The NON-JUAN Post: Porn is Your BEST Friend!!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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Mr. NON-JUAN - Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... By Showing How to LOSE Them

Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

I only have one goal: helping you become better with women... by showing you how to LOSE them!!

If you are someone who is great with women yet doesn't know how to get that one girl off your back, I'm the guy to help you out! If you're a guy who just can't figure out why what you are doing isn't helping you get the girl you want, I'm the guy who can better explain it to you, then encourage you to continue doing it!

And, if you're a guy who wants to learn how to be a mack with the ladies... well, you might want to go to one of those other love doctors out there, ‘cause THAT AIN'T ME, pal!!

Oh yeah – check out the first chapter of my e-book by going here:!!

Today's Topic:

Picture this: it's Saturday night, you're lonely, and you want some action. You think about calling a girl up and seeing if she wants to hang out... but then you remember that you're a Non-Juan, so you can't think of who would want you to call them.

What is a Non-Juan to do? Well, there are two options:

You can go to the club, try to work on your macking game, score a broad, take her home, and wake up the next morning with a hot babe lying beside you feeding you breakfast. But, if you're a Non-Juan, you already know that's NOT going to happen;

OR... you can engage yourself in an activity that will not only prolong your single life, but also help aid you in your quest to be the ultimate Non-Juan!

And THAT activity, gentleman... is WATCHING ADULT MOVIES!!

"Okay, Mr. Non-Juan," you ask, "How is it that watching adult movies is going to make me become even MORE of a Non-Juan!"

As with anything in life, the more you are exposed to something, the more it can start to influence your behavior. If you do not believe this is true, look at the kids today who are growing up on hip-hop culture: most of them try to use the same mannerisms, clothing trends, and language as today's hottest rap stars.

The reason? If they see it enough, their subconscious mind is being trained to do the same things they seen being done, and in time they will act out those images.

And the same is true of porn. Think of all the wonderful scenarios you will be serving to your subconscious! Everything that a guy does in a porn movie to try and get a girl ends up working, no matter how outrageous the scenario is. Only in a porn movie could a guy get a girl by:

*Delivering a pizza to her house and saying, "did you order this, ma'am?"

*Being her doctor, and saying, "okay, now turn around and cough for me?"

*Attending a Star Trek convention - "alien guys REALLY turn me on!"

*Telling a girl something as sappy as "gosh... you sure do look puuurtty!"

*Being a complete wuss, yet having the girl like him DESPITE that?

NONE of these scenarios will usually get you a girl. However, if you watch enough porn, your subconscious will begin to believe the scenarios in these movies will actually work. And that's a good thing!

Because your subconscious believes it, you can trick your conscious mind into trying some of these scenarios when you run into women. Imitating the lines and actions to a woman in public will not only NOT work; it will also let women know that you have NO IDEA how to relate to women outside the realm of your TV screen!

With that said, here are some of the types of porn you should allow yourself to watch, along with how they will help you on your Non-Juan journey:

(1) Guy/Girl Porn: Standard adult action involving guy and girl. The reason for watching this is obvious: these movies show that no matter what the situation, the guy will always get laid by some hot chick that’s already willing to do his bidding. Now, when you go out in public, you'll be to say stuff to women that will give the impression that you see them as nothing but sex objects! Hoo-ray!

(2) Lesbian Porn: Adult action involving two or more girls. These movies can make your subconscious think that girls are only really interested in other girls. Now, when you ask a girl out and she says "no," rather than try and ask her out again, you can assume that she's just not into dating men. And why should she be, when another succulent-looking woman is out there for her to make out with instead?

(3) Dominatrix Porn: Adult action involving whips, chains, and lots of screaming. This type of porn will have your head thinking you aren't man enough to have sex with ANY woman. Your brain will be so stressed out thinking about all the acrobatics you have to do just to please a woman, you may end up not coming out of your house to even TALK to one for weeks!

In short, why go out of your house to get some action with a warm body, when all you need is a video tape, a rewind button, and bottle of lotion?!? Don't take the initiative to go out and meet girls - all the girls you will ever need can be yours in a 4-hour tape from your local adult superstore!!

That's all for now, guys!! Don't Forget -!! Also, check out my website at!!

-Mr. Non-Juan


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
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The Rillo, CA
This stuff is hilarious. Simple information for the guys who can't look at advice straight forward. But yeah, too much porn is like poison. I have a small stash but that's only motivation to go get the real ones.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Good stuff, 539 - but remember: even a small stash can be misued right if you sit there and rewind it over and over and over and over and...

-Mr. Non-Juan