The NON-JUAN Post for 05-08-2006: Setting Extremely High Expectations

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!
Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

Check out my websites: - Read the First THREE Chapters of my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... To Losing the Girl of Your Dreams," order the book; learn all about Mr. Non-Juan and MORE! - Post comments about Mr. Non-Juan, and learn about upcoming promotions!


The Newly Revised Edition of My Book, "FROM PIMP TO WIMP: THE NON-JUAN's GUIDE... TO LOSING THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS," is now on eBay!! Simply go to and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!!


Today's Topic...
Being a Non-Juan isn't just about getting a girl to avoid you. Sometimes, it's about knowing how to properly ****-block yourself.

Allow me to clarify: as a Non-Juan, you should be well aware of the many ways you can get a girl to not have feelings for you. Putting these methods to work for you will usually see to it your desire of being a Non-Juan stays intact.

However, while it is important to make sure these techniques continue to make girls run away from you, it's also important to downplay your natural instincts - you know, the ones that hunger for contact and/or affection from the opposite sex.

Even the most steadfast Non-Juan can find himself looking at, or thinking about, a girl in a certain way - one that says, "I know I'm a Non-Juan, but I think if I asked her out we could make it together as a couple..."

You do NOT want this to happen!

One of the best ways you can block yourself from continuing down a path that may lead to - ugh - a relationship, is to set expectations about the qualities a potential mate should have. These expectations should be set so high, no girl will ever be able to measure up to them!

"Wait a second, Mr. Non-Juan! If I set high expectations for what I think a girlfriend should have, isn't that going to make her want to live up to those expectations?"

Happily, the answer is "NO!" A girl doesn't mind making certain sacrifices to please a man she deems worthy of getting with. HOWEVER, no girl is ever going to be able to compromise all of who she is just to try and please you.

The key, however, is to make your expectations so ridiculous, she won't even want to try and change herself to meet them - in her eyes, these character trait requests will be too "dumb" and "extreme" for her to waste her time trying to change to!

Here are a few examples of some of the expectations you should set for all future interests:

(1) SHE MUST EAT WITH A FORK AND KNIFE AT EVERY MEAL. This may not seem so picky... but remember, finger foods like hamburgers, chicken, and fries don't usually require utensil usage. But who cares?!? Tell all your dates you only go out with girls who use silverware all the time, and you can be sure she won't be inviting you to any future barbeques, let alone anywhere else!

(2) SHE MUST ENJOY ALL ACTIVITIES YOU ENJOY. If you like to go bowling, she has to like bowling too! If you enjoy going to see comedies but she's more of a drama person, guess what? She'd better agree to go see every Jim Carrey movie that comes out, or else it's "bye-bye" for the drama queen! So what if having different interests can help a couple expand their horizons - you're a NON-JUAN, remember?!?

(3) SHE MUST HAVE THE SAME BELIEFS AS YOU. I'm not necessarily talking about religious beliefs; I'm talking about ALL beliefs. If you believe democrats are the devil and she's a democratic supporter, I got news for you: you need to kick her to the curb! If she's a Laker's fan and you like Miami Heat, you'd better DEMAND she change her team affiliation or else it's over! And with a request that ridiculous, she'll have no problem changing teams (if ya know what I mean)!

(4) SHE MUST HAVE A CERTAIN PHYSICAL FEATURE. You can save a lot of trouble about having to choose a girl by becoming extremely particular and prejudice about what your woman MUST look like physically. For example, you could say "I only date women with red hair," or "I only date women who have one leg that's 2 millimeters shorter than the other." This will narrow down the amount of women you have to choose from in the first place. Once you've narrowed them down by one physical feature, pick another one. No one girl is ever going to have all of the physical features you desire, but remember: compromise is NOT a Non-Juan's best friend!

(5) HER PAST MUST BE PERFECT. Back in college, I made it a point to not date any girls who weren't virgins. Why? Because in my eyes it besmirched them from being a "perfect" mate. You can do this too: just think of something horrible a girl could have done in her past - slept with others, done drugs, fought with her parents, skipped school - and then say "sorry, I can't date you because of this part of your past." Since no girl has a perfect record, you'll be practically guaranteeing yourself a future lacking in dates!

SO there you go, Non-Juans! Now get out a pencil and paper, make a list of ridiculous expectations, and use them the next time you even think about asking a girl out! With any luck, you'll be able to talk yourself out of asking her out before she even sees you!

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Post!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, why not BUY Mr. Non-Juan's BOOK?

"From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" is a 135-page guide that teaches you EVERYTHING on how to get girls to NOT want to go out with you!!

The book gives advice on what to say on dates (so the girl will feel uncomfortable), how to dress (so a girl will flee when she first sees you), how to avoid getting close to a girl (so that she becomes inadequate about her ability to care for you and leaves YOU first), and much more!

To Read the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the BOOK, click here:

To Order the Book, go to my website, or and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!

If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to write me at!

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Hey, Mr. NJ, there are countless women on online dating sites who have mastered this sublime technique for ensuring their continued singlehood.

Picking up tips from the gals, eh?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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Aside from the constant advertisements on his post I think the Non-Juan is developing a different approach to getting the point across. Nobody's stupid enough to take this literally.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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To answer Bonhomme, who wrote the following:

"Hey, Mr. NJ, there are countless women on online dating sites who have mastered this sublime technique for ensuring their continued singlehood. Picking up tips from the gals, eh?"

I wish I could give the girls credit for this, but I can't. Both sexes are equally responsible for creating this subconcious way of avoiding relationship hurt. As long as a person is able to create unrealistic expectations of what they want in a mate, they can assure themselves a long-lasting singlehood regardless of what sex they may be. It just so happens that I write these articles for guys, but most of this information is just as good at helping a woman avoid real intimacy with a man - go figure! :rockon:

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"