The Natural Identities of Children


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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This is something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. Today's society has avoided an issue of nature that everyone is exposed to. It's easily asked with one question:

Why do boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls?

Fortunately, society hasn't succeeded in trying to change this seemingly natural order of things. Boys are the ones who naturally feel inclined to drive trucks, blow things up, and even inflict damage on other living beings. There's no getting around that this is a natural instinct. On the other side of the fence, girls want to make things look pretty, brush hair, change diapers, and basically anything that involves caregiving.

When I was a young boy, my dad's drinking buddy would come over to visit and would bring his daughter. She always wanted to play house, so I went along with it. She would clean the house and cook supper while I'd come home from work, eat supper, and pretend to get drunk. Well, you get the idea.

Society has unsuccessfully tried to merge these two identities ever since the beginning of feminism. Now, just to clear things up, I'm not anti-feminist, but to say that it hasn't played a part in the society we live in today is false. It's sad to see the children who naturally display strong sexual identities get so quickly deprogrammed when they exit their childhood and move into their teenage years. They learn that the rolls now consist of the woman being "the boss", and the man being the faithful slave.

William's Doll

Not so long ago, I came across an old album that I owned when I was a child. I thought it would be great to pick it up, take it home, and re-live some childhood memories. Unfortunately, that's the last thing I was doing when I finished listening to it. I immediately did a google search on Marlo Thomas and discovered that she was indeed a very strong feminist.

The album was called "Free To Be... You And Me" which was created by a woman by the name of "Marlo Thomas". If you don't believe that feminism has effected the society we live in today, then I highly encourage that you go out and buy this album which saw children as it's targeted audience.

The most outrageous track on this album is called "William's Doll" based on a book by the same name. It's a story about a boy who wanted his dad to buy him a doll to play with, and everyone made fun of him for it. Finally, his grandmother caves in and buys him one.

Now, if you put things in perspective, the story is obviously fiction. The book (and album) was released in 1972. A child in 1972 was in Generation X, his parents likely baby boomers or from the Silent Generation, and grandparents being from the Silent Generation or G.I. Generation. The Baby Boomers were perhaps the last generation to see strong sexual identity in men and women before feminism decided to erode that line of identity. Why would someone who was raised with such strong sexual identity be open to destroying it for future generations?

Society has tried to eliminate this "stereotype" that boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls. However, for the most part, boys WANT to play with trucks (and pull the heads off dolls) while girls WANT to play with dolls. Unfortunately, society doesn't want to see it and learn from it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Anything innate is evil. We want to believe that everything is learnt. That way if we could just figure out the perfect teaching techniques, the world would be a paradise. However, it isn't.

I suppose feminists think that genetics stops on the outside. Women have tits, men have ****s, but somehow, despite this obvious physiological difference, the brains remain identical, though constantly bathed in different hormones. Yeah, sure.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Newmarket, Ontario
yep, its all true.

And then when a big article comes out about how its "ok for boys to play with dolls (which it is, if they really want to. whatever, their choice)", its usually talking about the exception to the rule. the one-in-a-million boy who likes to play with dolls. except, the story is blown up to sound like every boy is doing it (which might not be far from the truth soon enough, if feminism continues to rear its ugly head) then it pushs how the boy who plays with dolls is so brave and a little hero for not caving to stereotype.

mass media...


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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Has anyone had an intro to sociology class in high school or college? Those competetive, violent, destructive habits that boys are prone to, and the nurturing, noncompetetive, cooperative activities that girl are prone to are most definitely a product of society. Nature used to dictate that men be aggressive and females submissive, but it is not hardwired into us. Just look at the metrosexual, slightly effeminate man who's not afraid to cry. Just look at how many women play the game harder than men. At one time these social norms, while not intentionally imposed for the purpose of instituting gender roles, were, as latent social functions, useful as doing so. While no matriarchies currently exist, there are cultures in which men are considered emotional and irrational and where women are the intellectual ones. It is a cultural wiring, which is most definitely real and wired as hard as any other learned behavior. Of course there's a balance to this, that it's not ENTIRELY nurture, but for the most part it is.

This statement was based on my intro to sociology class at a 4 year university, so if you've got a better source then feel free to argue. Otherwise, do some reading before attempting to explain dolls and guns in terms of the sex chromosomes.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Your an idiot man, before you bring your stupid arts paper crap into this, let me explain things to you in basic caveman science ok.

your an animal first and foremost, your the male of the species and well girls are the females of the species, look at how other animals behave, take our nearest relative the chimps and other apes as examples. What do the females do ? What do the males do ?

Why would it be any different with humans, the reason why you think its different its because through evolution the human mind has evolved so that we have a self awareness thats greater than other animals.

So we like to rationalize things the way we want them to, dont fool yourself boys will always be boys and girls will be girls its hardwired into your genes through thousands of years of evolution, a few generations of fu(ked ideology and bullcrap isnt going to change that.

So in short men will always be men and will always like to watch things blow up and play with trucks and girls wil always be girls and play with dollies and try to make themselves look cute.

When will you idiots learn that you cant defeat that animal instinct in you, your the male of your species and they are the females you cant change that role no matter how many different ideas and bullcrap you stick into a young childs mind, nature always wins, and if it cant then survival of the fittest occurs and that person isnt able to pass on their genes to the next genration and thus their weak genes die out.

I cant be stuffed writng any more about this but really just think about it and its a simple explanation, no matter how much people try to argue against it they wont win. You cant you just cant your genes and instincts wont allow it, and if they do then well you wont survive long enough to pass on your genes. And if you do pass on your genes your offspring will be badly equiped to deal with the strong male and female roles and will suffer your fate.

So in the end the feminists will die out end of story, now wheres me steak at.

So do it for the children dont be a pvssy-man LOL

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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typical said:
dont fool yourself boys will always be boys and girls will be girls its hardwired into your genes through thousands of years of evolution, a few generations of fu(ked ideology and bullcrap isnt going to change that
So in short men will always be men and will always like to watch things blow up and play with trucks and girls wil always be girls and play with dollies and try to make themselves look cute.
Scientific evidence?


Aug 14, 2005
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"When will you idiots learn that you cant defeat that animal instinct in you"

People kill themsevles, are gay, cut them selfs, put thmselves though stress and turmoil. I think these are going against nature.

Sexuality is "hardwired" in the same way your face looks like it does. But from sexuality come all the male and female "personalities/social forms".
I think most of people's personalities are built in. People are most animal and less rational then they'd like to admit.

Feminizm is a load of bull****, just ask any happily married couple about it, they just laugh at peoples ignorance of male and female idenities and roles.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Theres nothing wrong with guys playing with dolls! You can have lots of fun with barbie and her friends. Just pretend you're a nazi doctor performing illegal medical experiments on live people, or gassing them in the oven for disobeying the Great Leader.

Great fun, dolls are.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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My sister recently had a baby boy, and he already naturally prefers playing with balls and cars. They stuck him in a dollhouse once and he threw everything outside and quickly got bored. :D

Basically, male kids like to exercise their motor skills while girls like to exercise their imagination. And this is from birth, before any socialization. There is nothing wrong with such gender dimorphism either...except apparently to feminists who are so insecure in their own femininity that they'd rather believe we're all innately androgynous! :crackup: :nono:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 28, 2004
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The Corridor
wayword said:
My sister recently had a baby boy, and he already naturally prefers playing with balls and cars. They stuck him in a dollhouse once and he threw everything outside and quickly got bored. :D

Basically, male kids like to exercise their motor skills while girls like to exercise their imagination. And this is from birth, before any socialization. There is nothing wrong with such gender dimorphism either...except apparently to feminists who are so insecure in their own femininity that they'd rather believe we're all innately androgynous! :crackup: :nono:
exactly. My sister has a boy and a girl. The boy ever since he was a couple months old was throwing things and eventually he was throwing toys and pacifiers out of the crib BEFORE anyone ever tried playing catch with him. My niece never did that. now whenever i try playing catch with her i may get her to throw the ball three times tops before she gets bored. My nephew is extremely active like a boy should even with my sister and brother in law trying to suppress it a little bit, not to the point where i think he'll become feminine though.

Male and female roles are not produced by society. it's natural for men to be men and women to be women. Every marriage I can think of off the top of my head where both the wife and husband are happy are marriages where the man is allowed to be a man and the woman is allowed to be a woman. I'm sure there are marriages where it's the opposite but they are far fewer.

And FVCK sociology. It's a huge waste of a class. I liked it at first but the more I tried to apply it to my life the more I realized it's sh!t. I got a 97% in the class at a "four-year university" (not that that means anything at all) and towards the end of my class my soci. professor who is a woman that got a degree in chemistry, sociology and was a doctor before she was a professor said to the class and I quote "Women don't realize how good they had it when they were stay at home moms. You guys need to change it back to the way it was." And something along the lines of feminists being wrong. Women don't want to be men, they want to be women, their brains aren't hardwired to do the things men do. Men are better at everything a man is "socially programmed to do" naturally and vice versa.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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My wife is a CT tech/Rad tech so this means we got a lot of freebies when it came to ultra-sound scans while she was pregnant with our daughter. In fact one of her best friends in the department was the ultra-sound tech and we were checking out whether or not the child was male or female as it developed. On one occasion she said the child was definitely a girl and we asked her why she was so sure of it. She said that her hands were up around her chest all the time and that if it were a boy they'd be down between his legs. You see after the second trimester boys are already playing with themselves inside the womb. Not much else to do I suppose, but this illustrates the biology imperative of gender and sex. Even a developing male fetus is sexulized. This is the power of testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
Deadly_Ripped said:
Has anyone had an intro to sociology class in high school or college? Those competetive, violent, destructive habits that boys are prone to, and the nurturing, noncompetetive, cooperative activities that girl are prone to are most definitely a product of society. Nature used to dictate that men be aggressive and females submissive, but it is not hardwired into us. Just look at the metrosexual, slightly effeminate man who's not afraid to cry. Just look at how many women play the game harder than men. At one time these social norms, while not intentionally imposed for the purpose of instituting gender roles, were, as latent social functions, useful as doing so. While no matriarchies currently exist, there are cultures in which men are considered emotional and irrational and where women are the intellectual ones. It is a cultural wiring, which is most definitely real and wired as hard as any other learned behavior. Of course there's a balance to this, that it's not ENTIRELY nurture, but for the most part it is.

This statement was based on my intro to sociology class at a 4 year university, so if you've got a better source then feel free to argue. Otherwise, do some reading before attempting to explain dolls and guns in terms of the sex chromosomes.
OH WOW, YOU TOOK AN INTRO COURSE ON SOCIOLOGY! That's like one step away from professor, right?

Males and females of all primates, hell pretty much all species, are different behaviourly and mentally. Hell, men's and women's brains are different, that is a scientifically proven fact; you think it's so outrageous to believe, then, that men and women will be behaviourly different on an innate level? Those differences have resulted in males and females playing different roles in their "societies" since the dawn of mankind, and glimpses of those differences can be seen in the behaviour of boys and girls before they're even old enough to be affected by socialization. The only way those little boys and girls could grow up and not take on the typical male and female roles is for them to be brought up under such a large, complex society as ours with such overpowering influence and radical new ideas. Let them grow up (relatively)on their own, away from the influence of any society, and watch them take on the roles and behaviours that males and females always do.

The only reason there's been such a homogenization of the genders, this attempt at androgenizing society in recent decades (at least in western cultures), is because such a rigid gender dichotomy is deemed unacceptable, "politcally incorrect" you might say, by a society that's trying to "fix" the inequalities between men and women. Admitting that men and women are innately different on a mental level doesn't exactly help the "Let's make women equal with men" movement.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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cant think of a user name said:
Scientific evidence?
The last 20,000 years of homo sapien existence. Ever read a history book? Or take a science class? Or a history class? Or watch a documentary? Or go outside and look at how normal people behave?

You would know this.

I just want to punch you outside the head. What a stupid question.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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wayword said:
Basically, male kids like to exercise their motor skills while girls like to exercise their imagination.
Oh great, so now having an imagination makes you a girl?

Well you'd better go and tell that to Edison, Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, George Lucas, Hemingway, da Vinci, and Michaelangelo. Heck, every imagination industry - from literature to film to philosophy - is made up of men.

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
The last 20,000 years of homo sapien existence. Ever read a history book? Or take a science class? Or a history class? Or watch a documentary? Or go outside and look at how normal people behave?

You would know this.

I just want to punch you outside the head. What a stupid question.
Calm down. I actually found myself agreeing with Desdinova's original post. The only problem I had was with some of the others bastardising the original sentiment.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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florida baby
Desdinova said:
When I was a young boy, my dad's drinking buddy would come over to visit and would bring his daughter. She always wanted to play house, so I went along with it. She would clean the house and cook supper while I'd come home from work, eat supper, and pretend to get drunk. Well, you get the idea.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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diplomatic_lies said:
Oh great, so now having an imagination makes you a girl?

Well you'd better go and tell that to Edison, Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, George Lucas, Hemingway, da Vinci, and Michaelangelo. Heck, every imagination industry - from literature to film to philosophy - is made up of men.
Well, let's say more like imaginary friends and fantasy worlds than visionary imaginary and inventive genius... Basically, using imagination to better cope with reality than to escape from it.

Anyways, it's just ridiculous how feminized the status quo has become now that simply stating the obvious about gender dimorphism is considered "controversial."


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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wayword said:
Well, let's say more like imaginary friends and fantasy worlds than visionary imaginary and inventive genius...
Many prominent scientists and literary writers often built fantasy worlds. Hell, going into space was considered the realm of fantasy.

Basically, using imagination to better cope with reality than to escape from it.
That applies to both men and women. Everyone uses imagination to escape from reality. Have you ever read a fiction book? Seen a movie? Played with toy soldiers?

While I'm not a fan of excessive escapism, I don't like the way a lot of men put down imagination as a "bad thing". Without imagination, you wouldn't have computers today.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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diplomatic_lies said:
Without imagination, you wouldn't have computers today.
Again, that was visionary imagination used to invent something. Not playing with imaginary friends in imaginary soap operas.

Well, perhaps using "imagination" was just too vague and general.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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wayword said:
Again, that was visionary imagination used to invent something. Not playing with imaginary friends in imaginary soap operas.
I still don't see anything wrong with having fun with your imagination. When you read a book or watch a movie, you're using your imagination, even though you're not "inventing" anything.

Well, perhaps using "imagination" was just too vague and general.
When you brought up the whole guys love trucks & girls love dolls thing, I reckon a better idea would be that boys prefer action, while girls prefer social stuff.

Like if you think about it, trucks/soldiers are about action & conflict, while dolls are more about social playing. And yeah, you're right, men are more likely to be inventors, but it isn't because of imagination, its more about men preferring action over social.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
