i would say:
* 5'9 to 6'1
* Partial mesomorph, partial ectomorph ( 60/40% )
* broad shoulders
* 28-32" waist
* Dark complexion
* Strong angular jawline thats narrows off sharply from a square cheekline (think tom cruise)
* Caucasian with mild tan
* Size 8-11 shoe
* Protuding glutes (has shape, but isnt fat or flat)
* Legs and torso are in proportion, one isnt overly long or short
* Non stubby fingers/toes
* X taper
* Square/triangular pectoral definition instead of rounded
* inclining eyebrows
* non receeding hairline/ straight linear base of where hair begins from forehead instead of round or un symetrical one.
* generally squarer face with rectangular tendancies
* no fat under chin or pudginess with cheeks
* Collar bone extends to outer regions of deltoids
* Inward bellybutton
Non - Genetically (available to all)
* 8-12% body fat
* 165/190lbs
* light to Medium density body hair (not bushy, yet not baby skinned)
* White or capped teeth
* Clear skin/Cleansing regime
* Manicured, pedicured, gential regions neatened
* Muscular symmetry
* Neck/Calves/Arms should equate to eachover: e.g if your neck is 15" so should your arms and calfs be.
* Hairless inside of nose
* Ridden of Abnormalities such as blemishes, warts, e.t.c