The Pheromone Cologne Experiment


Apr 15, 2006
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To the mods: Please do not close this thread. Yes, the topic has been discussed many times before, and I'm not here to 'discuss' or 'debate' it.

It seems to me, the people who've tried it either say it does give you an 'edge' or it doesn't do much. And for the most part, the people who bash it and call BS haven't tried it at all.

Well, I'm one of the really skeptical ones myself. But I found one with a full, money-back-guarantee after 30 days, so I figured why not give it a try. Let me once and for all see if this thing works or not, rather than just read biased opinions online.

The point of this thread is to take notes on the effects of the cologne. I order a product called Pherlure, here:

I have no affiliation with them, and in fact, I did tons of searches online...and actually found this site which provides some very good evidence that Pherlure is complete BS:

Anyway, a little about myself...I'm a pretty confident guy. Had, and continue to have a 4-month and ongoing dating drought. Mostly because I wasn't "in the game" for a while and not being social much or approaching with the excuse of being busy. But if you've 'had it' before, it doesn't take much to get it back...and I think I feel like girls are somewhat more aware of my presence now as it is...

I can approach with confidence again now...I've read some of the 'reviews' on the product and guys saying they felt like they were more confident to don't need cologne for that.

However, I am not getting hit on or approached like I used to. This cologne claims that will happen when I use it. I'm hoping it will give me more of a step in the door, so-to-speak...more of a receptiveness to my approaching.

So...I ordered a bottle, and we'll see what happens.

(I'll also be doing more approaches while testing it to see how it directly affects or ruins or doesn't do sh!t for my game)

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Pheromones are a bunch of bullocks but I wanted to point one thing out...
A full, money-back-guarantee after 30 days
Which is still a rip-off. You will still have to pay shipping to ship the stuff back. Companies which say they cover shipping & handling always neglect to mention it's only for one-way.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
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Interesting. I'm waiting to see where this leads. Probably a load of BS, but never-the-less, I want to see how this turns out.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Pheromones will not make girls chase you down the street, or tear your clothes off.

Also, humans put out several types of pheromones, simultaneously.

If you use a type of phero that you are already producing in high levels, it will have a negative effect.

There is a lot more to pheromones than putting them on, and waiting for the women to come to you.

At best, they will make women more responsive to you.

At worse, they will repel women if you use too much.

And don't buy products from anyone who makes any outlandish claims either.

Used correctly, they are another weapon in your arsenal, but by themselves, they will not get you laid.

If you truly want to do a real experiment, it will take time, patience, money and lots of field testing.

If you're serious, start here:


Apr 15, 2006
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Derek Flint said:
At best, they will make women more responsive to you.
If you're serious, start here:
And actually, that's all I really care for.

Yeah, I'm serious about techically field-testing it to see if it makes any difference. Thanks for that link, I'm checking it out.

(btw: my package should be arriving by Thursday or Friday of this following week)


Apr 15, 2006
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This is a pretty useless update...but after reading that site posted above, I have come to the conclusion that Pherlure is complete BS. So, Derek...big thanks for pointing out that forum...I wish I'd found it before I ordered the Pher-crap. Because like DD mentioned, I will have to spend money to send it back to them. And waste my time to get it sent out, etc. Sucks.

Luckily, however, there are real products out there that do scientifically work, it seems. I may use Pherlure once or twice just for the heck of it and return it promptly. I'll be ordering some other, more sound products instead. I'll report here and on that forum.

Actually...I'm starting to like that forum. It's essentially focused on trying different pheromones and approaching women. :up:

(and if I'm not mistaken, I've noticed some 'DJ' jargon, such as "kino" in a few of their posts...;) )


Apr 15, 2006
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Hate to keep bumping this thread as I haven't said much of substance with regards to actual experimenting yet.

However, since I got home today, something has really been bugging me; and that's the fact that I felt like I was already giving off so-called pheromones as I went shopping today.

I actually didn't do any approaches per-se, as we just rushed mostly from store to store. But, 2 distinct things that did happen...and both in the same store (because we were in that store for the longest amount of time...around 7-8min)

I was standing by the customer service desk, and a girl who had just walked in the entrance of the store walked around me from behind and stood to my right. And then she bent over without bending her legs...pretty much put her ass a few feet from my face and held the position briefly. And then she didn't even drop anything or take anything and just walked back to where she was?

I didn't think much of it then. But briefly after that, I walked over to where the large-screen TVs are. This is one of those wholesale stores...not Best Buy or Circuit City whatever, so you usually don't get 'sales' people asking you questions. Anyway, this really cute girl who works there approaches me from the left and walks around and when she's almost walking past me, turns around and smiles, "do you need help with anything?"

Sure, I know, she works there, and that's her job. But they don't get commision for selling at that store. It's akin to Walmart. And besides, after that, I noticed tons of other people looking at the TVs a lot more closely than I was and no one came up to them.

And anyway, the reason these two things had me curious is I was reading the 'ways to increasing your natural pheromones' on the same forum/site mentioned *here's a link to the info:*

I realized that I am doing exactly those things.

Take a zinc supplement...check, I take ZMA every night
Take a DHEA supplement...check, I take that once every 12hrs as a supplement to bulking
Take some herbal supplements...check, I'm taking fenugreek, which subsequently has made my nuts hang lower than ever btw

Also mentioned is that showering reduces pheromone levels. Coincidentally...and I hate to admit this...but I haven't showered since Wednesday (5/17) to be honest. But on days that I don't shower, I used my regular deodorant and tuscany cologne.


Anyhow, today it really struck me as weird that those things happened. Even if the sales girl thing was just her job...the girl sticking her ass at me was surely something...and damn me for not making something of it. But anyway, point being, keep in mind that I may already have some pheromone in me as it is.

So, I guess there will be more variables here than I first assumed. Perhaps the reason I hadn't noticed anything before is because of 1) not having showered since Wed., or 2) the DHEA thing I take says it will take several days before you see any effect.


Don Juan
May 21, 2006
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My experience

I've tried LOTS of brands of pheromones. I have a bio background, and have read most of the research on them, so I know there are some that really should work.

The first one I tried which did work was Athena 10X. The problem with that is that it's $100 for 3ml. But it does work (subtly).

Then I tried a bunch of other ones which didn't work (anything with lots of androstenone seems to be a turn-off for most women, at least in my experience).

The one I use now is Pherone pheromones V-5. It seems to have effects similar to and maybe stronger than Athena, but costs $40 for 10ml, which I can afford because one bottle lasts me about 1/2 a year wearing it every day.

So what do they do? In experiments by Martha McClintock at U of Chicago, two pheromones were found to make women relaxed and in a better mood. Experiments by Ivanka Savic (who was just in the news with her findings on the effects of the same pheromone on lesbians) show that pheromones cause activity in the hypothalamus of people they are affecting. She did PET scans of the brains of her subjects, and the differences were really obvious, so it's definitely not bunk.

This is in line with my experience: I tend to come off as really intense, and a lot of women can be intimidated by me. With these pheromones, they're more relaxed and receptive, so I get a chance to make my play.

What they DON'T do is make women come to you or fall at your feet. You still have to use all the tricks and techniques. The difference is, women who might have shyed away or turned me off before I had a chance to dazzle 'em with my personality are more likely to think I'm a good guy and feel relaxed with me.

Anyway, just my $0.02....
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Don Juan
May 21, 2006
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Oh, one other thing. If you want to boost testosterone, there are a number of ways to do it.

One good resource is here: LEF Male Hormone Modulation Protocol.

It's intended mainly for men who may have low testosterone, but there's a lot of good info there.

One thing I disagree on them about is indole-3-carbinol. Diindolylmethane makes more sense and is safer. The Nature's Way DIMplus is the one I use (every 3 or 4 days... the stuff is STRONG).

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Viktor said:
I've tried LOTS of brands of pheromones. I have a bio background, and have read most of the research on them, so I know there are some that really should work.

The first one I tried which did work was Athena 10X. The problem with that is that it's $100 for 3ml. But it does work (subtly).

Then I tried a bunch of other ones which didn't work (anything with lots of androstenone seems to be a turn-off for most women, at least in my experience).

The one I use now is Pherone pheromones V-5. It seems to have effects similar to and maybe stronger than Athena, but costs $40 for 10ml, which I can afford because one bottle lasts me about 1/2 a year wearing it every day.

So what do they do? In experiments by Martha McClintock at U of Chicago, two pheromones were found to make women relaxed and in a better mood. Experiments by Ivanka Savic (who was just in the news with her findings on the effects of the same pheromone on lesbians) show that pheromones cause activity in the hypothalamus of people they are affecting. She did PET scans of the brains of her subjects, and the differences were really obvious, so it's definitely not bunk.

This is in line with my experience: I tend to come off as really intense, and a lot of women can be intimidated by me. With these pheromones, they're more relaxed and receptive, so I get a chance to make my play.

What they DON'T do is make women come to you or fall at your feet. You still have to use all the tricks and techniques. The difference is, women who might have shyed away or turned me off before I had a chance to dazzle 'em with my personality are more likely to think I'm a good guy and feel relaxed with me.

Anyway, just my $0.02....
"Athena" is a rip-off

Contains DHEA only, and is expensive.

If you come off as "intense" then yes, Androstenone will intensfy that effect and more than likely scare off women.

For you, you should use either Androstenol or Androsterone, or a combo of both.

Most newbies will buy this stuff online, without doing much research, put on way too much thinking that more is better, then report that "it doesn't work"

Or worse, they will end up with a bogus product from a rip-off web site.

Again, it takes time, patience, experimenting and money to find what is right for you.

Different people will get different results from the same product, based on their personal testosterone and pheromone levels.

For newbies, I would recommend a product called "Alter Ego"

It has 3 of the above pheromones in it and is a legitimate pheromone product.

Use no more than 1 or 2 drops. Less is more. Using too much will definately have a negative effect on both Men and Women.

Small sample vials can be found on eBay for around $10.00 or so, while a full size bottle, which should last several months, can be found for around $35.00


Don Juan
May 21, 2006
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From reading the phero boards, I don't think anyone has proven that Athena is just DHEA. I've made my own DHEA solution by breaking up some tablets and dissolving them with alcohol, and it didn't seem to work like Athena.

But anyway, I don't use Athena any more, Pherone V-5 is better and cheaper.

I also don't use anything with androsterone in it. After trying a number of pheros I find that women seem to react poorly to me when I use anything with that pheromone, just as they do with androstenone.

Alter Ego contains both of those, and those are two pheromones that definitely don't work for me.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Yes, you're correct.

Part of my post was directed at you, and the rest at any newbies who may be considering experimenting.


Apr 15, 2006
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Okay...time for Experiment #1...

Just got my vial of Pherlure. Even though it is a 'scam' supposedly...

I put on a spray, and DAMN it smells good. I'm not going to bother returning it and just using it as regular cologne. Just one spray on the neck...smells awesome and it seems like it lasts longer than my usual cologne.

I'm thinking the reason it may ever 'work' for anyone is because it just smells good. Probably no pheremone effect, just smell. Anyway, I'll be trying out to see how just the nice smell helps my interactions or not.
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Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
May 21, 2006
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There was a study done of the odors which turned women on or off. "Men's Cologne" turned 'em off.

Pumpkin pie was one of the winners...