The Phone Should Only Be Used To Set Up Dates


Sep 11, 2013
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Vulpine said:
Uh... your game is so weak that you can't leave a phone message? No wonder you advocate texting. You're confidence is so lacking that you actually ask "why would she call you back"? I can tell you why women call ME back: I'm hot like eating jalapeños while getting head in a sauna.™ But, I can see why they wouldn't call YOU back. You don't leave a message. ...because you don't call.
...because you text.
...because you're a püssy.
...and women don't call back püssies they don't want to date.

Don't get p¡ssy, I'm just putting it to you straight.

What, are you going to take her to court if she's not interested? What do you need "in writing" and "proof" for? Moreover, if you are waiting by a phone...
guess what: you don't have to, regardless of whether you left a message or not.

If you don't text guys, but text chicks, you're chasing them. You are changing your behavior to accommodate women: you are trying to become what you think THEY want instead of becoming what YOU want. That's backwards from where your head should be. You should qualify women, not qualify yourself to women. Your actions are incongruent, and women smell this weakness a long way off.

It is game playing: you CONNECT with them in real time, face-to-face, penis-to-vagina. Otherwise, it's all just words that are easily forgotten.

I'm completely down with technology. In fact, did you know they have this thing called an "ignore list". Totally. It's a list thing where you put ƒuckwit kids who have no clue about attraction dynamics when you don't care to see their tripe cluttering up threads. It works great.

Yes, it does now seem essential to text if you are a girl. If you are a man, however, it's optional.

Yes, texting IS so much easier than face-to-face game. And, the modern trend of the Japanese carrying around dolls and referring to them as their "girlfriend" is a modern thing, but you don't hear it touted as "good" simply because it's modern. Your statement is like saying "a fresh stick in the eye is better than an old pair of safety glasses". A "new bad" is still bad. Which is better, an old Porsche, or a new Yugo?

By ahead, you mean, in the future? Wait...


You're telling me that the only people that can have dates in the future are those with a home phone?

How, exactly, does that make texting better than a phone call, again? I'm missing the connection. The way it reads, you're advocating getting rid of your cell phone? I...

*clickety, click, click*
You sound like the one of the bitter old men I called out.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Dhoulmagus said:
You sound like the one of the bitter old men I called out.

Your tiresome threads are proof positive you have no clue about women or how attraction works. You should:

1) stay out of this argument as you clearly have nothing constructive or intelligent to offer, and
2) show some respect to those that do and learn from them.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Uh... your game is so weak that you can't leave a phone message? No wonder you advocate texting. You're confidence is so lacking that you actually ask "why would she call you back"? I can tell you why women call ME back: I'm hot like eating jalapeños while getting head in a sauna.™
Well bro if they phone you back in 3 seconds because they want to give sex in a sauna while you are eating a sandwich, you got it going on.

Personally I don't phone unless I have substantial something to say. I wouldn't call a girl back who didn't leave a message either.

What, are you going to take her to court if she's not interested? What do you need "in writing" and "proof" for? Moreover, if you are waiting by a phone...
guess what: you don't have to, regardless of whether you left a message or not.
Bro I've been to court with a girl because it wasn't in writing.

Yes you don't have to wait by the phone, but why are phoning her if you don't care she calls back?

If you don't text guys, but text chicks, you're chasing them. You are changing your behavior to accommodate women: you are trying to become what you think THEY want instead of becoming what YOU want. That's backwards from where your head should be. You should qualify women, not qualify yourself to women. Your actions are incongruent, and women smell this weakness a long way off. It is game playing: you CONNECT with them in real time, face-to-face, penis-to-vagina. Otherwise, it's all just words that are easily forgotten.
Texting is just a personal preference for me.

You are probably right, because from what you are doing you seem to be getting alot of sex by phoning.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
sylvester the cat said:
Your tiresome threads are proof positive you have no clue about women or how attraction works. You should:

1) stay out of this argument, and
2) show some respect to those that do and learn from them.
and your posts make me cringe harder than a Bruno Mars song. If I was gaming my grandma than his op would serve some purpose. This obsolete nonsense needs to be put in the books like Windows 98.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Texting, phone calls who gives a sh1t. Whatever way gives you the best results use it. The whole point of being a good DJ is doing what you do best, not what somebody else thinks is best for you. Shameless business plug by the OP at the end of the post. A very tacky way to drum up business.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
For f*cks sake, it doesn't matter if you text or call. What matters is if she's into you or not.

It doesn't matter if you text, call, fax or email. If she's not into you, she will flake or dismiss you. Period.

All this OP does is peddle his website for gullible chumps who actually believe that calling an uninterested woman will make any difference.
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
Hey guys:

I decided to make this post stating the seemingly obvious because, as of late, I've been reading post after post of different guys having the same exact problem. Most of them read like this:

"So, I got a girl's number the other day. Soon as I got home, I started texting her/calling her. She responded back, and we messaged for a few hours. Then, the next day, I wanted to try building some rapport with her to get her to like me. So, I spent another day texting/messaging/calling her. Blah blah blah, now it's day 5 of me messaging her, and I hinted that I wanted to take her out/hinted that she should come over to my place, and she said she was busy/she stopped answering my text/she said she just sees me as a friend. What do I do?"
If the girl wanted to go out don't you think she would say let's hang out? If she was reeeeeally interested she would. Think she would not attempt to ask a cool guy she wants to know?

sylvester the cat said:
Your tiresome threads are proof positive you have no clue about women or how attraction works. You should:

1) stay out of this argument as you clearly have nothing constructive or intelligent to offer, and
2) show some respect to those that do and learn from them.
Only your opinion is good and his is not?

Dhoulmagus said:
and your posts make me cringe harder than a Bruno Mars song. If I was gaming my grandma than his op would serve some purpose. This obsolete nonsense needs to be put in the books like Windows 98.
he he so true.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
I'm seeing a lot of discussion about texting being for weak pvssies and Calling is for real Men who understand game etc etc

Again..some people on this forum take this Real Man thing too far.. Always trying to Be so Damn Alpha.

The Only reason people (MALE and FEMALE) use text so much is because of Convenience and usually cheaper.

Thats all!! Gadammit don't make this an issue people

Modern Times goes something like this

phone beeps
her: Heeeeey what are u doing tonight?
me: chillin
her: wanna hang?
me: sure..
--texting setting up the time and place etc etc--
where are youu??
me: on my way!
me: yes i'm here where are u
her: at the entrance.
--hugs etc etc have, fun, kiss goodbye--

next day other girl
open text app
me: hey, going to the round table at bk
me: u coming?
her: LoL round table? at what time?
me: at 8. Yes the Round Table!!
her: LoL :p Meet u there
me: where u at?
her: just arrived
--hugs, eat, talk, have fun etc etc.. get laid, kiss goodbye--

The good ole Alpha way

ringg ringg
girl :....hello?
Alpha Joe: Hey this is Joe!
girl: uhm..yes? while thinking WTF..usually only my dad/mom calls.. weird -_-'
Alpha Joe: wanna hang ?

:crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Dhoulmagus said:
All these old ass guys on this board need to get with the times. Texting is now essential with girls these days. I ******* hate getting phone calls because I have to stop whatever I am doing and focus on that. Texting is so much easier and modern. Yes you can kill your game with texting and you can as in person too. Plan ahead dates are for people that only have a home phone anyway. Unless you are Brad Pitt, they will most likely forget or flake.
Lol you cannot call someone old and then use Brad Pitt as an example of a male hottie women want brah. I agree with your point...but sub in Channing Tatum at least lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
This guy never gives up does he? he only wants to make money off his products, not helping men out.

Harry Wilmington said:
every time you bring this up harry, everybody goes ape sh!t arguing over nothing.

Harry Wilmington said:
a date will not happen with a chick who isn't interested, you are lying to men making them think the phone will get them a date.

Harry Wilmington said:
Anyway... hope this helps! Now... listen to my podcasts and order my stuff!! (LoL)
it's obvious to me (and to other posters) that harry's only intent of this post was to peddle more of his lousy products off his site.

are you that desperate for listeners and customers that you need to advertise all your products in every post you make?

the only time you ever post in here is when you are peddling a product or a podcast, all your threads are well crafted to sound good for the reader to push the stuff you're selling, you don't care about helping men harry, you only care about getting fools to make you some money, that quote says it all.

stop peddling your products harry using this site as a platform for your website, there is a no advertising policy in the forum, respect it!


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Dhoulmagus said:
All these old ass guys on this board need to get with the times. Texting is now essential with girls these days.
You will find that many of us "old ass guys," you know, the ones who paid $500 a month for our clunky cellphones in the 90s while you all were playing Pokémon or even trying to squeak through cracks in rubbers, the ones who trained women to put a beeper up their panties so we could vibrate them at work, already went through the texting thing. I went through it. Made mistakes. THEN I LEARNED. We been there, we done that. It's like some folks here think we are being crotchedy and making stuff up just to spoil your fun. We aren't. We know. We don't want younger men making the same mistakes WE MADE and our friends made, often over and over...UNTIL WE LEARNED.

Texting is GREAT. For selectively juicing up a woman infatuated with you already during that X month honeymoon, head full of oxytocin, she comes when you kiss her, who you have been banging for weeks or months... as a TREAT. Never before, and never as a constant tether to "someone out there who likes meeeee!!!!" :flowers: "I'm someone special with friends!!!" :flowers: But that's it. That's about the extent of the legitimate use of text, polishing something very selectively that you already have well in the bag to make the sex better.

Other than that, texting and phone chatting is effeminate, as in -womanly-. It's a sugar tit. It's a crutch that breaks. It's a miscommunicator. It's a time-waster. It's a pvssy drier upper. It's an unnecessary drama machine. It's mental drool. It tells a woman more swiftly and surely than any other method that you are... just like the rest, just another boy not doing things that men do, but stroking your inner vagina and cooing with her instead. Awwwwwwww.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
dasein said:
You will find that many of us "old ass guys," you know, the ones who paid $500 a month for our clunky cellphones in the 90s while you were playing Pokémon or even trying to squeak through cracks in rubbers, the ones who trained women to put a beeper up their panties so we could vibrate them at work, already went through the texting thing. I went through it. Made mistakes. THEN I LEARNED. We been there, we done that. It's like some folks here think we are being crotchedy and making stuff up just to spoil your fun. We aren't. We know. We don't want younger men making the same mistakes WE MADE, often over and over...UNTIL WE LEARNED.

Texting is GREAT. For selectively juicing up a woman infatuated with you already during that X month honeymoon, head full of oxytocin, she comes when you kiss her, who you have been banging for weeks or months... as a TREAT. Never before, and never as a constant tether as "someone out there likes me!!!!" :flowers: "I'm someone!!!" :flowers: But that's it. That's about the extent of the legitimate use of text, polishing something very selectively that you already have well in the bag to make the sex better.

Other than that, texting and phone chatting is effeminate, as in -womanly-. It's a sugar tit. It's a crutch that breaks. It's a miscommunicator. It's a time-waster. It's a pvssy drier upper. It's an unnecessary drama machine. It's mental drool. It tells a woman more swiftly and surely than any other method that you are... just like the rest, just another boy not doing things that men do, but stroking your inner vagina with her instead. Awwwwwwww.
Game has changed old man. Don't act like a sarcastic d!ck to other people. Do you still use your old clunky cell phone or do you have a modern one? If so, start using modern technology that our generation uses. Maybe you might finally get a date.

Last girl I called on the phone said " Why are you calling? I only text."


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Boxer00 said:
Game has changed old man. Don't act like a sarcastic d!ck to other people.
It's OK Sunshine, go text your gal pals about mean old sarcastic anonymous d1cks on the interwebz, they'll make it all better.

Boxer00 said:
Do you still use your old clunky cell phone or do you have a modern one? If so, start using modern technology that our generation uses. Maybe you might finally get a date.
"Modern technology," the arrogance of the special snowflake generations (and of their multiple sock puppets, increasing here day by day) never ceases to amaze. You realize the "modern technology" you are talking about was "new technology" when WE mastered it back in the 80s and 90s? Care to crack into some hex code to get a software package on 18 floppies installed? Didn't think so. We understand the technology just fine, we also know that just as OP says, texting kills attraction. I can always use some pointers on getting a date, though, do tell. Anxious to hear your sage wisdom on that topic Mr. Socky.

Boxer00 said:
Last girl I called on the phone said " Why are you calling? I only text."
If that's the response you get from women you call to ask out, sorry bout that, there are lots of stickies on this forum you need to read. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Starwolf said:
The good ole Alpha way

ringg ringg
girl :....hello?
Alpha Joe: Hey this is Joe!
girl: uhm..yes? while thinking WTF..usually only my dad/mom calls.. weird -_-'
Alpha Joe: wanna hang ?

:crackup: :crackup:
No. The good ole Alpha way

ring ring
me:... hello?
girl:... I'm MAD at you, you haven't called meeeeeee and don't answer my texts.
me:... why so mad? I want you to be happy! my texter is broke and I like to hear your voice anyway.
girl:... liar, get over here now.
me:... I'm busy right now, how bout tomorrow? I'll call you
girl:... noooooo. I'll do -anything- you want.
me:... wash my car? you're on.
girl:... ass.
me:... OK, I'll come by in an hour, but can't stay that long.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Boxer00 said:
Game has changed old man. Don't act like a sarcastic d!ck to other people. Do you still use your old clunky cell phone or do you have a modern one? If so, start using modern technology that our generation uses. Maybe you might finally get a date.

Last girl I called on the phone said " Why are you calling? I only text."

Again I say... Communication is communication and dudes need to stop overthinking this stuff. Text and phone convos have worked just fine for me. The old fuddy duddy attitude from some guys on this site is pathetic. So is the need to bash younger dudes for doing things differently. If it works for us...get over it.

Let me repeat. Cell phone use has helped me a bunch with women and has expanded and improved my dating life.


Jan 12, 2015
Reaction score
Jaylan said:

Again I say... Communication is communication and dudes need to stop overthinking this stuff. Text and phone convos have worked just fine for me. The old fuddy duddy attitude from some guys on this site is pathetic. So is the need to bash younger dudes for doing things differently. If it works for us...get over it.

Let me repeat. Cell phone use has helped me a bunch with women and has expanded and improved my dating life.

Can you please tone down the positive, healthy attitude. We're trying to spread the self-defeatist misery around here. Thanks!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
dasein said:
No. The good ole Alpha way

me:... why so mad? I want you to be happy! my texter is broke and I like to hear your voice anyway.

old clunky cell phone?


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Starwolf said:
old clunky cell phone?
"My texter is broke" is a good way to let them know you don't do lots of texting without making a deal of it. They know you're joking and it works great. You want them calling you, working to get some of your time. Be different. Be of value.

Have had all kinds of phones over the last 25 years including three types of smart phones, went back to a water resistant, impact resistant Samsung rugby flip phone that is 5 years old. It does everything I want a phone to do, and goes through the washing machine just fine. People rarely even see my phone, and that's just the way I like it. I certainly don't want to see theirs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
dasein said:
"My texter is broke" is a good way to let them know you don't do lots of texting without making a deal of it. They know you're joking and it works great. You want them calling you, working to get some of your time. Be different. Be of value.

Have had all kinds of phones over the last 25 years including three types of smart phones, went back to a water resistant, impact resistant Samsung rugby flip phone that is 5 years old. It does everything I want a phone to do, and goes through the washing machine just fine. People rarely even see my phone, and that's just the way I like it. I certainly don't want to see theirs.
People not seeing your phone often brought 2 things to mind;

1. When you are not using a smartphone, your less inclined to have it out all the time. Now, while smartphones do allow people to do a variety of tasks...I have to admit that I bullsh!t on my phone most of the time. That isnt to say Im never productive on it.

2. Phones have become a damn status symbol (iphone being the most guilty of this). This has decreased some in the last few years...but many men and women have to have the latest greatest, and coolest phone. They need their phone to be seen. And for some people, features and functionality don't matter as much as having the sleek new toy on the block.

What do I do when I want or need a new phone? I figure out my budget...and its never a huge budget as I refuse to spend the kind of money on a phone that I can spend on a brand new computer, big screen tv, or gaming console. After I figure out my budget, I do a ton of research based on reading and watching real-world reviews, tests of the phone, and the kinda specs I need

For those familiar with phone models, the Moto G by Motorolla was an insane best seller because it was so damn affordable, and you also got great specs, performance, and good battery life. I see people getting the Iphone 6 and getting locked into a contract for a subsidized phone, with an overpriced monthly bill. And if they want to own the phone themselves, its damn expensive for the specs and performance you get. Meanwhile, I never really see people do things on the phone that you couldnt do on other phones that are half the price (off contract too)

Men, dare I say you may know the type of girl you have based on the phone she has. The girl Im currently seeing has a phone that was very damn popular......almost 5 years ago (nevermind the beatup case). When I urge her to upgrade for better functionality and battery life, she says its fine for what she needs it to do, and that she'll upgrade when its dead.

She has been the most down to earth, low maintenance, and chill girl I have dated. So if you wanna use any sorta rules when it comes to dating and phones...maybe look at the toys a girl buys herself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Trump said:
Bro I've been to court with a girl because it wasn't in writing.
That's freaky. I can't even begin to relate, sorry.
dasein said:
You will find that many of us "old ass guys,"
...ones who trained women to put a beeper up their panties so we could vibrate them at work,
...We don't want younger men making the same mistakes WE MADE and our friends made, often over and over...UNTIL WE LEARNED.
texting and phone chatting is effeminate, as in -womanly-. It's a sugar tit. It's a crutch that breaks. It's a miscommunicator. It's a time-waster. It's a pvssy drier upper. It's an unnecessary drama machine. It's mental drool. It tells a woman more swiftly and surely than any other method that you are... just like the rest, just another boy not doing things that men do, but stroking your inner vagina and cooing with her instead.
It's a video game for women.
Repped. Remember pager codes? -69, -911, -411, etc? Wanna talk about "status symbols"? That was back when digital beeping wasn't heard commonly. Now, you can't leave the house without hearing beeps, ringtones, people yelling into their phone like it's a tin can on a string... cellphones are less novel then pagers were in their day, simply because the digital technology was "new". "What's that crazy beeping noise? You hear that? What IS that? Sssh! It's buzzing! Listen! What the hell is that!?"

Boxer00 said:
Last girl I called on the phone said " Why are you calling? I only text."
Whenever I get a first text from a chick that requires a response, I call, and give the response. I've gotten the "why are you calling? I only text" test, too. My response has ALWAYS been: "I don't text. I get them just fine, but I don't send them. So, if you send a text requiring a response, expect my phone call." pass the sh¡t test by staying congruent, not by apologizing and supplicating (agreeing to her texting conditions).

You'd be surprised how well that simple interaction works to reveal a woman's qualities. How? Well, when I offer that I don't text, I get two types of responses. The first being critical of me: shaming, mocking, and disrespectful. Much like the response from group-think broads on here: "Who doesn't text? That's weird."

The second type of answer is: "Ok."

The first "fighting me" answer gets a woman disqualified (or at least a strike against them) as it reveals an adversarial nature and/or a low interest. The second "Ok" answer reveals a cooperative nature and/or interest. This filtering is important to me as I don't care to find out weeks or months down the road that I hooked up with an enemy, not a partner. Moreover, there are far too many Barbie clones to be sifting through to give them more than 3 strikes. Anti-Dump really got my head right in terms of wasting time on garbage women, I can't recommend his posts highly enough. Further, Señor Fingers, in his post Weapons of Mass Seduction, has a chapter called: Empowering your Voice. He does well to illustrate the dynamics involved with a woman hearing your voice. I suggest the folks who are adamant about texting give those posts some reading. There is no sense in trying to explain the attraction dynamics when it's been done so eloquently in so many other "Five Star" threads.

Last night, my frau got home from work and started complaining about her day...
Frau: "(subordinate dude) had an order that was messed up and sent 3 e-mails to the other department to try to fix it. I went over and asked him what was going on with (the order) and he told me that he was waiting for a response from (female) in (department). I sort of messed up and called him out in front of everyone basically yelling that he needs to pick up the phone and call RIGHT NOW!"
V: "As if (female) was going to be in a big hurry to reply to those nasty e-mails, eh? She was probably far too busy on Facebook to be bothered with work stuff."
Frau: "Chicks don't return messages, he should know that. You have to call sometimes, especially when something is important or time sensitive."
V: "Well, remember when I called you the first time?"
Frau: "Yeah. I remember looking at the number that I didn't recognize come up."
V: "And...?"
Frau: "I think I answered on the third ring. I'm glad I answered. I couldn't believe you called the next day!"
V: "I remember being on my way home, fully expecting your voicemail."
Frau: "Yah, I couldn't believe it was YOU. I remember the first time I texted you, too."
V: "You remember what happened?"
Frau: "You called me right back and told me you didn't text."
V: "What did you think about that?"
Frau: "Well, it's like (subordinate dude from above story) hiding behind his e-mail to take care of business, I was sort of shocked by how straight-forward you were."
V: "So, you're basically telling me that, because I didn't act scared of you on the phone, or hide behind the text screen, you saw me as different?"
Frau: "That's it, exactly. Because you didn't play phone games, it was different than all the other guys who were constantly texting How R U and stuff. I really couldn't figure you out."

^^that was just yesterday^^
I put it up here to demonstrate how frustrated a woman can be at douchebags for not using the phone when it's time to use the phone.
Vulpines Frau said:
You have to call sometimes, especially when something is important or time sensitive.
According to this woman, phone calls are for important matters. Would it stand to reason, then, that texts are for trivial matters? Wouldn't texting a chick trivialize her?

Anyway, I called her the day after I got her number. Believe it or not, all that "wait 3 days" and whatnot is usually counter-productive, just as texting can be. Often, instead of appearing that you are "not desperate", it comes across to women as "Player", and works against you. No, in this case, I was on the way out of town to spend a long weekend cutting wood at home and didn't care to be plagued with the thoughts of "is the hot chick I just met interested" So, I called and got it off the "to do" list sooner-than-later. Oops, she answered, and I spun the car around for a date later that evening. I called the next day, went on a date the night I called, spent that night in her bed: no texts.

She's 9 years my junior. So, while guys her age were busy trying to text her an older, non-texting guy is the one she is attracted to? What is there to be "bitter" about? She still remembers how I stood apart after 5 years: that's a lasting impression.

Remember sitting in school and handing notes across the aisle? Texting is just like that note-passing in school, except there is no paper now, and no getting caught passing the notes. Texting is like a guy slipping a note into the locker of a girl, hoping nobody sees you, instead of just talking to her. It's high school crap for those still stuck in that high school social mindset. Some people leave their school years behind and evolve into having adult social skills. Others don't evolve, and they stay stuck passing notes to girls they like, wondering why those girls are interested in the college guys, or *gasp* even older men!

A woman insisting on texting is shady, anyhow. "I only text" says to me: "I don't want my BF/Husband/orbiters to hear me on the phone with you." It just screams cºck carousel branch-swinger. I'm not going to chase that, or pander to it via text, supplicate because she "only texts", or give much of a damn at all because "I only text" is surely wºmanese for "I only text guys I don't want to ƒuck". Call them and have a clear answer of interest sooner than later; don't get stuck feeding them attention from the friend zone like so many orbiting tweeters thinking they can "connect".
Harry came here to drop some free science for guys because, despite the obligations of his website, he stays in tune with the manosphere, just like RT and others who volunteer the gold nuggets to you for free. Yes, a little plug at the bottom is "against website rules". But, I would say he knows far more than most considering he's versed enough to have his own site, right? Just because information is contrary to what you THINK, doesn't mean it's invalid.

Guys come to SS to undo misconceptions about women. This texting business is simply another misconception. Unless you have tried your own experiments with not texting versus texting, I think guys should keep an open mind. Or, at least use the topic as an excuse to read up on the underlying dynamics. Judging by the "for texting" and "against texting" posts in this thread, can you see how fewer "non-texters" there are? It illustrates the "stand apart" dynamic. There's a reason Harry came to make the "no phone games" post: to share insights based on attraction dynamics. It's the understanding of those attraction dynamics which have lead the "anti-text" guys to that conclusion.

If you must argue "for text", at least use generally accepted attraction principles to back up the points. Otherwise there is no point, because there is no support for your claims. "It's modern" and "Everyone is doing it" are not truisms, much less have anything to do with what attracts women.

If you should encounter women that "only text", think of them as addicted to drugs. Attention being their drug of choice, text messaging is the delivery system, just like a crack pipe or heroin syringe. Do you want to feed their addiction? Or, disqualify them? And it is really like this, despite sounding like an exaggeration. If women abuse the text function of their phone to such an extent that it messes up their personal relationships, guess what, it's a problem, whether "everyone has the same problem" or not.