The Journal of Mr. Pink: New Year, New Prospects


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
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Well, to say that my little coffee get-together went good would be a flat out lie. Actually, to say it even happened would be a lie. She f'n overslept, and never showed. So, right there says a lot about her IL, so I'm calling it quits on her. And yes, I know some of you will say she stood me up, however I know this girl, and can tell she did legitly oversleep, but still, if she had any IL at all, she would've made sure she was awak in time to meet me.

So, it's time for new prospects, and just in time for the New Year. And I've set myself a a few specifif goals. One, I will take a girl out on Valentines, I'm not celebrating 17 Valentines Day's in a row alone. Two, I will have a date for out Winter Formal on Feb 21st. And three, I will have a gf by my 18th BDay on the 27th.

So anyways, tomarrow night I'm going to a New Years party held by a friend of mine. She has some pretty hot friends, so I'm gonna try to get their numbers and such. I'll see how that works, and see if by 2004 I have any better luck than I've been having lately. And if nothing strikes up with any of her friends, there's always her. So, I'll let you know how things go.

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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Once this girl was gonna take a train to visit me... She had to take it 5 in the morning and I was gonna meet her downtown at about 8 in the morning. I really liked her and my IL was very high, I overslept like a *****... Got together with her later though, hot sex :p She was really angry that day though :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Dude had no idea you were so young , that explains a lot.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Yup... 17. That's probably the reason I've been having such a hard time because I'm dealing with immature HS girls who have no idea what the hell they want. The High School boards here are just as bad as them, which is why I post here, not there.

-Mr. Pink


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
God, what a horrible, horrible party. I can't even begin to sum up how crappy my night was, but I'll attempt to.

First thing, there was one girl there I was interested in. So, I set my goal for the night as to at least leave with her party. But that's not how things ended up at all. First problem was two of my jackass friends who I'm seriously extremly pissed off at right now. The entire damn night they used this f'n karoke machine to insult me in front of the entire party and bring up my past with my ex-oneitis. So, I was looking like a jackass because of them from the get go.

Then, her friends. Good Lord, I have never seen a group of girls do so much ****blocking in one night. It was seriously insane. We were all sitting around on the couch talking, when the girl asked who was up for a game of ping-pong. So me sensing oppurtunity volunteered and went to the back room with her. Within two minutes her three friends were there, yoinked the paddles from me, and cut me out. It was nuts. Then, I was talking to her later, and her damn friend comes up, sits in between us, pushes me out of conversation and doesn't even think twice about it. Every time I got close to this chick, her damn friends pushed me back.

And then, I finally had an oppurtunity. I was sitting on the couch again talking to her, beginning to know her, when my f'n friends struck again. This time, coming in and throwing beach balls and crap at me, and ending up with one of them nailing me in the nuts with a tennis ball. So, after a night of being insulted, embarassed and ****blocked, I snapped on this bastard who threw the tennis ball and got into a fight in the middle of the party, right in front of the girl.

So, needless to say, I now look like a hotheaded idiot, and have completely f'ed things with this girl up beyond repair. Unless of course, any of you see a way to right this situation. My only idea is she's good friends with another girl friend of mine, so I could maybe ask her for some help with this, and get together with them and a few close, better friends that wouldn't give me the hard time I was having tonite and try again.

But anyways, I just couldn't overcome the combination of her friends, and my jackass friends tonite. It was horrible.

Anyways, before I go, here's my New Year's Resolutions:

1)Stop being so angry all the time
2)Start lifting again
3)Get a gf by my 18th B-Day
4)Cut back on the profanity
5)Stop wasting my time with jackass friends not worth my time and effort. In other words, Nexting friends I don't need.

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
I think this board is often not just about advise and technique.

That party sounds like it sucked I woulds done same as you.

Hang in there and stay up.

Ah and I've made over 1000 posts. I officially have too much time on my hands.
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Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
No you don't Walden, I have my 100 something here, like 20 over on the Guzzlefish forums where I keep my DVD, CD and Games collection and somewhere around 2,300 over on IGN, so until you top that combined post count, you don't have too much free time.

So anyways, I'm thinking of possibly trying to fix this situation. One of my good lady friends is also good friends with this girl, so I was thinking of trying to get her to help, but having us and a few other, close friends over so I could get a second chance to talk to and get to know this chick.

However, if anything is brought up about why I snapped and such, I was thinking of just telling her how I was trying to get to know her since I find her really good looking and to be friends with this same girl I'm friends with, she must be a good person. Just so I could appear somewhat better to her. Good idea, or a bit on the AFC side of things??

Also, I kinda, hehe, made a bet with a friend that I could leave the party with her phone number, so if she asks about that, if she knows, I was going to say I just made it so I had incentive to not sit around and not talk to her, and how I would be motivated to get know her. That possibly work??

-Mr. Pink
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Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Learn to talk back and to shut people up. If girls do that to me I tell them to fvck off and get some manners or I talk them so down that they get emotionally unstable. If a guy does something like that tennisball**** I'll tell him of until he either breaks or make him a laughingstock.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
So, anyone want to comment on my idea to fix things with this chick??

-Mr. Pink


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Damn, wut hapnend to you was funny as hell, can`t stop laughing even now :)
I`d say forget about her, there`s a million girls out there, but if u really wunt her get her phone nr. & call, be funny and ask for a date ;)


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2001
Reaction score
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Pink, this your problem. You're always trying to fix things with these girls. Just act as if they didn't happen. You could call up this girl and say, "I just wanted to apologize for New Year's Eve." She goes, "What are you talking about?" Or you could call her up and say "Let's meet for coffee." She'll say either, "Sounds good", or "Let's just be friends." Start displaying some perfunctory behavior and shelve the apologetic crap. It reeks of unconfidence.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm... good point. I was justified in kicking that kids ass, so apologizing would seem somewhat out of place. I just wish I would've actually gotten her number so I could call her for coffee sometime. Damn...

But, I could still get my friend to have us other together so I could try again. And not worry about apologizing and just act like nothing happened. Hmm... I think that sounds like a good idea actually...

-Mr. Pink