The Modern Sex Trap


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
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People aren't happy. This seems to be a common trend these days. Most people feel empty, and attempt to keep up with the demands of civilization without time to think or question. They sit at their 9-5 jobs, get paid their average salary, then blow the cash on bars, booze, pills, clothes, and any of the thousand other fine consumer products designed to sell happiness. Civilization has propagated the demand for an unnatural alternate lifestyle to a species whose brain functions exactly as it did 10, 000 years ago.

Prior to this, men and women worked in the fields, acquiring sunshine, healthy bodies and the fruits of their labor. Foods were varied and natural, and sex was wasn't the end-all-be-all of existence. Men were men, women were women, and the natural environment co-existed with US, a natural species.

Now we have Xanax. Tramal. Porn. Burger King. Cosmo. Hollywood. Cable T.V. Billboards. Ultimate Comfort. Ultimate Luxery. And loads of free time.

This is where sex comes in. Sex has taken over as the dominant pass-time and ideal to a generation of bored, lonely, insecure, (non)conforming, and generally unhappy individuals. In an age where we have isolated ourselves from our natural environment, our need to expend our unused biological energy has led to an overabundance of sexual activity. What is disturbing about this trend is that it not only degrades and stagnates our mental and physical capabilities, but also reduces sex to a baser level than simple pleasure-seeking.

Sex isn't as simple nowadays as simply seeking out pleasure. People have associated sex as a major problem solver for their emotional emptiness, insecurities, and low self-esteem. They are using sex as a tool to fill the gaps in their lives. Notice how people who sulk one day are suddenly full of life and joy the next and begin to brag about how they got laid the night before. Sex has been degraded to a weak emotional outlet.

With Man is becoming more and more feminine, and Women more and more masculine, sex is only going to increase as the drug of choice for the upcoming generations. Noone knows what sex is anymore. Sex was an intimate act between people with genuine feelings towards one another, with natural desires for the other person. Now people don't even have to like each other to engage in sex. They use each other for the quick thrill and self-esteem boost and then move on as if nothing happened. This only increases the lack in their lives, which leads them to think they're maybe not having enough sex, which leads to more sex-seeking, etc..

P.U.A's are a prime example of this. They simply have too much time and expendable energy on the one hand, and too little self-esteem and emotional emptiness on the other.

I fell into this sex trap 6 years back, and it took me alot of time to get out of it. Soon I began to question what I was doing, and began to see in others what I failed to see in myself: that I was using sex as a fix-it-quick solution to the things I lacked in my life.

So what's the REAL solution? Well, here's an EXTREME solution that worked for me. Quit everything RIGHT NOW. Quit watching T.V., quit surfing the net, quit any medication you're on, quit your routines, and QUIT SEX. In their place, go camping, hike, walk, take up a sport, excercise, be ACTIVE. Boost your testosterone with activity and never look back. Soon enough, sex will seem boring in comparison to the excitment in your life. With an exciting life, you never look back.

Regain your strength, masculinity, independence and livilihood. Pook once wrote something along the lines of "Women can't find real men because real men are too busy climbing mountains". This rings absolutly true. Pook's articles are a great inspiration, and have changed my life radically.

Once you establish an adventourous life, sex will regain a purpose. You won't need sex anymore as a solution. You won't NEED it anymore, but rather you will begin to desire it on a more natural, moderate level. With so many things going on in your lives, sex will have a time and place, and never will it be better.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
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You were doing good until you brought up "PUA," Now I think this should be more focused at all the mass afc's out there and not PU or DJ's. The people on this site are actually making there lives better not just because they can talk to women and maybe get better at it and actually fvck the women they barely met but to learn self esteem never left them or that there is nothing to fear in life, I liked your post but you shouldnt have aimed it at the DJ's and not insinuate that all that "DJ's," do is try and fvck women.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
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i agree with alot of what you said. Though i havent quit everything, i recently stopped watching most tv shows and i only watch movies. I took a step back and really watched some commercials one day and saw how stupid and brainwashing tv actually is. Ive never seen so much stupid ****. The good news is that since i stopped watching tv and commercials i feel great. Mabye one day ill quit everything and feel awsome.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Sex is very much a drug. There was a time a few years ago when I thought I had a sexual addiction. Given my behavior as of late, I'm wondering the same thing again.

And the wild thing is, it is like a drug. I have never done illegal drugs, but some people think you start out with the soft or lighter drugs and progress. With sex, I start out with the normal thing with one hot girl and now i'm wanting kinkier and wilder things to get the same thrill!

Pretty good observation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Sex is a gateway drug....first you're getting drunk to ease the conversation, after you're done you'll be smoking a cigarette....before too long you'll be doing a fat line of coke off a hooker's ass crack in a sleazy motel room.

Well I guess that last one only applies if you're in politics...:D