The older I get, the less and less glamour there is with getting girls and having fun in the game.

Oct 6, 2016
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For the most of high school, I missed out until I got to senior year and I didn't really start to have fun with girls until I got to college and figured out the importance of status. The sex was okay but when I look back at it, what makes it amazing is not the sex itself but the glamour that came with getting girls.

Being around other guys my age who were also getting hot girls, being invited to exclusive events thrown by sororities, the hookup culture, parties, and everything that was attached with getting girls and hooking up. It wasn't the sex but everything that led to the sex and allowed you to have it. The feeling of knowing that you were a part of an exclusive crowd by getting hot girls because you had to be a part of that crowd in order to get hot girls.

I guess it's validation combined with the ego boost that comes with knowing you're the man.

Then as I hit adulthood, it doesn't mean that much to me anymore with every passing month.

I don't care that much for landing a hot girl for sex, can easily pay an escort for the same experience and less BS.

It's all there is to it, you two have sex if you're lucky or you pay out of your butt to take her out on dates.

The feeling that it's really just you out there in the big world, everyone has moved on from it all, and if you're still chasing that sort of stuff then you're kind of lagging behind.

So many hot guys, hot girls, and high value guys I know have settled down after 30 and most in their late 20s. So many have matured from random one night stands to something more sophisticated I just don't want.

It doesn't have the same glamour to it.
May 14, 2017
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To each his own. I don't know your age but I'd say your going through an existential moment this to shall pass. I'll go through waves like that every now and then. I guess it's just the ebb n flow in all aspects of life. One thing that I seem to fall back on is I try not to have expectations in anything in life and tell myself it's all temporary and somethings are out of my control. I always try to search for peace of mind in every situation. Does it work Fock no, just kidding most of the time yes but sometimes no.

Escorts are a crutch that can weaken you over time if you hold a certain mentality of them you may want to steer away from them if your motivation is anything other then sport fvcking them for batting practice.

Your a man in America in 2017 it is really only you out here in the big world and we all die alone. The sooner a man comes to grips with that the sooner he can enjoy what's left of his life.

I would not get to caught up on what all of your other friends are doing if I were you. Half of what you think is going on with them is a facade. And if statics are correct half of them will be back in the field within 10 years due to a divorce. Im sure 1/4 of them are having affairs and one night stands now or they will.

If I had to guess I'd say your between 25-30 years old or in that ball park. If your a quick learner you will be out of these woods within a few years if not sooner. What you may or may not be dealing with now is the realization of real life as an American man and you can confront it head on or run from it. I choose to confront it every now and then when it shows it's ugly head. I'm not saying that's what your dealing with just some of the issues I had around that time in my life.