The Power of Precedents.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2001
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In every facet of life and every situation you will encounter, one of the most enduring and influential elements that will affect your decision making are precedents. Whether it is putting your seatbelt on when your driving, or putting your life savings in a major investment people look to the precedents to help make their decisions a little easier.

Ever notice the first time you start a habit, you promised that you will only do it once? Well the event surrounding that ONE TIME has more power than any of the consequential times that you commit a certain act. Ask any drug user and they’ll tell you that they only ever wanted to try it once, just as experimental, and to see what it was like. But, having taken that drug the one time, that person suddenly crosses the incredibly large boundary of "Having not done this something" to "Having done that something". This is the biggest journey that people will make on the road to a habit, and no matter how well they resist doing something again, even if they do it incredibly well, they have still crossed that line which leaves a scar on their decision making regarding that subject from there on in. Subconsciously, you’ve given your mind the precedent which will affect your decision making, even when you don’t realize it.

How does this relate to dating? Well, indirectly it has enormous effects, but as you may have noted, it is something that will effect everything that you do in life. One of the most important elements of the precedent is the entire crossing over stage. This is the part in which you my friend make that leap from having not done something to having done it. The most important step. So next time you are faced with the possibility of trying something for the first time, think about precedents. Think about how this one event will be the most important step in your future decisions. It may not feel like a big event in your mind, but subconsciously you’ve overcome the biggest barrier that you have had. It may be approaching a girl, it may be having sex for the first time. Dammit, it may even be speaking to a girl for the first time, but no matter how smaller obstacle you’ve over come, you’ve set up a future precedent. One that will lead to more an more.

When I first started this whole Don Juan thing, everything seemed daunting. Every small step, every rejection seemed like a waste of time because the mountain I had to climb was too big. Why was I climbing rocks when Everest awaited? What I didn’t understand was how powerful these precedents I were creating for myself were doing. It wasn’t until I developed later down the track that I realized how important those initial first steps were. You may not appreciate them now, but you will later on in your sarging career, trust me.

Never underestimate the power of precedents my friend, as it will play an incredible part on every decision you’ll ever make.