The Kiss


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
Hello fellow forumers! First post here. I've been reading along for a couple days and recently realized there are no threads on moving in for a kiss (I haven't found one). Not sure what's up with that but I've decided to stir one up or one that's recent to say the least.

Now I understand the entire Don Juan thing that its not about using lines and rehearsed dialogue, but rather a lifestyle that grows with you and I'm all for that. I'm not into using lines that I read somewhere, i tend to forget them anyways.

I do, however, think that it's not a bad idea to have a couple lines in your arsenal to alternate between when the conversation seems like it's not in the right mood to move in for a kiss.

Let's say that some rapport has been established and you're now chatting about random stuff like funny family moments, stories of partying, etc. I was just wondering if you guys have ever used the same approach (on more than one girl) to set the mood away from those conversations and one right to move in for a kiss.

I've moved into kisses with success before but I just feel if i had a couple witty (or even slightly romantic) lines under my belt it could have been a bit more suave... i mean, isn't that what this site is about? :)

thanks in advance, you guys are great. Im looking forward to posting often!


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
there's an ancient thread on this..don't remember wher ei saw it...might be in dj bible..but here's the summary

it was called something like the triangle stare or was like look to her left eye or right...then to here lips and back up to the opposite ye...of course you shouldn't look like you're staring at one yee...but just make strong eye contact

that's all it really is...eye contact..that's how you can tell if a girl's feeling you at school...i couldn't explain it to my friend...for me, it's obvious when a girl wants to get to know you or when she's just being friendly...

eye contact..touching..kiss..if you saw hitch....80 perecent of women decide what your future will be like based on the first kiss...SO DON'T **** UP =)...but eh..if she's interested in you..she won't dump you like some dog **** if you can't kiss...unless she's a comple bizatcheotcheole

just have fun


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the post my dude i didn't seem to find that post at first but ill look for it.

I mean I've never had a problem with going in for the kiss... I do the eye contact thing also thats more like common sense I guess I could say but that just feels a bit lame sometimes don't ya think? I'm literally looking for a line or a little story (be it fake i dont care) that finishes itself with a kiss. You know, to spice it up right before to make the transition more smooth and less of the awkward (although sometimes romantic in its own little way) eye contact. Not to be corny but when her friends would ask how it happened, for instance, she'd have something good about the way it happened instead of "oh yeah we made eye contact and we kissed". Though effective, seems a bit lame sometimes lol

yeah im probably being corny but i remember i used this one little story this one time it wasnt planned or on purpose but we were just having a long conversation about a myriad of subject and somehow ended up talking about astrology (LOL!) so i know a thing or two about that cuz i find it interesting i read some stuff on it. so we were talking about parallel universes and she was new to it so i was explaining the theories that scientists propose (mind you this wasnt just some random chick, we actually have intellectual conversations alot thats what i like about her). anyways, i explained the theories and then i made up a "theory" of my own on the spot in an attempt to kiss her so i said "so you know how all these theories say the universe splits infinitely? That seems a bit farfetched cause nothing really changes in split seconds. So i came up with a little theory of my own. *the universe splits when an opportunity presents itself that can have more than 2 outcomes* Hmm how can i explain this better. OOOHH how bout this.... for instance, if i lean in to kiss you right now (and i lean in just a tad bit) THE UNIVERSE SPLITS and in one of them you slap me! in another you back away! maybe in another you spit in my face for even trying!! but in this one... in this one we kiss " ......then i went for the kiss and it worked great ..we fvcked that night but thats beside the point.....although THAT might sound lame to you guys it actually worked pretty well with her cuz she wasnt one of those airhead *****iz and she enjoys talking about interesting and insightful things like that...

NOW WHAT IM LOOKING FOR... is something like what i pulled off but without the whole astrology crazy talk cuz some airhead skeezballs dont wanna talk about stuff like that... and i dont mind i got plenty talk for them too but the whole eye contact thing is a given.. im looking for something to spice it up.

ill probably get hate mail for telling you guys my corny story lmao!! its all good though, it worked out smooth for me :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
hm..i see what you mean...honestly, i usually just hang in a nice spot with her talking for a while, and eventually the opportunity presents itself naturally based on the conversation...unless you're a bad conversationlist then it wouldn't work...try movies, jokes,'ll find something...but don't stress over it


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
That story was actually pretty smooth, lol. I'll have to remember that if I ever meet an intellectual chick that likes astrology.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC
it as a smooth story, however I do not have any answers to your question. I say body language is enough to go by to see if she wants to kiss you.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
haha i was thinking bout what jeffthechef about talking about movies and whatever else comes up and something actually comes to mind when i think about movies. I was thinking if the conversation ends up being about movies you could say something like "you know, all these movies always have these 'happy endings' and im not the biggest fan of those cause they always make them so damn corny don't ya think!?. I mean, they CAN be happy without being corny, but they never make em like that. But what exactly IS corny about them? I think its probably the music they play in the background while the main characters kiss. Instead they can just kiss without the corny music (lean in)... like this (close)" or something like that LOL just a quick thought maybe ill apply it sometime in the future haha but yeah jeffs right i dont need to stress over it, especially since i never had a problem with it. But hey, if anyone thinks of something clever post it up anyways fellas