The more women you get with the more you understand how important personality is


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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I just blew things off with a girl who was among the most dull, boring and likely somewhat dumb girls I've ever met. It was the second time I was out with her and I couldn't stand it anymore. The best thing about meeting her was meeting her little sister, who I had more fun with in 15 minutes than I would've had with her in a year. This girl was so frustratingly dropped in the head combined with her sh!t behaviours that it further cemented my newfound conviction and made me create this thread.

The two things that need to be in place for your time to be worth spending on her are the basics (good hygiene, not ugly, not toxic, etc.) and her personality. If you're with a woman who you want to f*ck or even a woman you ARE f*cking, then I think you're wasting your time if you don't actually enjoy being with her.

Yesterday night was spent with my main girl before this and I can confidently say that in the end the f*ck factor doesn't count for sh!t next to personality if you have to pick one of them, as long as the basics are in place. I can only imagine how much stronger this notion would be with guys who have way more experience with girls than I do. I feel like I've insulted myself by spending time with that girl, and that she has insulted me with her sh!tty behaviour and wasted my time by being so mind-numbingly (literally - I could feel my mind getting sunken and dazed from being with her) lifeless, stale, dim and socially incompetent.

Guys, please - don't waste your time on and don't give undeserved attention to girls who you don't enjoy being with. Don't reward their sh!t personalities with s3x, don't put up with their bullsh!t behaviour while dating or in relationships, don't f*ck your own mind and time up by wasting what you have on them.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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It all depends on what you want out of it.

I'm very comfortable with objectifying women, to the point that I can have sex and not really care too much about anything else. That is, if she doesn't inspire me to feel anything more than that.

However, I would never put up with "bullsh-t," if that was a requirement to get sex out of her.

It may be because my expectations of women where I live are quite low to begin with. I have a different kind of fun with other people. Women are a necessary evil if you want sex.
AttackFormation said:
Don't reward their sh!t personalities with s3x
Women don't view sex with men as a reward. Your "attention" and "money" is worth far more.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
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AttackFormation said:
I just blew things off with a girl who was among the most dull, boring and likely somewhat dumb girls I've ever met. It was the second time I was out with her and I couldn't stand it anymore. The best thing about meeting her was meeting her little sister, who I had more fun with in 15 minutes than I would've had with her in a year. This girl was so frustratingly dropped in the head combined with her sh!t behaviours that it further cemented my newfound conviction and made me create this thread.

The two things that need to be in place for your time to be worth spending on her are the basics (good hygiene, not ugly, not toxic, etc.) and her personality. If you're with a woman who you want to f*ck or even a woman you ARE f*cking, then I think you're wasting your time if you don't actually enjoy being with her.

Yesterday night was spent with my main girl before this and I can confidently say that in the end the f*ck factor doesn't count for sh!t next to personality if you have to pick one of them, as long as the basics are in place. I can only imagine how much stronger this notion would be with guys who have way more experience with girls than I do. I feel like I've insulted myself by spending time with that girl, and that she has insulted me with her sh!tty behaviour and wasted my time by being so mind-numbingly (literally - I could feel my mind getting sunken and dazed from being with her) lifeless, stale, dim and socially incompetent.

Guys, please - don't waste your time on and don't give undeserved attention to girls who you don't enjoy being with. Don't reward their sh!t personalities with s3x, don't put up with their bullsh!t behaviour while dating or in relationships, don't f*ck your own mind and time up by wasting what you have on them.
I wish I would have been able to read this post in November/December, which is when I joined this site. I was seeing a girl at the time who fit all of those bad criteria, but I didn't want to believe that she was actually low quality. I tried convincing myself she was better than she actually was because I wasn't seeing any other women at the time, so I gave her a lot of undeserved attention and time. A LOT of it.

She was pretty and all, but it was all makeup and she overrated herself by a few points. Plus she was stupid, sometimes saying things that made me stop and go, "what?!" and I guess I just looked past it because I was getting laid.

I never really did go full beta or anything like that though, I just gave her much more than I should have (paying for everything, choosing her over my friends) and totally lost my frame.

In the end, it was one of those things that had to happen though, because without it, I never would have found this site :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Speaking of low quality in the latest post this is my definition of a woman's quality: If the woman was old and so all the things that could make up for a bad personality are gone, would you still like her? If you are saying to yourself "I'm only with this girl because she's a looker who gives me pvssy" then even though you have found pvssy you have not really won, because you have not found quality yet and so the best use of your time is not realised.

You and I both know the type. They're the women who even when they're old they take care of themselves, they remain feminine, lively, uplifting and they like men. It's easier to distinguish them from other women when they're older because they'll stand out more compared to the hags and trolls who can hide behind their looks while young.

In that regard I disagree completely with automatically labelling frisky girls as low quality, because that's not what quality is. If a girl has sucked 30 d!cks before you but she genuinely likes and wants to be with you, she has the basics down, she's feminine, lively, uplifting and likes men - then she is a high quality woman with a frisky sexual past. Would you rather spend your life with a girl who's svcked less ones but you can't stand? And so by that example it cannot be that quality = sexual history.

The more into the game you get the more you realise how what matters the most in the end, taking the fact that looks will always be a factor into account and accepting that, is the people we are... never thought I'd say such a thing...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Excellent post. I've been on dates with hot women and was bored to tears. In 2012 I was dating this Armenian girl who looked like Kim Kardashian. She was all about herself and posting selfies all the time.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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Great post, very true.

I learned my lesson with this about a year ago. I barely knew this chick, like an idiot felt pressured into making a move, and dated her shortly. It was one of those kind of deals where you think "what did I just do?" immediately after asking them out. Very passive aggressive, had a slutty side, and was just boring to be around.

From that I learned that you should always know who you're dealing with before going out, it saves you a lot of trouble. Have a real connection with the person before trying to force chemistry by taking them out on som awkward bs date she won't appreciate anyway.

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
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St. Louis, MO
Yeah I gotta agree here. I'm not much for ONS anymore & prefer an ongoing thing with someone, so personality is pretty important to me. In addition to having no/bad personality so many girls out there just have bad taste when it comes to many things.

I'd really rather spend quality time with a 6 that has an awesome personality & really good taste than spend time with an 8-9 that has a dull personality & thinks Bud Light is the greatest beer ever & that Olive Garden is really good Italian food lol.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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When you get pvssy you start to realize it is way far from everything in life.

I remember screwing girl with really tight *****, it was fun but there it felt like sex with h00ker, no chemistry,no feelings.And then when I was with her I realized I just let time pass to next 'pvssy feeding' as there was no emotional and intellectual connection.She is one of these girls I don't even remeber her name.BUT believe or not they are men who spent their entire lifes in marriages and ltr with such women to get their pvssy feeeding from time to time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Good stuff in this thread

Just be weary that low quality boring women are also capable of projecting amazing facades always be on your guard

One girl whom was a childhood sweetheart of mine , was an absolute master at this ......

She portrayed the image of being this beautiful sweet brunette who couldn’t hurt a fly ......a friend of hers even warned me that not all was as it seemed but i didn’t care we just wanted to fvck each others brains out

We dated for a while but beside the obvious physical connection we had and despite my best efforts i just couldn’t find a way to connect with her personality which worried me because i thought there was something wrong with ME

Something was missing from our relationship and we split up but she made me truly believe that i was to blame

She got into another relationship and for a long time i always wondered what could have been , a few months ago i find out she’s split with her BF but i resisted contacting her

As fate would have it, literally walked straight into her at the supermarket a few weeks later

It was only then i realised there was actually nothing in her , not one ounce of personality or character , yea sure physically she still blew me away and I’ve still yet to meet a woman who comes close to beating her looks wise

But underneath it all there was nothing there......what was more freighting was the fact it took me almost 4 years too realise it and once i saw underneath the mask all kinds of horrors came to light

Turned out baby girl had been putting it about quite a lot whilst i was away in cuco land

I do however owe her big-time for teaching me how deceptive women can be not just physically but emotionally too


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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It seems like some women have sex a lot in order to compensate for their lack of personality. Like sexuality is the only thing that will get them attention. Figures that most porn stars have horrible personalities and are uneducated.

I agree that you should focus on high quality women and not wh0res. I think that younger dudes like wh0res because how how quickly they put out and how they are in bed, but as you get older you realize that's not even important.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
AttackFormation said:
I just blew things off with a girl who was among the most dull, boring and likely somewhat dumb girls I've ever met. It was the second time I was out with her and I couldn't stand it anymore. The best thing about meeting her was meeting her little sister, who I had more fun with in 15 minutes than I would've had with her in a year. This girl was so frustratingly dropped in the head combined with her sh!t behaviours that it further cemented my newfound conviction and made me create this thread.

The two things that need to be in place for your time to be worth spending on her are the basics (good hygiene, not ugly, not toxic, etc.) and her personality. If you're with a woman who you want to f*ck or even a woman you ARE f*cking, then I think you're wasting your time if you don't actually enjoy being with her.

Yesterday night was spent with my main girl before this and I can confidently say that in the end the f*ck factor doesn't count for sh!t next to personality if you have to pick one of them, as long as the basics are in place. I can only imagine how much stronger this notion would be with guys who have way more experience with girls than I do. I feel like I've insulted myself by spending time with that girl, and that she has insulted me with her sh!tty behaviour and wasted my time by being so mind-numbingly (literally - I could feel my mind getting sunken and dazed from being with her) lifeless, stale, dim and socially incompetent.

Guys, please - don't waste your time on and don't give undeserved attention to girls who you don't enjoy being with. Don't reward their sh!t personalities with s3x, don't put up with their bullsh!t behaviour while dating or in relationships, don't f*ck your own mind and time up by wasting what you have on them.
This thread is money. Sticky it now.

That is what i've been saying man, I tell my friends who getting laid if you don't even like hanging out with the girl (it aint fun). The way I see it, if you dont enjoy being with her and you're forcing yourself to hangout just to get laid, you are an AFC and are externally attached to the outcome of sex.

Reps for you, all day.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
JohnChops said:
This thread is money. Sticky it now.

That is what i've been saying man, I tell my friends who getting laid if you don't even like hanging out with the girl (it aint fun). The way I see it, if you dont enjoy being with her and you're forcing yourself to hangout just to get laid, you are an AFC and are externally attached to the outcome of sex.

Reps for you, all day.
Some folks really don't get along outside the sex.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Unfortunately, some of the most insane ****ed up women are often the best sex you'll ever have, strippers for example. One of the great paradoxes of mankind.
Apr 23, 2015
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jurry said:
Unfortunately, some of the most insane ****ed up women are often the best sex you'll ever have, strippers for example. One of the great paradoxes of mankind.
The cracked "nut" head produces an elixir and pu$$y that is actually physically addictive. They don't "have" to be crazy, they just live there and never come out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
jurry said:
Unfortunately, some of the most insane ****ed up women are often the best sex you'll ever have, strippers for example. One of the great paradoxes of mankind.
Haha true. That's the hook that the crazies (BPD, Bipolar, damaged goods) have. They suck as individuals. But they fvck like an animal. :up:


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
AttackFormation said:
Guys, please - don't waste your time on and don't give undeserved attention to girls who you don't enjoy being with. Don't reward their sh!t personalities with s3x, don't put up with their bullsh!t behaviour while dating or in relationships, don't f*ck your own mind and time up by wasting what you have on them.
OK, but would you rather tell your friends you spent the night having sex with hot girl with a bad personality, or spent the night talking to a girl who had a great personality?

I think the issue is you are trying to "connect" with them. Don't try to connect with them, they are good for sex, and good for kids. The moment you try to connect with them or lean on them for support, they will crush you into ground and forget about you the next hour.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Trump said:
OK, but would you rather tell your friends you spent the night having sex with hot girl with a bad personality, or spent the night talking to a girl who had a great personality?

I think the issue is you are trying to "connect" with them. Don't try to connect with them, they are good for sex, and good for kids. The moment you try to connect with them or lean on them for support, they will crush you into ground and forget about you the next hour.

i dont tell my friends anything lol


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Trump said:
OK, but would you rather tell your friends you spent the night having sex with hot girl with a bad personality, or spent the night talking to a girl who had a great personality?

I think the issue is you are trying to "connect" with them. Don't try to connect with them, they are good for sex, and good for kids. The moment you try to connect with them or lean on them for support, they will crush you into ground and forget about you the next hour.
So you'd rather put poosey on a pedestal and cater to what your friends think. You arent a man yet. Just a dude who lives vicariously through a lay and your friends approval.

One day youll eventually realize both mean little to nothing. Or you may never wake up but will still pretend like you are somehow "ahead of the game". Wake up.