The nature of the threat: Disrespect


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2010
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The nature of the threat

If a man is in awe of a woman, and a woman knows her own nature, there is no way she can respect that man. She knows she is fundamentally not worthy of that man’s affection and respect. When a man looks at a female, he looks at the final product: the clothes, the makeup, and the presentation. This is a big deal for females. Some guy is going to come over and start hitting on her. She didn't go to so much trouble for a low level guy, she wanted a wealthy guy with resources. Not you.

From a male point of view, this female action is unworthy - it's not respectable to us, but that's what females do. So, when a man who is respectable comes and bows down before this unworthy female, how could anyone respect that? If the man says "I would do anything for you" from her point of view she's wondering why you would say such a thing. She would think "none of what you see is real." Not the clothes, not the makeup, not the laugh, not the scent. None of it is real. And yet there the man is. This is why the woman doesn't respect the man and the more this man tries to win her affection, the less she respects him. She's not like an honest man. They put a lot of makeup on, giggle the right way, and a man is going to find that hard to resist isn't he? A man cannot ignore his own biological nature towards a sexually viable female.

And this leads to our impressive male energy being dedicated to female needs and we break down in confidence and attitude when the female loses respect. If she knows she has a big influence on a man’s self-worth, confidence, or attitude she loses total respect for that man. The man loses respect for himself. Imagine never being able to walk away from that woman? How would she respect you if you couldn't walk away? How would she respect you if you continually show her interest, give her gifts while she continually belittles and **** tests you to try and get you to express your real feelings but he keeps this beta behavior up? That beta behavior is disgusting and destructive to the man’s well-being and no woman will respect that. Learn to walk away.

If a man carries himself like a man, could a woman respect that? Yes, but how long would it last. How long until you fail to produce and forget what carrying yourself like a man is until she **** tests you into oblivion? Is carrying yourself like a man in this feminine powered society good? Probably not. You need to transmute that male energy into productivity in your life and keep yourself as a "strong independent man" that doesn't derive his self-worth from others. The woman can replace you in the blink of an eye, she doesn't have to value you, she can have you put in jail, she can take your children, and she can take your assets. What kind of character is that? How could you ever develop a relationship with someone who looks upon you as if they can destroy you? That's the situation, that's the nature of the threat. You need to learn to walk away.

The man needs to build himself up strong enough that he doesn't need to worship women and where he knows they would be lucky to be able to interact with him. How many women are going to be able to sense anything like that? Very few. If a woman sensed this in the man, he could never ever let his guard down, he would always need to keep her in check. The moment she starts getting **** tests out to him he would have to be able to get rid of her and she would have to know that it's unacceptable. If this standard female behavior got out in your relationship she has lost respect for you, and you have let your guard down. You need to walk away.

If they cannot respect you, then there is nothing they have left to offer other than the nice makeup, scent, clothes, and presentation. If you get rid of a disrespecting female and then let them back, they will show the same standard **** tests sooner or later, and there is no hope. If you want an ex back you actually need to take everyone’s advice and focus on yourself. Become better, be a man, and never let that guard down again if it’s even possible. Or walk the fkcu away.

Before embarking on the DJ lifestyle, understand what I’m trying to say. **** tests are the first sign of disrespect and you must never ever let your guard down. If you let that guard down, it’s done, she will **** test you until there is a significant reason to leave you. Women cannot be like the honest man. They have to put a fake look on to attract respectable males with resources. If a respectable male bows down to that unrespectable female, she loses respect and **** tests arise. The man must become the singularity in his life and only focus on himself to only allow worthy females into his domain. If that female shows any disrespect, you must leave her.

The DJ lifestyle is no easy feat. It’s not PUA, it’s more natural and philosophical, and can protect a man from unworthy women. If you’re a contrarian to that idea, you’re probably an unrespectable beta man void of self-worth and must work on himself before continuing with the lifestyle.


Jul 30, 2003
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Very strong post. Most of all the problems come down to simple things when you break it down. With female issues guys have it tends to come down to respect, or lack of it aka disrespect. females love to disrespect their man, especially in public. especially if they are nutty.

fk that ****...your best weapon is to walk away. Like i recently did to my BPD ex. Its been about a month since we saw eachother. But i stuck with her for a long time being disrespected alot. and I am NOT the type of man to allow himself to be disrespected. I always would blame her mental issues as an excuse and that would be reinforced then by her "sweet" temporary behavior. then she would test me again,even worse this time around and the cycle continues.

I just realized u must go around and literally treat women as if YOU are a king. an emporor...and she is simply a peasant girl working in your court. that doesnt mean **** on her disrespect her etc..but it means COMMANDING her RESPECT.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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Pretty decent post, although you contradicted yourself once or twice.

One other thing to take note of women as a rule at some point test all men, hardly any man whether he be Jesus Christ, Bruee Lee or the Incredible Hulk is exempt. There are different categories of sh!t tests. Some much more debilitating and destructive in their scope and as such should be meet with the repercussions necessary for that level.

Otherwise you'll be walking away from every female you come in contact with. With that being said continous lowlevel sh!t tests from multiple angles are usually a bad sign. Which means they are setting up shop for that HUGE $hit test somewhere down the road.

I remember a female I was dating five years back, decided she would mop my kitchen floor. Cool beans huh? But guess what she used to mop it with? Can anyone guess?
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Pretty decent post, although you contradicted yourself once or twice.

One other thing to take note of women as a rule at some point test all men, hardly any man whether he be Jesus Christ, Bruee Lee or the Incredible Hulk is exempt. There are different categories of sh!t tests. Some much more debilitating and destructive in their scope and as such should be meet with the repercussions necessary for that level.

Otherwise you'll be walking away from every female you come in contact with. With that being said continous lowlevel sh!t tests from multiple angles are usually a bad sign. Which means they are setting up shop for that HUGE $hit test somewhere down the road.

I remember a female I was dating five years back, decided she would mop my kitchen floor. Cool beans huh? But guess what she used to mop it with? Can anyone guess?
Probably a favorite shirt of yours or something crazy.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
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If the man says "I would do anything for you" from her point of view she's wondering why you would say such a thing.
That's why having a crush on a woman is such a curse. It's extremely hard to not hit the sweet-talk lovey-dovey button when you're talking to a woman you're stuck on. I always had the most success with women that I didn't care about and I always failed with those who I had a crush on.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Probably a favorite shirt of yours or something crazy.
Real close. She used my best bathroom towels and my favorite kitchen pot!:mad: The fact that she didn't ask if it was ok to use those two items irritated the hell out of me And who wants to cook and eat something out of a pot thats been used to mop a dirty floor with?

Yes you can bleach them out, but it was the thought of it. I knew right then and there that she was trouble.:(

And later on she proved it to me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Real close. She used my best bathroom towels and my favorite kitchen pot!:mad: The fact that she didn't ask if it was ok to use those two items irritated the hell out of me And who wants to cook and eat something out of a pot thats been used to mop a dirty floor with?

Yes you can bleach them out, but it was the thought of it. I knew right then and there that she was trouble.:(

And later on she proved it to me.
It was disrespect


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Real close. She used my best bathroom towels and my favorite kitchen pot!:mad: The fact that she didn't ask if it was ok to use those two items irritated the hell out of me And who wants to cook and eat something out of a pot thats been used to mop a dirty floor with?

Yes you can bleach them out, but it was the thought of it. I knew right then and there that she was trouble.:(

And later on she proved it to me.

LOL wow. Just wow. I would have probably laughed my ass off and ridicule her for her stupidity. then make her buy me news and a pot. dumb bish holy fk