Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

Check out my websites: - Read the First THREE Chapters of my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... To Losing the Girl of Your Dreams," order the book; learn all about Mr. Non-Juan and MORE! - Post comments about Mr. Non-Juan, and learn about upcoming promotions!


The Newly Revised Edition of My Book, "FROM PIMP TO WIMP: THE NON-JUAN's GUIDE... TO LOSING THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS," is now on eBay!! Simply go to and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!!


Today's Topic:

If you've been talking to a girl long enough - and as a Non-Juan, let me remind you: that should NEVER happen - it's inevitable that she's going to want to introduce you to her friends and family.

When a girl attempts to show you off to the other people she deems as important to her life, it is a very significant step towards being in a "relationship" with her. After all, why wouldn't she want to show you off to everyone she knows if she didn't think you, too, were going to be as important to her life as these people?

If you've gotten to this part of the dating game, it means one simple thing: you have NOT been doing enough as a NON-JUAN to convince this girl you're not boyfriend material!

YOU, Sir, sicken me.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Non-Juan! I was doing the best I could! I didn't know she's end up wanting me to meet other people she knows! What am I to do? WHAT AM I TO DO?!?"

Have no fear, Non-Juan's here! Remember: when there's a Non-Juan will, there's always a Non-Juan way!

Just because she's giving you the chance to meet up with her friends and family doesn't mean she's ready to commit to you just yet. What it DOES mean, however, is that she thinks she has a pretty good idea of the type of guy you are, and wants to secretly get the opinions of those close to her to help her finalize the decision.

The friends and family are like a jury of her peers. When you first meet them, they will be judging everything you do, from the way you hold a fork to the way you pronounce certain words. These are the people who will report back to her once you are gone, and give the girl the "thumbs up" approval of her dating choice, or the "thumbs down" disapproval.

In other words: you still have a shot of blowing your chances of getting with a girl by completely screwing up the "friends and family" meeting!

Here are just a few things you can do in the presence of a girl's friends and family that will make them reject you faster than O.J. at a black-and-white party:

1. PICK AT YOUR BODY PARTS. If you have a jock itch, scratch it. If you have a booger in your nose, pick it. You want to show these close companions of hers that you have no decorum about yourself, let alone any manners!

2. WHEN TALKING TO HER FRIENDS, TALK TO THEM LIKE YOU'RE "ONE OF THE GIRLS." If they bring up boys, say something like "oh my gosh, men are such DOGS, aren't they, girls?!?" If you notice them wearing a designer bag, say "oh my gosh, is that Louis Vatton?!? You have SUCH good fashion sense!" Her friends will wonder why she is dating such an effeminate man, and tell her to keep you around... but only as a friend!

3. WHEN MEETING HER FAMILY, MENTION THINGS THAT WILL EMBARRASS HER IN FRONT OF THEM. Tell them the "funny" lil' story about the time you two were about to do "it" but had to stop when you found out she was starting her period - that's one story sure to make her want to scream her head off! You can also mention things about her parents - "Wow, Mr. So-and-So, your daughter was right - that bald spot IS noticeable from a mile away!" - or her siblings - "Hey, you're still wearing those Power Ranger pajamas? She was right - no wonder you can't get any chicks!" Once you've gotten them mad, they'll be sure to tell her later that she'll be banned from the house if she goes out with you again!

4. TALK TO HER FRIENDS/FAMILY ABOUT HER BEHIND HER BACK. When she's not around, say stuff like "yeah, she's pretty nice, and I'm hopin' she'll put out soon!" or ""Her face is nice, except for that one eye that's bigger than the other." You may think they wouldn't dare tell their friend about what you said, but TRUST me - if there's one thing girls like more than seeing their friend with a new guy, it's destroying that relationship because they're secretly jealous of their friend's happiness! They'll start talkin' to her faster than Twista and Bone Thugs N' Harmony combined!

So there you go! If she wants you to meet the people closest to her, these tips'll make sure you only get that close once - then it's off to Non-Juan land for you!

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Newsletter!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, why not BUY Mr. Non-Juan's BOOK?

"From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" is a 135-page guide that teaches you EVERYTHING on how to get girls to NOT want to go out with you!!

The book gives advice on what to say on dates (so the girl will feel uncomfortable), how to dress (so a girl will flee when she first sees you), how to avoid getting close to a girl (so that she becomes inadequate about her ability to care for you and leaves YOU first), and much more!

To Read the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the BOOK, click here:

To Order the Book, go to my website, or and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!

If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to write me at Your question will be answered on Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Non-Juan said:
if there's one thing girls like more than seeing their friend with a new guy, it's destroying that relationship because they're secretly jealous of their friend's happiness! They'll start talkin' to her faster than Twista and Bone Thugs N' Harmony combined!
