Rollo Tomassi
Master Don Juan
WESTCOASTER and I have gone on in several different threads about "men" we know who've become married AFCs and older guys involved in LTRs where they allow themselves to become the passive/submissive partner in the relationship. From experience we can relate the stories of guys who laugh when they tell us how fortunate they are to have a gal who 'allows' them to watch Hockey or Football or men who make their own rationalizations for 'obeying' their Women's insecure natures. And just recently I went on about the Qualities that make an AFC in my own thread, but I came to realize that the condition we include that characterize what we term as AFC, change and evolve as we age.
AFCism (for lack of a better term) is a disease, and like any disease, if left untreated, it will mutate into different forms as it progresses until it kills or debilitates the host. Most 'advice' threads online approach dating, love, personal relationships from a very short-sighted, dare I say, juevenile point of view. This forum is unique in that it even has a Mature Man section, however, most others see things in short term behavioral patterns and only very rarely from a truly mature life-long perspective.
Needless to say, making short term decisions with long term consequences is hardly a way to live. I know far too many 40-60 y.o. men and women who internalize and put into practice the advices of 20-30 y.o.s who have entirely too immature realtional/social skills to be giving advice. When I read a 22 y.o. girl going into explicit detail about dating advice for a 45 y.o. divorcee "getting back into the game" I can only cringe. So desperate for help is this person that they'll disregard the maturity of the source.
This all brings me to the idea that mature AFCism, if left unchecked, will evolve into behaviors that will have lasting consequences not only for the AFC, but also for the people who's livelihoods depend on him. This degree of AFCism filters down into many aspects of his own life and the lives of others either directly or indirectly. Bear with me while I illustrate this with some personal experiences.
The man (small 'M' intended) I presently work for is a 66 y.o. AFC. He is a very successful, millionaire with many financial endeavours and a credit to his sense of business. That said, every success he has achieved was prompted by his need for feminine approval, women (and one in particular) have always been the PRIZE to him. He has built a small financial empire based on this AFCism that many other people are dependent upon. He constantly drops what he thinks are pithy comments about how "women are the power behind the throne" or how men will "never understand women", completely oblivious to his own personal status. I constantly see his business decisions colored by this very AFCism and I think about how I am dependent on this man for a paycheck.
When I lived in Reno I had a 63 y.o. man I counseled who had spent the better part of his life trying to find the 'key' that would make his wife of almost 30 years be intimate with him. Both in their 60's, she had gradually become indifferent to him and only held him as a concern when he was between jobs. When times were good he would buy "them" toys they couldn't afford - boats, ATVs, vacations - and in thin times it was nothing but constant bickering. This situation didn't develop because she was materialistic, but rather because he perceived this as a method to buy her affections and she became conditioned to it. At 63 the guy is bawling his eyes out since he'd reach the end of his rope. He'd run out of AFC ideas that would appease her. It was when I suggested he "Man-Up" and start implimenting some positive-masculine behaviors and developing this mindset he said, "I could never do that, it's just not me. She'd leave me for sure if I got tough."
AFCism isn't just for kids. The fallout and long term consequences carry over into middle and old age. One element to this is the notion that the last few generations of men have been brought up in a greater consentration by single mothers, absent fathers and negatively masculine/AFC fathers who themselves were brought up similarly. This is an easy mark, but observing and sorting out AFC behaviors of mature men and the complex dependencies they bear on others around them is tougher. I wish I could say that AFCism was an indication of failure and would be gradually weeded out of the mental schema gene-pool so to speak, but I can't. There are many successful men who still cling to AFC mentalities and in some cases are more driven than positively masculine Men.
AFCism (for lack of a better term) is a disease, and like any disease, if left untreated, it will mutate into different forms as it progresses until it kills or debilitates the host. Most 'advice' threads online approach dating, love, personal relationships from a very short-sighted, dare I say, juevenile point of view. This forum is unique in that it even has a Mature Man section, however, most others see things in short term behavioral patterns and only very rarely from a truly mature life-long perspective.
Needless to say, making short term decisions with long term consequences is hardly a way to live. I know far too many 40-60 y.o. men and women who internalize and put into practice the advices of 20-30 y.o.s who have entirely too immature realtional/social skills to be giving advice. When I read a 22 y.o. girl going into explicit detail about dating advice for a 45 y.o. divorcee "getting back into the game" I can only cringe. So desperate for help is this person that they'll disregard the maturity of the source.
This all brings me to the idea that mature AFCism, if left unchecked, will evolve into behaviors that will have lasting consequences not only for the AFC, but also for the people who's livelihoods depend on him. This degree of AFCism filters down into many aspects of his own life and the lives of others either directly or indirectly. Bear with me while I illustrate this with some personal experiences.
The man (small 'M' intended) I presently work for is a 66 y.o. AFC. He is a very successful, millionaire with many financial endeavours and a credit to his sense of business. That said, every success he has achieved was prompted by his need for feminine approval, women (and one in particular) have always been the PRIZE to him. He has built a small financial empire based on this AFCism that many other people are dependent upon. He constantly drops what he thinks are pithy comments about how "women are the power behind the throne" or how men will "never understand women", completely oblivious to his own personal status. I constantly see his business decisions colored by this very AFCism and I think about how I am dependent on this man for a paycheck.
When I lived in Reno I had a 63 y.o. man I counseled who had spent the better part of his life trying to find the 'key' that would make his wife of almost 30 years be intimate with him. Both in their 60's, she had gradually become indifferent to him and only held him as a concern when he was between jobs. When times were good he would buy "them" toys they couldn't afford - boats, ATVs, vacations - and in thin times it was nothing but constant bickering. This situation didn't develop because she was materialistic, but rather because he perceived this as a method to buy her affections and she became conditioned to it. At 63 the guy is bawling his eyes out since he'd reach the end of his rope. He'd run out of AFC ideas that would appease her. It was when I suggested he "Man-Up" and start implimenting some positive-masculine behaviors and developing this mindset he said, "I could never do that, it's just not me. She'd leave me for sure if I got tough."
AFCism isn't just for kids. The fallout and long term consequences carry over into middle and old age. One element to this is the notion that the last few generations of men have been brought up in a greater consentration by single mothers, absent fathers and negatively masculine/AFC fathers who themselves were brought up similarly. This is an easy mark, but observing and sorting out AFC behaviors of mature men and the complex dependencies they bear on others around them is tougher. I wish I could say that AFCism was an indication of failure and would be gradually weeded out of the mental schema gene-pool so to speak, but I can't. There are many successful men who still cling to AFC mentalities and in some cases are more driven than positively masculine Men.