The Lesser The Better!


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2002
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While reading through a book, a thought came across my mind and it just made complete sense. The less someone gets something the more valuable it is to them.

I love jet skiing but only get to do it maybe twice a year. It's one of the most enjoyable things for me to do and it's simply because it's just a rare thing for me to do. If i had a jet ski and a lake sitting outside my house my whole life, would I find it anywhere near as exciting?

Call a girl all the time and you become clingy and annoying, call the girl every once in a while and she'll say "You don't call enough." That should help your image in her eyes. It will make you mysterious and AND A MAJOR CHALLENGE. Ever wonder why some preach not to stay on the phone for over 20 minutes???

This post isn't just about talking on the phone. Saying less in general makes your words more valuable. Those who open their mouth more often are more susceptible to say something foolish. When I'm out i can just let someone talk to me, tell me about themselves, and I'll just learn all kinds of information about them. And they won't know a damn thing about me. MYSTERY MYSTERY MYSTERY.

You all know who the funny guy's are and who the REALLY funny guys are. The average funny guy will spit words all night and sure it's funny but after a while it just starts to get a little repetitive and boring. The REALLY funny guys will say something truly humorous and have everyone crying with laughter

How about when you eat your girl out. Ever try just licking her legs, hips, and everywhere else except where she wants it. Then when you do she nearly dies. My point exactly.

The idea is simple and if you follow it, you will reap the benefits. Don't spend all your time with these chicks. That way you can keep things new and exciting and avoid things getting boring.

Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.