The NON-JUAN Post 07-17-2006: Making Friends With... ATTRACTIVE GUYS?!?

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!
Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

*** Win a FREE COPY of my best-selling dating book, "FROM PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to LOSING the Girl of Your Dreams!" by posting your most Non-Juanish story! Click the following link to read the contest rules and post up your story:

*** Read the first 3 chapters of my book - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" - by clicking HERE!


Today's topic...

If one is to become a Non-Juan, one must be seen as a Non-Juan.

However, going at it alone can make it hard for girls to see you as a non-datable loser. Sure, you may act like a Non-Juan and walk and talk like a Non-Juan... but at the end of the day, if you're always hanging out by yourself, it's going to make your journey into Non-Juan land a lot longer.

"Um... I thought having no friends would make girls see me as someone who's too non-likable for others to want to hang out with." Well, not exactly. If you look at some past ladies men - the Fonz, Luke Perry on "90210" - they were loner rebels who didn't have lots of friends, but a lot of female admirers. The reason these guys had women swooning for them were (a) because it was scripted, and (b) they had the looks girls go for, and didn't have to try all that hard to make girls fall for them.

Most guys, though, aren't that blessed with rugged good looks. Let's face it - most men are average-looking guys who, while not necessarily ugly, wouldn't make a woman's head immediately turn their way if she walked by. As a Non-Juan, you want to make sure this habit of having your average looks being passed over continues so that women won't ever notice you.

Therefore, you need a distraction. And the best distraction you could ever possibly have... is a male friend who is more attractive than you'll ever be!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. Non-Juan! I'm not going out of my way to try and find an attractive dude to make friends with! That sounds kinda gay, maaaaaaan!" IF you will allow yourself to not be so closed-minded, hear me out for a second...

Ever notice that when you see a commercial for a product, they always compare themselves to other products that are similar? Like, you'll see a commercial for Arby's where they tell you why their so much better than McDonald's or Burger King?

The reason they do that is because they are (a) psychologically giving you options so you'll have something to choose from, and (b) disassociating themselves from the options they mentioned so you'll think they are the right choice to choose. Its sales psychology 101: if you give no options the person can just say "no," but if you give them different options they are more likely to choose at least ONE of them rather than saying "no" to all of them.

By having an attractive male friend around with you at all times, you are ensuring that when women see you and him out in public, most of them will focus their attention on your friend as opposed to you! This means that even a girl who might have thought "Hmm, this guy looks interesting," will now see you and go "Hmm, this guy looks - wait a minute: who is that OTHER guy?? He's REALLY hot!" It's the same thing that happens to ugly chicks at the club: guys see her and her pretty-as-heck friend, and avoid the "ugmo" altogether!

When choosing an attractive male friend, you want to make sure he has the correct features that women tend to swoon over. These include the following:

1. MUSCLES: As a Non-Juan, you should never, EVER work out. Therefore, your muscle mass should be close to zero. Choose a male friend that works out on a regular basis and has muscles that rival Arnold Schwartzenegger's! When women see you and him walking side-by-side, they'll definitely know who's the stronger of the two - and it won't be you, pal!

2. STATUS: Try to find a friend that has a popular-sounding job or title. If you work at the local pizza shop, try to make friends with someone who owns his own company, or has a job with the words "doctor" or "lawyer" in it. These types of titles make a man sound very important - usually an important thing for a woman to consider when she's choosing a potential dating partner.

3. MONEY: To be fair, just because you're broke doesn't mean a girl won't date you. HOWEVER, if the friend you're hanging out with is attractive AND has his own money, the only girls you'll be dating are the low self-esteem ugly chicks, not the fine-looking honeys your friend can afford to take out on dates!

4. STYLE: Unless you're going after a hippie chick, dressing like a bum won't get you women. You can heighten a woman's awareness of your lack of clothing style by finding a male friend that knows how to "dress to impress" for any occasion. A woman who glances at the two of you won't have a hard time deciding who to go out with: the guy in the three-piece suit, or the one with the holes in his shirt!

So remember: there is always strength in numbers. The faster you can find a male friend who will look comparatively better than you in public, the easier it will be for you to keep your Non-Juan status in good standing!

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Newsletter!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, why not BUY Mr. Non-Juan's BOOK?

"From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" is a 135-page guide that teaches you EVERYTHING on how to get girls to NOT want to go out with you!!

The book gives advice on what to say on dates (so the girl will feel uncomfortable), how to dress (so a girl will flee when she first sees you), how to avoid getting close to a girl (so that she becomes inadequate about her ability to care for you and leaves YOU first), and much more!

To Read the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the BOOK, click HERE!

If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to write me at

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
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Sofia, Bulgaria
What a load of cr*p. Most of the time you make sense, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Hang out with the losers and you get the girls! Yup, how didn't I think of that!

By the way, you cling to your readers the same way you used to/still cling to women. And, as far as I can tell from the reactions under your threads, it has gotten the same results.