The NON-JUAN Mailbag for 04-13-2006

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style!

Greetings, Non-Juan fans!

Since I opened up my website, I have had people writing me with dating questions of all kinds! So, as a service to my loyal readers, I have started a new column called "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!" Every Thursday, I will open up my Non-Juan mailbag and answer email questions I have received during the week!

And HEY!! If you have any questions you'd like answered, email me at NONJUAN@HOTMAIL.COM!

And now, onto this week's letters...


Dear Mr. Non-Juan:

What should be my opener for women. The problem is that I'm a girl that can't pick up girls.


Hi, D.A.C.!

Ya know, it's rare that I get a question from a woman trying to hit on women. Not that I mind it - the idea and image itself is turning me on as we speak :p

With that said, your plight is not that much different from the millions of guys going after girls day after day. I don't have any experience dating in the gay community, but I'm pretty sure trying to get with a member of the same sex is similar to chasing a person of the opposite sex: it's dangerous, nerve-racking, and - if done the "right" way - can leave you in the position of being a "Non-Juan!"

To be a Non-Juan, you have to learn openers that will make these women run from you as fast as they can. Here are some suggested ideas of what to do or say when first approaching a girl:

(1) "The Corny Pick-Up Line" - How many pick-up lines have you heard in your life? Answer: probably too many to count. Did they ever work? Answer: probably not. Go back and memorize some of these lines - classics include "Your feet must be tired, 'cause you've been running through my mind all day," and "Someone call God - tell him he's missing an angel!" These lines sound so non-sincere, she'll think you've used them on every girl you've tried to hit on, and avoid you at all costs!

(2) "Buying Her a Drink" - When you roll up on that sweet-lookin' girl across the room, make sure you buy her a drink. As all Non-Juans know, buying her a drink is the perfect way to say to a woman, "I don't know you, but I'm already starting to suck up to you. Please like me, pretty please?!?" This show of despertion on your part won't be any different from the other 20 guys/girls who've bought her drinks that night, and your approach will definately NOT stand out!

(3) "Complimenting the Heck Out of Her Body Parts" - Compliment a girl on the parts of her body she had no control over. If she has big boobs, say "Your boobs look scrumptious!" If she has long legs, say "Your legs are like bean stalks - I'd love to climb them to the top!" Compliments like this make her (a) feel dumb, since genetics, not her, played a part in those features, and (b) view you as someone who just wants her for a one-night stand.

Now, here's a list of what NOT to do:

(1) No Genuine-Sounding Openers - Saying things like "Hi, how are you?" or opening up a convo with a question - "It's kind of loud in here, isn't it?" - are not recommended for use by Non-Juans. If you don't have a gimmicky-sounding opener, how else is she gonna fade you in with the rest of her potential suitors? Talking to her like she's a person you'd like to get to know will only make her want to talk to you longer, and may end up with the two of you - ugh - dating :down:

(2) Changing Focus Between Her and Your Surroundings - You need to try to stay talking with your potential target the ENTIRE TIME you're both there. Leaving her from time to time will only make her try to find (i.e. chase after) you, and make her mind think you're worth pursuing. On the other hand, if you keep your focus on her the entire time, she'll eventually tire from talking to only you, and pray that she never sees you after tonight's initial meeting.

(3) Complimenting Her Style - Women get annoyed when people constantly compliment their body parts... but they seem to like when someone compliments a purse they wore, a dress they picked out, etc. DO NOT DO THIS!! Don't make her think you see her as a person with a brain by pointing out her good fashion sense! Remember: STICK TO BODY PART COMMENTS ONLY! They're the best ones to use when trying to get a woman to leave that bar... with someone else!

That's all from me - hope this helps! :cheer:

Thus concludes this edition of "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, feel free to write me with your questions at

Also, check out the first THREE chapters from my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" by going here:

That's all for now - see ya next week!!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"