Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!
Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

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The Newly Revised Edition of My Book, "FROM PIMP TO WIMP: THE NON-JUAN's GUIDE... TO LOSING THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS," is now on eBay!! Simply go to and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!!


Today's Topic:

There may be a part of you that thinks it's impossible to be a Non-Juan your whole life.

You might be thinking, "is it really possible to live an entire life without having a girlfriend, or dating a few girls here and there?"

In fact, you may even think you'll finally hit a stage of life where it's impossible to avoid having some member of the opposite sex want to be with you without wanting to show some affection in return.


If there's one thing a Non-Juan is extremely good at, it's always having an excuse in his arsenal as to why he can't date a woman.

There's the usual stuff, like pestering a girl to the point where she wants to run whenever she's around you, or making yourself appear less than manly in a woman's eyes.

However, the ultimate choice comes down to whether or not you are ready to enter the dating world. Once you become a man who actually wants to date a woman, your days of Non-Juaning are over.

And that's NOT a good thing!

Therefore, you have to see to it that you always have an excuse ready as to why you cannot date a woman.

As you live your life, you will get older, and have to change your excuses. The secret is to be able to adapt to whatever stage of life you are in, and use excuses that sounds plausible to both you and others around you as to why you're still single.

What follows are examples of excuses to use at different ages. People will rarely question if your excuses are valid - all they'll know is that you never seem to be able to have time to get a date or meet any women who might actually like you. Check it out!

Ages 0-13: This stage is pretty easy - all you have to say is "Ewww, girls have cooties - I don't want to date THEM!" and you'll be set!

Ages 13-18: The teen years. During this period, a good excuse to use is:

"I'm just concentrating on my school work so I can go to college, and having a girlfriend will distract me from that!"

You can also use the excuse that girls at this age are too wishy-washy to want to date a guy near their own age, and that it would be much better for you to wait until college to start dating.

Ages 18-22: These are the years when your sexual libido will be at its highest, but you MUST NOT GIVE IN! Girls may start showing interest in you - especially if you're (a) a college man, or (b) showing any signs of becoming financially successful at something. At this stage, it's important to use excuses that indicate you will be way too busy for girls:

"I have too many projects to do for these classes to even think about dating!"


"I'm just starting to get myself established - I can't bring a girl into all of this!"

Ages 22-29: For most men, this is when they've either (a) graduated college, or (b) have just started becoming really successful. Either way, now is the time where you want to use the "I'm finding myself" excuse. When people ask you why you're single, say things like:

"I'm just now starting to figure out who I really am - I can't date someone until I find out what it REALLY is that makes me tick!"


"I want to better establish myself before I bring another human being into my life!"

Never mind the fact that your family's been in your life all these years yet didn't distract you too much from getting this far - remember, you are a NON-JUAN!

Ages 30-40: People call this the "establishing" decade. By this time, most men are finally getting into the groove of life and really enjoying it. They are also already established into their ways, and don't feel like changing who they are for anybody. For a Non-Juan, this is the perfect age range to use excuses like:

"I'd like to date someone, but I'd have to change myself, and it would be too much of a hassle."

You can also use the excuse that you have been looking but that there "just aren't any good women out there in the world." Somebody start playing the small violin!

Ages 40-55: Once you hit 40, it actually becomes easier to make excuses for yourself. Guys tend to look more mature, i.e. better-looking with age while women... well, they aren't as lucky as us. Therefore, the amount of excuses you have at your disposal is expanded.

You can go for looks - "At my age, it's hard to find an attractive woman"

Fertility issues - "None of these women want to have kids, or are in menopause"

Age range issues - "All these younger women that keep hitting on me are so dumb!"

And, of course, pre-determined accusations - "These women just want a sugar daddy anyway!"

All of these excuses will result in one thing: you NOT getting a date or a partner of the opposite sex!

Ages 55-Death: By now, the dating pool should be significantly shorter for you. However, there are older women who are single or widows that may be trying to hook up. At which case, the only excuse you need is:

"I have AIDS, and don't have much longer to live!" Works like a charm!

And there you go! Remember: no matter what age you are, you can always have an excuse ready when it comes time to avoiding intimacy with a woman! A Non-Juan can be a Non-Juan at any age, and having a few well-thought out excuses will help get you through those hard times of girls trying to signal interest!

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Post!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, why not BUY Mr. Non-Juan's BOOK?

"From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" is a 135-page guide that teaches you EVERYTHING on how to get girls to NOT want to go out with you!!

The book gives advice on what to say on dates (so the girl will feel uncomfortable), how to dress (so a girl will flee when she first sees you), how to avoid getting close to a girl (so that she becomes inadequate about her ability to care for you and leaves YOU first), and much more!

To Read the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the BOOK, click here:

To Order the Book, go to my website, or and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!

If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to write me at Your question will be answered on Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"