The NON-JUAN Post for 04-17-2006: Dating Tips From a Salesman

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Newsletter: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!
Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

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The Newly Revised Edition of My Book, "FROM PIMP TO WIMP: THE NON-JUAN's GUIDE... TO LOSING THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS," is now on eBay!! Simply go to and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!!


Today's Topic:

Prior to becoming the Non-Juan I am now, I worked a job in sales. It wasn't a door-to-door sales job, but it may as well have been. My job was to call up potential clients, set up a time to stop by their house, demonstrate a cleaning product, and then convince them to spend thousands of dollars buying it.

In many ways, the art of sales is similar to that of dating. You have a product (yourself) that you are trying to sell someone (a woman) and based on how you demonstrate that product, the someone in question decides whether or not they want to invest (their time) into it.

Some sales people always get the sale (we'll call them - ugh - the "Don" Juans). They go into the house expecting a sale, and a few hours later walk out with a big ol' check. They are able to do this by showing their product with ease, confidence, and a willingness to walk away from a non-sold customer with the same happy attitude they'd show if the customer bought it. It makes no difference to them whether or not they sell their "product" to one person because they know they'll eventually sell it to someone else who'll benefit from it.

Then, you have sales people who get the sale sometimes (we'll call them they "I Get Lucky From Time to Time" bunch). They don't always put the effort forward that's required to score a sale at every house, but when they do, OH MAN do they get the sale. Not only that, they demonstrate their products "abilities" so well, they end up with repeat customers who always want more of what they got.

Finally, you have the no-sales people, i.e. the "Non-Juans" of the group. These are the salespeople who rarely ever get the sale. No matter how much effort they try to put into talking about their product, they aren't able to convince the potential customer to buy. The non-buying patron might say "you did a great job on the presentation," but they never want to buy anything from you, or recommend you to friends.

So, what tips can a Non-Juan learn from a failed salesman's plight? Here are a few key lessons:

(1) NEVER ASSUME THE SALE. If you meet a girl, automatically assume she is out of your league and would never want to date you. They say thoughts become reality, and you want your reality to be that she's too hot to try and go out with a loser like you! Then, when it becomes reality, your feelings won't be as hurt. You won't have a girlfriend, but at least you met your expectations!

(2) MAKE RIDICULOUS CLAIMS ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT. In other words, try to brag about how great you are. Just like in sales, the more ridiculous the claim sounds - "this vacuum can even be used as a home-made abortion kit!" - the less likely she'll be to believe your "product" - i.e. you - can be THAT good if you have to try so hard to raise its value.

(3) TELL THEM YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO SELL THEM ANYTHING. A girl you're just meeting for the first time is already assuming you want to "sell her" on what you got. After all, she's thinking, why would you want to go out of your way to meet a new girl just to become "friends" with her? Answer: because you're a NON-JUAN!. You want to make this girl think you're not trying to attract her in any way. If she thinks that, she may start pondering positive thoughts about what it might be like were you two to get together. BOOO, I say, BOOOO! Instead, try to convince her in the beginning that you just want to be friends. Then, when she turns down the offer to do more than just "look at" your product, she'll say "hey - I thought you just wanted to show me this thing, not buy it!"

(4) NEVER ASK FOR THE SALES ORDER. The main reason a salesperson doesn't sell something? They get to the end of the demonstration... and don't ask for the order! BRILLIANT! In the dating world, this is similar to having a great conversation with a girl at a party, and not asking her for her number before you leave! As long as you never officially ask her if she'd like to give you her number/go out on a date/ hang out sometime, you'll never have to worry about a rejection - you never gave her any idea you wanted her to "buy" what you were selling in the first place!

So, my Non-Juan friends, learn from the failed salespeople of the world. Once a woman has rejected what you have to offer, she'll be on to another "product" - one that she'll enjoy over and over again while your product sits in the warehouse!

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Post!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, why not BUY Mr. Non-Juan's BOOK?

"From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" is a 135-page guide that teaches you EVERYTHING on how to get girls to NOT want to go out with you!!

The book gives advice on what to say on dates (so the girl will feel uncomfortable), how to dress (so a girl will flee when she first sees you), how to avoid getting close to a girl (so that she becomes inadequate about her ability to care for you and leaves YOU first), and much more!

To Read the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the BOOK, click here:

To Order the Book, go to my website, or and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!

If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to write me at Your question will be answered on Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"