The perspective


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh,PA, USA
Well hello DJ's. What have I the great Aleks Discovered about girls in my travels and persuits.

Looks Matter!!!! I cant stress that enough. If you go to the Gym for an hour 4 times a week for two month you will drastic girl change in attitude towards you. I am sorry but just like dudes chicks want things they can play with. Just like we like their asses, breasts skinny tummies they want to play with our manly things. So the first part is that it all depends on you and whether you are willing to do what it takes to get em looking your way.

Okay lets say they are looking. DONT **** THIS UP!!! no pressure
. Basicly all you have to do is be calm, slightly selfish and smart.

1. Calm - girls are like sharks, they can smell fear. If you are afraind then she is clearly to good for you and she will leave.

2. Slightly selfish- dont be a major ******* but plan things in such a way that they benefit you, in the least if you next the ***** and the whole time its been on our terms, plus she wonders if there is something you have to deal with if you are dealing

3.Smart- i dont mean your A+ in organic chemistry, even though that can be a great way to get chicks to hang out with you, late study nights in midst of stress and frustration cause great relief ****s. But i mean smart in terms of what you say and how much you spoken. Dont pla y the depressed dude in the corner, you wont get ****, Dont be the cheery jock, you wont get **** either, just be the guy who gets here phone number and calls her few days later.

What's my point, Look good and use it.

Respond to the Good Samaritan.

"Eagles may soar but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines"


Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
DesertsFox said:
1. Calm - girls are like sharks, they can smell fear. If you are afraind then she is clearly to good for you and she will leave.
That's a good analogy. But I wouldn't use sharks...maybe toothless ones :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
well thats why i've told some of my friends that have low self-esteem issues, to put on a suit and tie. it's really amazing how you are percieved by everybody. if your about to walk into a store, people will open the door for you. girls will give you the double look.people will move out of your way. because you look and feel sharp.

thats why at call centers they want you to dress professional, because you'll act professional. any guy looks good in a suit and tie.

the first time i walked into a pub wearing a suit and tie, i felt uncomfortable because everybody there was dressed down. an attractive older couger walked up to me and said "you don't usually dress like that do you" and i was like no. and she winked and smiled and said it suits you. my confidence exploded. my ex remembers the first time she seen me at that bar all dressed up. it works