The NON-JUAN Post: Dealing With Her Rude Behavior

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!

Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!


"Mr. Non-Juan's VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL" is going on RIGHT NOW!!

Yeah, I know, Valentine's Day is 3 WEEKS away... that gives you plenty of time to find out what it is you're doing wrong with women!!

My book - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to LOSING the Girl of Your Dreams" - is ON SALE this week for 50% OFF!!

You can read the First THREE Chapters of my book for FREE right now, and learn more about this week's Valentine's Day Special by heading over to:!!

BUT HURRY!! This offer ends on Thursday, January 26, 2006!!

Oh yeah - The book now comes in both HARD-COVER and e-BOOK form! Woo-hoo! - Post comments about Mr. Non-Juan, and learn about upcoming promotions!

Today's topic...

When you do this thing called "dating," you end up meeting all types of different girls with different personalities.

Some of the girls you meet are quite cheerful, while others may not be upbeat, but they know how to treat a man with respect and make up for her enthusiasm shortcomings in "other ways" if you know what I mean. (And if you're a Non-Juan, you should definately NOT know what I mean :p)

Some girls, however, are just plain RUDE. Some have parents who didn't teach them how to act when out on a date, while some focus too much on what THEY want without worrying about what's going to annoy or irritate the guy they're out with.

Other girls use rude behavior as a means to test whether or not the guy they're out with has the guts to stand up to her. As I've said before, women can't just come out and ask a guy if he'll stand up for himself - every guy she asked would say "yes," and most of them would be lying. So sometimes she'll act rude to see if what you're saying is true.

Regardless of why a girl is acting this way, when her rude behavior rears its ugly head, what should you do? Do you: (a) let her get away with it, or (b) call her on it, and tell her to be nicer or else you're out of there?

If you're a Non-Juan, the answer is: (a) let her get away with it!

Anytime a girl starts acting rude, never EVER call her on it and tell her to be nicer! Who are you to start acting like a REAL MAN and telling her what kind of attitude and behaviors you will or won't accept?? If you do that, she might actually STOP doing that behavior, and see you as a man who takes charge! And as we all know, women tend to fall for guys who demonstrate this "take charge" attitude! How pathetic is that?!? :down:

No, no, no! Instead, you must let her walk all over you with her rude behavior! When you see her doing something or acting in a way that you don't like, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO HER ABOUT IT! As long as she thinks her behavior is okay, she'll continue to treat you like crap while she pursues other men who can put her in her place! :rockon:

Here are some examples of rude behavior a girl may display, and how to react when she does them:

EXAMPLE 1: You're out with a girl, and you're having a conversation, when you hear her cell phone ring. Rather than cut her phone off, she picks it up and starts chatting with the person on the other end.

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Let her keep talking on the phone, duh! The person on the other end MUST be more exciting to talk to than you - otherwise, she wouldn't have had her phone on in the first place for someone to interrupt! You can encourage her to stay on the phone by yelling a "hi" to the person on the phone - this will further confirm to her that this behavior is okay with you!

EXAMPLE 2: She tells you to call her on Tuesday at 3 PM. When you call, she doesn't pick up. You leave a message telling her to call you later. She doesn't call you that day. Or the next. Or the next. Or the next...

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Don't give up on calling her! Instead, call her every day and leave a message for her. This will give her the impression that you're obsessed with her - good news for her, as she will know she has complete control over your feelings for her. She'll give you a sense of false hope next time she sees you - "Oh, my answering service must have been messed up" (funny, since you both have the same service) - and when she does, use that as your green light to keep calling her. She won't pick up the phone, but you'll be providing her with a set of voice messages she can play for her girlfriends to show them how much of a Non-Juan you TRULY are!

EXAMPLE 3: You tell a girl you're going to take her to a classy restaurant. You show up to her door dressed in your best-looking suit... and she opens the door dressed in a belly shirt and tight jeans. "Let's go!" she says.

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Do NOT tell her to put something else on! Sure, she knew the restaurant was upscale, but remember: this could be a test to see if you'll call her on her misjudgment of outfits. If you tell her to change into something more appropriate, she might think you're - GASP - a "take-no-crap" kinda guy! Instead, let her wear her hoochie outfit to the restaurant, and keep your trap shut!

"Hold it, Mr. Non-Juan! Why would she care if I said something about her outfit or not? Won't letting her wear what she wants make me seem like a guy who's non-judgmental of her personal tastes are?"

Yes - and it will also show that you'd be willing to make your woman look like a moron in public! Think about it: in this scenario, if you let her wear that outfit to the restaurant, you might think "well, there's no way she's going to drop me now - I let her wear what she wanted, and didn't put up a fuss!" However, SHE'LL be thinking "I can't believe he let me wear this out to a fancy restaurant and embarrass myself! There's no way I'm going to keep HIM around!"

So remember: if you don't want a girl to date you, don't call her out on her rude behavior. Let her walk all over you with her high-heels until the trace of your Non-Juan residue can be seen on her shoe soles! :cry:

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Newsletter!" If you have any comments, stories, or dating questions you'd like answered Non-Juan style, write to me at NONJUAN@HOTMAIL.COM!!

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Good post. I also think you should call them on flirting with other guys in front of you - think alot of guys let this pass showing it doesn't bother them. Women are the masters of body language though and she can tell it does affect you whether you say anything or not.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
if the girl pulled out her cell and kept talkin to the person, i'd wander off and let her find me whenever she's ready. and when she does, i'll introduce her to my new friend that i just got a number from. "now we both have someone to talk to!". same thing if she started flirting with some guy right there in front of me.

if she dressed like a hoochie for our date, i'd take her to a hoochie place. "this IS where u're most comfortable, right?"

besides being kinda funny for me, i think it would be like a shock to her system. if that doesnt get her into shape, then NEXTing looks pretty good.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
Originally posted by Ace of Flames
if the girl pulled out her cell and kept talkin to the person, i'd wander off and let her find me whenever she's ready. and when she does, i'll introduce her to my new friend that i just got a number from. "now we both have someone to talk to!". same thing if she started flirting with some guy right there in front of me.

if she dressed like a hoochie for our date, i'd take her to a hoochie place. "this IS where u're most comfortable, right?"

besides being kinda funny for me, i think it would be like a shock to her system. if that doesnt get her into shape, then NEXTing looks pretty good.
oh for fvck sake. This sounds like a typical misinterpretation of the bible material.

"i'd wander off and let her find me whenever she's ready"

That's not always feasible in a restaurant and demonstrates a childish overreaction. Yes, there are times when you should walk away but this isn't one of them.

A lot of the seduction material gives the impression that you need to be rude and unyielding but that IS NOT the case.

"i'll introduce her to my new friend that i just got a number from"

even IF that worked and it could easily go very wrong, it wouldn't do you all that much good/would probably damage things - especially if you did it in the way you suggested.

how about something much simpler, much more appropriate and much more in proportion with the situation:

"Hey, don't have a phone conversation in the middle of our date, where are your manners young lady? ; )....I could never go out with a woman who doesn't have manners"

There we go, done. Stop giving your interpretation of the bible/living in a fantasy world.

Before you start a flame war THIS IS CONTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. If you disagree with me then fine.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Originally posted by The Juan and only
oh for fvck sake. This sounds like a typical misinterpretation of the bible material.

"i'd wander off and let her find me whenever she's ready"

That's not always feasible in a restaurant and demonstrates a childish overreaction. Yes, there are times when you should walk away but this isn't one of them.

A lot of the seduction material gives the impression that you need to be rude and unyielding but that IS NOT the case.

"i'll introduce her to my new friend that i just got a number from"

even IF that worked and it could easily go very wrong, it wouldn't do you all that much good/would probably damage things - especially if you did it in the way you suggested.

how about something much simpler, much more appropriate and much more in proportion with the situation:

"Hey, don't have a phone conversation in the middle of our date, where are your manners young lady? ; )....I could never go out with a woman who doesn't have manners"

There we go, done. Stop giving your interpretation of the bible/living in a fantasy world.

Before you start a flame war THIS IS CONTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. If you disagree with me then fine.
haha wow, i said all that? i was feeling extra ****y when i wrote that, this girl was bothering me, so i put it all in that post and sent it on its way. i'd probably never do that stuff. im a wiser person than to release the dogs of war like that. no worries man, my interpretation of the bible is in great shape.

i was thinking of her pulling out the cell in like a store at the mall or something, not in a restaurant. u could go to another aisle and talk to someone else. no drama or anything. i totally agree that it would just be downright mean to get up from the table and go hit on a waitress or something.

i like to be witty and funny, so i'd most likely say a comment like u came up with. except better...

all in all, dont take that post so seriously. this is a better one to judge me by. and the last thing i wanna do is start a flame war. even IF my name is Ace of Flames.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Originally posted by Ace of Flames
haha wow, i said all that? i was feeling extra ****y when i wrote that, this girl was bothering me, so i put it all in that post and sent it on its way. i'd probably never do that stuff. im a wiser person than to release the dogs of war like that. no worries man, my interpretation of the bible is in great shape.

i was thinking of her pulling out the cell in like a store at the mall or something, not in a restaurant. u could go to another aisle and talk to someone else. no drama or anything. i totally agree that it would just be downright mean to get up from the table and go hit on a waitress or something.

i like to be witty and funny, so i'd most likely say a comment like u came up with. except better...

all in all, dont take that post so seriously. this is a better one to judge me by. and the last thing i wanna do is start a flame war. even IF my name is Ace of Flames.
"i was feeling extra ****y when i wrote that, this girl was bothering me, so i put it all in that post and sent it on its way"

Fair enough. your second post was definately much better.
no worries dude :up:

"even IF my name is Ace of Flames"

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ah yes, I forgot to add that in:

EXAMPLE 4: You're out with a girl, and she starts flirting with another guy - and when I say "flirting," I mean she's touching on him like she was doing a search for gold somewhere on his body!

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Let her flirt with the guy, duh! If she's not feelin' you, she might as well be "feelin'" someone else, both mentally and literally! By letting her do this, you'll be sending her a subtle message that it's okay with you if she cheats on you in the future! You can make this point stick further by staying around and conversing with the two of them while they feel up on each other. Whatever you do, DON'T WALK AWAY! She might get the idea this behavior is offending you - not a good idea if you're trying to be a Non-Juan!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"