The Official Pattern Thread!

Live The Dream

Don Juan
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
go ahead and share your best patterns, I'll start

most of these are from Ross's SS book, with some changes:


Have you ever MET SOMEONE INCREDIBLE and after talking with them for a little while FEEL AN INSTANT CONNECTION with them? Like maybe even though YOU JUST MET THEM you FEEL EVERYTHING ELSE JUST MELT AWAY and you BECOME TOTALLY COMFORTABLE AND AT EASE with them and just BECOME FASCINATED WITH THE PERSON YOU'RE TALKING TO? I notice a lot of people can easily FEEL THAT CONNECTION, NOW, WITH ME, it usually takes a little longer before i can LET THAT CONNECTION TAKE PLACE, but then again depending on who it is, i can easily FEEL COMPELLED TO ACT ON THEM.


Can i make a confession? There was a time when i though i was in love with you. I mean i realize now, when i LOOK BACK, that i wasn't. I guess it was just at that time I could IMAGINE US HAVING SO MUCH FUN, IN MANY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS, and just PICTURE US GOING ON ALL SORTS OF ADVENTURES. I guess i was stupid to ever THINK THAT THINGS COULD BE LIKE THAT.


YOU: You'll never believe what i saw this guy do at a party the other night!

GIRL: What?

YOU: He walk right up to this girl, looks her straight in the eyes and says "Can you IMAGINE ME GOING DOWN ON YOU ALL NIGHT LONG? and you GETTING SO HOT AND TURNED ON that you just FEEL THE PLEASURE JUST BUILDING INSIDE YOU?" then he goes on to say, "can you FEEL THAT RIGHT NOW?" Heh, can you IMAGINE THAT?, she must have been shocked. I mean, did he actually expect her to PICTURE THAT ALL NIGHT LONG, and even ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS?, NOW, WITH ME, I would've just walked right up to her and kissed her.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Spit em Patterns on the fly

What ur talking about here are only small modifications to original patterns. And thats perfectly fine, as they are only examples. At first I was trying to remmember them word for word , but ull quickly learn that the pattern will not work as u usually talk 2 fast and ur use of language is much different from the language used in the pattern. So u HAVE to modify it in order to get anywhere with it. Thats what your doeing and pretty much everybody who uses this for a while before they simply beggin to spit patterns into anything. At this point your brain should/will be hardwired into this stuff and all ull have to do is choose target states and the rest will flow naturalry.
Ill give an example. Ran into a HB9 two days ago, who was my firends ex-girlfirend. Last time ive seen her was 3 years ago and she wouldnt even look at me. On top of that she was with a 6 who wanted badly to leave. Now the plan was to elicit feelings for my friend (did she still have any?) to see if there was any chance of them getting back togheder and had to keep her around long enough to do that. This is roughly how it went.

small raport, fluff chat etc...

HB9: Ive just had a weird day today, how about you?

iceHawk: (very energetically) Ive had a crazy day myself actually! Like all this week, ive had challanges and oppritunities come at me, and I jsut take them on. Its like you see the problem (pointed to Firend (6)) in advance and you just effortlesly SOLVE IT or REJECT IT RIGHT AWAY, but when some unexpected oppritunity comes at you (Point to Self) that, for some reason CAPTURES YOUR ATTENTION (PTS), I immediately think to myself "This is different (PTS), im taking THIS". You know what I mean right?

HB9: (Doggie Diner Bowl Look) Yeah....

iceHawk: And even though its sometimes very surprising or even overwhelming, I always know that, THERES SOMETHING SPECIAL HERE (PTS), because,... I dont know about most people (Point to Friend (6)), but I always have this feeling .. right here (solar plex), which tells me "This is right, Go for it! (PTS)" and I always do, because I hate pass it by, and later regret not doing anything when the opprigunity comes along (PTS).

Cumclusion: The fiend got mad at me more, HB9 got mad a the fiend for taking **** after that, we went out for some food, and i got to elicit the info i neded out of her


Live The Dream

Don Juan
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
icehawk, i see what you mean, and i agree completely,once you become comfortable with SS you'll be able to use it in regular coversations rather than just remembering different patterns....

but i have one question and i guess this has to do with SS in general, but is something i saw you use throughout your pattern

how important is it to point to yourself before or after imbedded commands, and i guess this is why i dont use it, doesn't it make it a little...obvious?


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, well first off they are not neccasary but make the process faster/more effective. Since the subcontious always takes into consideration all aspects of the message, using pointers simply furthers the idea trying to get ur message across.

Or something like that, BSSHSC has all the info u need, or jsut go on Kazza and snoop around, RJ explains this very well, as i find myself currently heavily wasted after not sleeping for like two days, ill post a longer therad on basics off/possibilities of SS later in the week, and maybe even start posting some NLS After Action Reviews cause many people have poor , bad ideas on the subject. jsut hand on and let me catch some shut eye for now :eek: