The NON-JUAN Post: Creating an Online Profile, Non-Juan Style (PART 2)

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Newsletter: Teaching Men How to Become Bad With Women, One Week at a Time
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Today's topic...


Greetings, Non-Juan readers!

This post completes the two-part series about creating the perfect Non-Juan dating profile online!

Last week's post focused on the type of blogs one should put up in their profile. This week's Newsletter will focus on making your actual profile as Non-Juanish as possible!


Putting blogs up telling tales of your Non-Juanish life is one way you can make girls who see your profile shy away from dating you. However, there are some sites that just allow you to put up a profile of yourself. Even at the sites that allow blogs, the initial page one sees when clicking on your name is usually set for a person to put up snippets about who they are, what they like, and what they are looking for in a potential dating partner.

When it comes to the online dating scene, women have it made. All they have to do is put up a profile, look pretty, and BAM! - a million guys will be sending her emails asking her for dates. When a woman can't choose whom to pick out of the proposed e-mail bag of suitors, she ends up with the daunting task of sarging online and looking at men's profiles in hopes of finding that one man who will make her heart flutter with delight.

For women, finding a man online means finding that one profile that seems to stand out from all the rest. It is the profile of the man that appears to be different, entertaining, and inspiring that will usually capture her eye, and make her want to send him a wink or short message about herself.

As a Non-Juan, you do NOT want your profile to stand out! If you do, some unsuspecting woman out there might show interest in trying to meet you. Instead, you want to make your profile as bland, boring, and uncreative as the other thousands of guys out there in Internet-Dating land!

So, how can you make YOUR profile be this unappealing? The key is to stick to certain photo ideas, key words/phrases, over-emphasized qualities and sob stories that most guys use when putting up their online profiles. This way, any woman who sees your profile will immediately skip over it! It will be so similar to the hundreds of men's profiles she's read through that it'll seem monotonous, and she'll hardly read through it before going to the next one! :woo:

Here are the top 4 things you want to do when putting up an online profile, along with an example of how to do each:

(1) YOUR PROFILE PICTURE: They say a picture's worth a thousand words. You want those words to say many things about you, like "I'm not confident about myself," "the world hates me," "I'm a momma's boy," and so on.

Find the most embarrassing pictures of yourself that you have and post them online! That pic your mom took of you picking your nose should be at the top of the list! Any pics where you were just waking up in the morning with white stuff still on the sides of your mouth, or have food in between your teeth, should also be considered. These types of pics show that you have no training in good hygiene - something that's essential for a girl to know about you when considering reasons to pass up your profile!

(2) USING STANDARD WORDS/PHRASES: Nothing will make a girl pass your profile faster than spotting words and phrases on your page that she's seen guys post up over and over again! Here are some of the classics to use on your page:

* "I want a girl with a great personality and a great smile"
* "I want a girl who loves to laugh"
* "I want a girl who doesn't play games"
* "I'm looking for someone who's sensitive"
* "I need a girl who's honest"

All these phrases have two things in common: they sound BORING, and they're asking for the OBVIOUS! What guy isn't looking for a girl with a great personality, great smile, loves to laugh, doesn't play games, is sensitive to their needs and will be honest with them? That's like picking the letters R, S, T, L, N and E on "Wheel of Fortune" - it's already an established thing to look for! A woman will automatically scan for these words in your profile, so make sure you put them in there - as soon as she sees them, she'll be over to the next profile faster than you can say "Non-Juan!" :up:

You also want to use certain key phrases to describe the type of guy you are. These phrases include:

* "I can be wild and spontaneous at times"
* "I'm not looking for anything serious..."
* "I just want to meet someone to hang out with..."
* "I am looking for a female version of me, both in looks and personality"
* "I like (mention a girly activity - long walks on the beach, going out to candlelight dinners, looking after kids, etc.)"

Notice something about each of these phrases? None of them sound bold or daring at all! The first one is generic, and will be seen as a throw-away line. The second two are essentially lies: she'll be wondering why you went on dating site if you're just looking to "hang out" with someone. The fourth one makes it sound like you have a girly personality (which would explain why you advertise that you want a girl that looks and acts like you). Lastly, the fifth phrase helps you to further de-masculinize yourself, making the girl-in-question move on to a guy with less estrogen in his system! :cheer:

(3) OVER-EMPHASIZE QUALITES/ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFESTYLE: Remember, girls tend to believe the opposite of what a guy is saying, especially when it comes to telling her about how great you are at something. The following are examples of what to over-emphasize. (In parenthesis is what she will be thinking when she sees it on your profile):

* "I'm GREAT in bed!" (Yeah, he's so great that women just HAVE to have him - yet he's on a dating site? What a loser! Besides, if he has to advertise it, he can't be THAT good!)

* "I'm very, VERY wealthy!" (But he must not have a personality since he can't even PAY women to stay with him! Oh well - I may date him just to get a Benz out of the deal, then I'll be GONE!)

* "I run a VERY successful company!" (He's bad in bed. He probably works late hours too, so I'll never see him OR get good sex when I do. NEXT!)

* "Girls that I date say I treat them VERY well!" (But they don't stay with him? He must not be that much of a man. Besides, if he has to advertise it...)

The basic idea is to make it seem as though you view yourself having no flaws, i.e. being "perfect." A woman will automatically cancel out any candidate claiming to be the "perfect" man. A woman hates dating someone who seems "perfect" because it puts too much pressure on her to have to have a fake "perfect" relationship if she decides to get with the guy in the future. Make sure you mention certain things on your profile that gives the effect of you trying to appear perfect.

(4) THE "SOB" STORY: If you really want a girl to not respond to your profile, put up a sob story telling women who or what drove you to online dating. You must make this story sound as "heart-breaking" as possible. Here are some key points to include in your story:

* Mention how all the girls you've dated up to this point have been no-good, money-grubbing users who dumped you as soon as someone better came along

* Re-tell the story of the last girl that broke your heart in detail, and how you're not sure if you can ever trust girls again

* Show your bias against women by saying how all they seem to want to do is play games with your heart

* Make a plea to the girls looking at your profile - something like "all I want is a girl to love me for me - someone like... you, maybe?"

"Um, Mr. Non-Juan... aren't these stories going to make her feel sympathy for me, and want to date me?"

Happily, the answer is NO. It may make her feel EMPATHY for your situation, but she's not going to want to date a guy that every other girl doesn't seem to want or keep around. You'll actually be doing yourself a favor by pasting this type of story on your profile - it's like putting a red-flashing light on your page that says "Look at me, I'm a loser! I suck at getting girls to stay around - I'm the bug repellent of the dating world!!"

So there you go! You are now equipped with the best techniques for making your online dating profile as Non-Juan as possible! Now go find some crappy pictures of yourself and get to work!

That's all for now! Check out the first chapter of my e-Book - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" - by clicking on the link below! :rockon:

See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
May 23, 2006
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Non-Juan Master -- NJM (replacement for WBAFC)

Hey I tried that - I got two dates out of lavalife, and a third prospect who said she liked the 'honesty' of my profile.

I wrote a profile, and am STILL considering to put it on again that went like this that went like this - you'll all get surprised I even got three people out of it.

Had a geeky picture, with a turtle-neck top and a sweater and white pants and a jacket, and the profile went like this:


If you just got a smiley from me, then thta means, I have just taken the initiation risk, and a rejection risk, without knowing much about you, other than the fact that you are attractive.

You see, asking that question, "Do you want to go out with me?" entails a rejection risk. You could say 'no', you could laugh at me, you could do many things to make me feel bad, or you may probably just ignore me as I'm some sort of nut.

You must understand, however, that I just had to get this out of my chest. Otherwise, I would be analyzing, contemplating, thinking of how best you would say 'yes', maybe waiting weeks, months, or even years before I have the nerve to ask you out, just to get a 'I already have a boyfriend', or 'you're not my type' at the end of the day.

Maybe, I would beat around the bush, or perhaps, I would think of some sort of scheme that will make you fall in love with me, and then, it would work if I ask you out. But, instead, I guess I'm just going to ask you out. Here's a smiley. If you do say 'yes' and would like to go out with me, please send a return smiley, and I'll follow up with a message"

Then I sent a whole bunch of free smileys and winks out. It's good to get really desperate types of girls because, they make me feel better about myself, but usually I act so desperate I even turn them off, or worried about such. Anyway - NOT ANY MORE, after being frustrated with the dismal results, or scarcity feeling I got, I'm either going to have to put that profile back up again, or try something else.

I think having a few desperate girls is cool, and this profile may attract such. After all, absolutely suck with woman, and everyone has to start somewhere, right?

I master NON-Juan. Now, I'll have to see about either putting up a better profile, or get more sympathy dates, (sympathy dates are cool, but they suck afterwards when you realise you dont get a second date or are stuck in some friendzone).


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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wait a minute!!!

Do i tell her I got a 18 inch d0ng yes or no?