Okey guys, Ive gotten over many of my afc trait, like shyness, the fear to approache, not knowing what to say etc. Im actually proud of myself for getting to point im at currently in my PAU training. Now I can approache a women, get her to go on a date with me as soon as free. I can get her to my place, make her laugh, sit her on my bed and then kiss her. Fine i understand, on the first date i probably wont get that luckly. But the thing is, for me thats where it always ends, JUST KISSING. I cant get to the point where I pull her panties down and stick my **** in it. Even on the second date, and if Im lucky I'll get the third date but still nothing. Please fellow Djs, any tip or strategies that you use to deliver final blow would be much appriciated.