Fashion is tricky. It's very different in different places. For example sonick's suggestions would probably look great where he is, but it sure wouldn't where I am!
Also, just ditch the magazines. Instead, just mention to a couple girls that you need help shopping for some good clothing and they will leap right in to help you. (And they'll love you for asking them for help.)
Personally I worry less about what looks good on everyone else and more about what I like and think looks good. (I stay with the fashion this way because if I'm surrounded by a certain type of clothing, the ones I'll like on me are generally gonna be that type.) It's always better to have something on that looks good on you but is sort of out of style than it is to having something that's "in" but makes you look like a dork. (Wow, there's a word I haven't used in a while..)
After a while, if you get good enough at finding things that look good on you (You'll get better with practice) you'll become the trendsetter, and fashion in your area will become whatever you're wearing. (Yes it does happen.)
If you want some baisic tips here are some things to avoid:
~Navy blue and black in the same outfit
~different shades of red in the same outfit
~red and green or read and yellow.
Aside from that, blue jeans, and black, kahki, and white anything will go with nearly anything else.
And even those are rules you can bend or break. Just experiemnt and see what looks good.