The power of agreement

the suave juan

Don Juan
Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
Was just looking through the articles on the front page again and an interesting one caught my attention, and that was the Don Juan Commandmants of body language(I believe). I hadn't seen too many posts on it so I thought i'd chip in, although if I was wrong my bad. Anyways I was sitting there thinking about one of the main points of the article is making sure to nod your head and watch the person telling you something become more excited. This is a very simple concept because think about anytime that a friend of yours male or female was telling you a funny story or something like that, and in this instance for example you've experienced or witnessed what your friend is telling you about and if you either start nodding or tell them you can identify with it as soon they know you can identify with what they're saying they normally start cracking up while telling the story. Seriously just try it out sometime with a friend or somebody else. This just doesn't apply to funny stories but philosophies in general.

When someone can identify with you on some kind of level though whether it simply be through a story they told you, they already feel somewhat closer to you as a person which helps with getting close to the hottie's story your pretending to pay rapt attention to.

Diclaimer: Don't always agree with everything they say just to be doing so, because say you believe in abortion and a girl doesn't, don't agree with her just to be doing so. Instead though hopefully you and any girl you're going out with will able to connect on some level, so just realize that the simple nod of the head doesn't mean that you neccesarily agree with what a person says but it does convey that you understand they're saying and that can be used as a valuable tool
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
perris, ca
power of agreement

i agree with you . sometimes i do smile and nod mi head a little when im talking to some girl but it depends if i like her or not .i usually use this to keep the conversation going and see what makes her tick.:cool: .

mi reply might be weak right now because i just started posting . ive been reading the posts for a year now. well newbie to newbie good luck in your don juan life. latez