The NON-JUAN Post 05-01-06: Developing and Prolonging Your Fear of Approaching Women

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Post: Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!
Greetings, readers! My name is Mr. Non-Juan! Thank you for reading this post!

Check out my websites: - Read the First THREE Chapters of my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... To Losing the Girl of Your Dreams," order the book; learn all about Mr. Non-Juan and MORE! - Post comments about Mr. Non-Juan, and learn about upcoming promotions!


The Newly Revised Edition of My Book, "FROM PIMP TO WIMP: THE NON-JUAN's GUIDE... TO LOSING THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS," is now on eBay!! Simply go to and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!!


Today's Topic:

The best way for a Non-Juan to stay a Non-Juan is to never approach women in the first place.

Seems like a pretty simple tip, right? That's because it is.

However, when you're out and about in the world and you're out there running into women everyday, it can become tempting to see a pretty-looking girl and suddenly have the urge to approach her and - gasp! - try to ask her out on a date.

Why does this temptation occur? Men are born with this thing called "testosterone." It makes us get horny at the site of a curvaceous-looking hottie. This testosterone thing can occasionally over-power a man's Non-Juan tendencies, and give him a small enough boost of confidence to actually go after a girl he's interested in.

But fear not, my Non-Juan in training! You may think you are hopelessly doomed to end up with a girl at some point in your life, but there are ways you can help lessen the testoteronic drive you may occasionally feel so that you rarely ever feel a need to go after a girl!

Here are a few things you can do to help develop and further prolong a deep resonating fear of making an approach towards a woman:

(1) TOUCHING YOURSELF. Yes, the "M" word (rhymes with "cast-ur-ration") that most guys have been doing since they were teenagers. Doing this on a regular basis will help you:

(a) Learn to be a fast ejaculator. No woman can stand a man who can't prolong his sexual experience longer than 3 minutes. Testing yourself daily to see how fast you can get it over with will also help you in losing confidence about your ability to please a woman for a decent amount of time!

(b) Prevent you from wanting to chase after girls. After all, if you're able to please yourself, why would you want to spend time having to break someone new into your rhythm? There's no need to make a bond with another person - you and Mr. Handy are doing fine by yourselves!

(c) Lower your testosterone level. Right after you finish giving yourself a "hand", your testosterone levels taper off a bit, to the point where you don't even have a desire to chase after another woman for a while. The more you "do the deed," the longer this feeling will last!

(2) WATCHING ADULT MOVIES. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: imaginary women who can fulfill your inner-most fantasies on-screen will leave you desiring women less, simply because they don't match the women in these movies. Now, even when you see a girl most would consider a "dime piece" you won't feel attracted to her because she doesn't quite look like Jenna Jameson or Heather Hunter! (And if you know who those people are, you're already 2 steps ahead of the Non-Juan game!)

(3) REPEAT SELF-DEMISING THOUGHTS/PHRASES DAILY. You know how people who want to be rich tell themselves self-affirming affirmations to ensure success? Good! Now all you have to do is the opposite of them! Here are a few key ones to start with:

* "I will never get the chicks I want, because I am ugly."

* "I am too much of a mama's boy for girls to find attractive."

* "My body-type is not one any girl would ever want to sleep with."

* "Girls will only see me as a friend, nothing more. I do not deserve to be more than a friend with them in the first place."

* "Why should I start a relationship? It will only end in heartache."

Repeat these phrases ad nausea so they will be embedded into your psyche. Once your brain believes these things, it will be extremely difficult for it to rationalize helping you get a girl!

(4) CONSTANLY MAKE EXCUSES... FOR HER. If you see a girl you like, you need to think of excuses as to why she shouldn't get with you. Save her the trouble of having to decide whether or not she should take a chance on you by assuming she won't date you for x or y reason. Examples include:

* She won't date you because you have bad breath

* She won't date you because you talk funny

* She won't date you because you're not a "bad" boy

* She won't date you because all the other women you've asked out said no

* She won't date you because she likes skinny guys and you're fat

* She won't date you because she likes fat guys and you're skinny

And the list goes on and on. The point is, think of a reason as to why she won't date you. Pre-rejection is a great way of building up a fear of approaching!

(5) ALWAYS ASSUME THE OUTCOME OF A REJECTION TO BE WORSE THAN IT ACTUALLY WILL BE. If you're a Non-Juan starting out, you may still have a part of you that thinks if a girl says "no" to your advances you'll be okay, and life will go on.


You need to believe the repercussions of being rejected are far worse than that! What if you ask her out and she says "no?" She's not just going to say "no" - she's going to say "Ewww, what are you, CRAZY?!? Why would someone like ME go out with a stupid lil' man-boy like YOU! Get away from me, you psychotic weirdo!!" THEN, she's going to laugh at you while telling her friends, "can you believe this LOSER actually asked me out?!?" Then her friends are going to start laughing, and the next thing you know everyone in your school/workplace building/etc. will know that YOU tried to ask a girl out!

But that's not all! A news journalist is going to catch wind of the story, and put it on the front page of the New York Times - "Non-Juan Asks Pretty Girl Out - What a Dumb Move!" And the paper will go out the next day, and everyone in the United States will know you asked Ms. Hottie out on a date! Your family, your friends, even people at your job will know about your stupid move! As a matter of fact, it'll become the talk of your job, so much so that the boss has to fire you because you've become a distraction at the work place! You'll have no income, and welfare won't give you any cash because they're still in shock that YOU, of all people, would ask someone out! You'll end up losing your car, your house, your phone, and be stuck living on the streets as a wino, begging for loose change so that you can feed your ever-growing drug habit and covering yourself up at night with a newspaper for a blanket, in an alley-bound trashcan somewhere with a guy named Phil.

All because you asked a girl out. Ain't that a shame?

So there you go, Non-Juans! Make sure you do these things so that your imagined fear of approaching women can grow properly!

Thus concludes this edition of "The NON-JUAN Post!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, why not BUY Mr. Non-Juan's BOOK?

"From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" is a 135-page guide that teaches you EVERYTHING on how to get girls to NOT want to go out with you!!

The book gives advice on what to say on dates (so the girl will feel uncomfortable), how to dress (so a girl will flee when she first sees you), how to avoid getting close to a girl (so that she becomes inadequate about her ability to care for you and leaves YOU first), and much more!

To Read the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of the BOOK, click here:

To Order the Book, go to my website, or and type "NON-JUAN" into the search engine!

If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to write me at Your question will be answered on Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!

That's all for now, guys!! See ya next week!

-Mr. Non-Juan


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2006
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Sometimes its good to see a worst case scenario and say "well, at least i'm not that!".

I like it.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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I am some of that. :(
most noteably the self-demising thinker and nr. B from the M topic.