The Ingredients Of A Don Juan.

Nine Breaker

Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
What factors define a true Don Juan? Here are some things that I feel are characteristic of the real man that is a Don Juan:

Confidence In Himself
A Don Juan, regardless of what others may say about him behind his back, is always confident in his own abilities. He knows that HE is the one in control of any situation, and it is HE who will make the rules and decisions. He knows his limits, and always does what he feels is right. He believes in himself, and does not look at past failures to define who he is - rather he looks at the present to who he is now, and to the future to how he can improve himself.

His Own Master
A real Don does not seek a relationship because it is what others want him to do. He does not seek to marry a woman because of a fear of dying alone. A Don does not need a woman at all, for he knows that women are a complement to his life, not the meaning of it. He did not become a Don Juan because he had an overwhelming urge to get hitched to the first woman he could seduce. He did it all for himself, not for a woman. He is not a tool.

Does It For The Fun
A Don Juan does not attempt to pick up women because he is desperate for companionship. He does it simply becasue he LOVES doing so. he finds the approach not as fearful and dangerous, but as exciting and challenging and fun. He may not like rejections, but he does not halt his approach because of his disliking of that! He does not see it as how many times he fails, but the number of times he succeeds.

Settles For Nothing But #1
Because he knows that he is a rare commodity on the singles-market, a Don is well aware that he does not have to settle for second best, for damaged goods, for a lemon. He wants the best, and he knows he sure as hell can get it. The confidence he has in himself is absolute when compared to the ACF, for a Don will not settle for the scraps and sides. He is capable of getting the best - because he IS the best!

Not Afraid Of The Small Things
Rejection. In reality it won't make much of an impact upon the universe as we know it if a guy gets rejected. It has happened before, it happened today, and it will always happen. A Don knows this, and he also knows that it isn't that big a deal at all. Who would care if one woman out of countless millions says she isn't interested? Surely not a Don Juan!

Doesn't Look For Hidden Meanings
A Don doesn't have time to search for hidden meanings to everything a woman says and does to him. He wants things clear and simple. If a woman he's after can't be straightforward and is always playing bizarre games - she finds herself minus one Don Juan. Putting up with cr@p is not a Don's way.

Flexible Thinking
A Don does not go out with an unbendable plan of how things will progress. He improvises as he goes along. He listens to what is happening around him, and adjusts his methods accordingly. No plan survives a battlefield, as the military say - and as a champion in the singles war, a Don Juan must know what to do and when to do it.

Now that you've gotten this far, here's the final thought: Are YOU Everything That You Could Be?

The Human Body Is A Fragile Thing, But The Human Soul Can NEVER Be Truly Broken.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
a very good post!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
Good Job!


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Great Post

This guy Nine Breaker really knew his shyt. Such a good post to only be around for one day.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Holy shiat, this one's straight from the last Ice Age! Look at the original post date! :eek:

Words to live by, nonetheless.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Re: Great Post

Originally posted by icepick
This guy Nine Breaker really knew his shyt. Such a good post to only be around for one day.
Damn straight , I also bumped a few of his old posts,
Nine Breaker seemed like the genuine article and would be a top bloke to have a beer with and his contributions to Sosuave were gold, its ashame he isnt around any longer, wherever he is I hope hes tearing it up.