answer, you can get the answer.
-independent. you're confident enough in your abilities as a MAN to handle any situation and not lose your cool. losing your cool is ok for a woman, but when she seeks a man, it doesn't hold true.
-fit/attractive. this isn't necessarily brad pitt, but when there's obvious signs that you're not caring for yourself, you won't gain access to her because she won't open what she cares for.

You could add more, but as you can see, if you didn't motivate yourself to look better, feel better, etc would you bother? A goal motivates us while we consider the journey. Yes, you workout, but why? Why? Why?

To look good. But for what?

A wedding. Yourself. The beach.

Why do you want to look good at the wedding?

See how we "chunk down" (NLP term) to get to the core value of the reason.

Why do we value well-made cars, such as BMW, Cadillacs, Mercedes, Aston Martin, etc?

If they were cheap, would you even care?

Hyundai's are cheap and don't see anybody saying: "If I won the lottery, the first thing I would buy is a Hyundai!"


So you see, challenge is value, the greater value we place on something, the more challenge you evoke (or more work a person puts forth to get it).

Small goals = small people = small work

Big goals = big people = big work

The addition to this are the traits exuded. See, a woman can't tell if you're valuable or not by words. It's determined via actions. Meaning, if you call ALOT, it shows you're not busy (to her), and therefore, don't have a lot going on, so perhaps you were lying about having your own business or lifting alot?

And though you want to be aggressive with sex, maintainin your cool shows YOU DON'T need it. You can get sex elsewhere, and you're perfectly ok with that. If she won't satisfy your needs and she values you, she'll have it ALOT. If not, she won't care about your time and she'll disrespect it.

Mark this down.
To be a challenge, and the object of her cupids' goal-seeking torpedo, you must be inherently valuable as a MAN. To be that, you must first value yourself, your time, and your life. You must value that first. Because EVEN if you appear to valuable, but act very AFC to her, 2 things will happen:

1. You'll have to front all the time LIKE you are a challenge and it will bore you to hell.
2. She will find out on her own in due time.

This is why 'fake' game with no substance fails because deep down, you know it's just a 'game'. It's empty. You want to call, because you're not doing anything, but you know YOU HAVE TO BE A CHALLENGE. BUT...if you actually DID alot of things, you'd AUTOMATICALLY be a Challenge. This is a game, but should be a true player in the game and not a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Shyt, when you work 8-12 hours/day, and love your work, you do your work at home, you hang with your friends, you do a martial art, read books, ride a motorcycle, fix your car, join clubs, play music, workout, etc, do you think it would be hard to wait a fews before calling a girl????

YES! By the time it happens she'll say "Gee you're busy, what's the deal?" And you can confidently explain why, if you so choose, or do whatever you desire at that point. Morever, when she screws up, you don't have to wait on her or get emotional about being pissed, you can do one of the MANY things you're involved in, get over her, move on with life and find the next woman.

To confirm, being busy works. Calling less frequently works. Having a life works, because you're something of value. However, if that is not true when she sees you or you are of value, but blow it, then challenge is lost. Worth is diminished.

Remember Michelle Pfeier in "Scarface?" From the minute he laid eyes on her he set out on a mission to get her, as well as become the biggest, baddest mofo out there. In due time, through shrewd ways and holding his word, he did get all he desired, because those thoughts became his all-consuming reality. However...

Hubris and complacency set in. He became the biggest and stepped on toes. In addition, the passion or challenge died between them because she became a thin, over-coked hoe doing nothing with her days. Tony was very adversarial and was almost abusive toward her because of her diminishing worth to him and her own diminishing worth of herself. So, even the HOTTEST girl can become worthless if she just doesn't try.

Another perfect example (visually) is in DMX's "Never Die Alone." In his movie, which is a memoir of his life as a drug dealer concealed on several audio tapes, he finds a young, hot black girl playing tough to get. She comes off as if she wants to be high class, a doctor, and is high priced. As the movie goes along, DMX beds her down and they even begin doing drugs together (he feeds her heroin to become addicted to it). At some point, she appears to be a completely strung out druggie addicted, though snubs DMX saying "he's small-time, she wants big time, millions, celebrity status." Angered by this, DMX basically throws her to the curb, stops seeing her and moves on. A few weeks later, she surfaces, only to "need" him for that moment. DMX gives her her fix, and tosses her own (not before he bangs her for the drugs she can't pay for).

In a very crude demonstration, what was once valuable loses its value because it loses its self-value, self-worth, and self-love. If you want to challenge women to come after you and always maintain that, you must have self-respect enough to know and maintain what's in your best interests. She will chase whatever is valuable like bees to honey.




Don Juan
Oct 11, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpine
Any chance of a synopsys?
-place a very high value on yourself, and always retain and increase that value. Others will see and detect that value

-people want what is valuble

-get rid of disempowering head trash

-strive to achieve whatever it is you want and be focused on that goal like a laser beam, to the exclusion of pretty much everything else..see it, get it, somehow

-find and employ useful motivational techniques

-be busy and NEVER center your life around women

-never validate yourself to women; just be yourself (ya ya, the line is cheesy, and the merit of it is debatable forever, but thats all you can do to achieve true confidence and success), and strive always to improve yourself...till your planted

-just participate in all that life offers, aside from women

-ultimately, you won't be able to fake it forever; she will find out what is truly behind the curtain eventually

-don't take BS

A comment or two:

A good, worthwhile woman will make you want to become a better man...AFC? Well most men who reach the highest level of success gives some credit to their wife/gf.,etc. If that motivation gets you going and works, go with it....

I like to be challenged by women; when I'm with one that I'm really into and she is 'worthy' I do find the 'fire' inside of me glows a bit brighter....

I liked this article; I've read a lot of NLP books so the chunking down thing makes sense. What I take away from NLP is that it reduces things to a 'simple essence' that gives you new found clarity and the 'directions' to find answers and new ways of thinking.....quickly. Long standing bad and/or debilitating ways of thinking or beliefs are overthrown very quickly, and replaced with empowering, positive results.

I also like the way NLP reduces communication between people, again, to a 'simple essence'. I've tried a lot of the things NLP teaches, and do find it very, very amazing in all types of human interactions

In one NLP book it said something like "NLP, among other things, teaches you how to 'reprogram' the software in your mind, instantly". This I find interesting, as it teaches you to reframe feelings, past situations, etc. to something else, instantly. Want to instantly recall the feelings you had, as well as having your body change physiologically to a time when you did something to make you feel on top of the world, or when you felt invulnerable? Read a good NLP book....and being able to get that vibe instantly before chatting up a woman will work better than any SS or pattern....cuz your really, truely 'won't care' what happens. That vibe is communicated in so many subtle ways that if your 'on top of the world' the womans' radar WILL pick it up, 100%.

NLP is interesting as it also shows you the subtle ways of communicating. The NLP stuff about 'anchoring', 'eliciting values', and 'how to instill feelings in another' is pure gold...once you get into that stuff you'll find that is the essence of 'patterns and SS' , but understanding that essence will be a much easier and more natural way of achieving the same results as SS, etc. (make her melt, stir up her positive feelings, make her feel comforable, get her trust, draw her in ;-)

And, 'natural' is what will draw a woman into you.....and keep her there.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
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south west, uk
Diamond, your a star sir, that must have taken you ages.

I will go back and digest A units stuff at my leisure now I have the jist of it.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpine
Diamond, your a star sir, that must have taken you ages.

I will go back and digest A units stuff at my leisure now I have the jist of it.
Thanks.....glad it helped.

And a tip of the hat to you too Sir!