The importance of letting go


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
I posted this in HS forum but someone suggested I post it here. Damn its so much easier copying and pasting:D :

The importance of letting go

Before we found this site most of us were AFC's, robots of society. What society said was right. Whether it was you must shower a girl with attention or spew your problems to anyone that was unfortunate enough to listen. Every good looking girl was "The One" and she was out of your league. Society would be inforcing you with this bull**** with songs like McFly's "Obviously" where the lyrics are as follows:

Shes out of my league"

We constantly complained about how it was unfair that we could not get girls, we were not rich, we were nerds, we were too thin, too fat, too short, too ugly. We constantly used the same methods off "Flowers + romantic but more importantly expensive dates + presents = A chance that maybe we could have sex with a good looking girl"

Now some people have swung to the total opposite side. Not so much here mainly ASF. Just because being a society robot nice guy did not worked don't think being a seduction robot is going to work. What did I hear someone say?

"Yes, it does work GD, I can get laid any day I want"

Wow that is truely a remarkable statement. How do you manage this?

"Well first I use Line 1542, I then ask her Question 6839 and if she answers with Yes I use response 45864 and if No I use 45865. Using my protractor to then measure the angle at which her legs are positioned I can the use one of 180 comments to guarantee my success with her."

Obiviously I have exagerrated what I mean but I think you get the picture. People more concerned about getting laid than having fun. Getting laid has been made a priority for men all over the world. I would like to get laid. I will get laid. But I've lived 15 years without sex so it is not neccesery for me to be happy. The first time I had a girlfriend was when I was 9 but then I ended up turning into such a ***** for that girl I never had another girl until I was 14.
You know what that teaches me? I do not need girls, I can have fun without them or they can join in with my fun. Yes, I enjoy the company of girls but it is not neccessery for happiness. I was thinking about how I used to be too reliant on girls there must be another type of person who was not happy with his life but he was happy with girls. It was then I descovered that some AFCs turned into AFPs (Average Frustrated Player).

Differences of AFC and AFP
An AFP can get chicks an AFC cant
An AFP knows what to do in social situations an AFC doesnt
An AFP has not enough emotions and AFC has too many
An AFP MUST constantly be a prick an AFC MUST be nice
An AFP lowers a girls value an AFC raises it

Simularities of AFC and AFP
Neither are proper men
Both are insecure
Both MUST get the woman
Both rely on women for happiness
Both rely on a rigid set of rules
Both are unhappy but for different reasons

The AFC and the AFP were both encountered with a perfect 10. They both got their chance to pick up this chick.

AFCs plan: Shower her with gifts, make her think shes a princess, tell her that I am here to listen to her problems, tell her my problems so maybe she won't see me as one of those masuculine men.

AFPs plan: Shower her with neg hits, make her think shes not as great as she thinks she is, I won't listen to any of her problems, I'll keep all my problems bottled up because I must be invincible to everything.

Another man walks into the room surrounded by a charismatic aura. He looks at both men and notices what they are thinking he starts laughing.

MANs plan: Have fun, she gets to have fun with me lucky girl.

Now the results of it are left up to you. Maybe the AFP ****ed the girl that night. But the MAN had fun and thats what mattered to him. Trust me I have been both AFC and AFP and neither is fun . I am dedicating my life to being the MAN and improving myself(and cookies my personal obsession).

The Man:
-does not care
-has lots of sex but knows he does not need it
-lets himself go
-accepts his emotions if they benifit him. Does not go "oh no unattractive quality" like AFP does
-all the other things the good posters say (Im lazy I know I'll have to work on that not a MAN quality "

How to avoid being an AFP (credit to wavejams007 for this idea)
Wavejams007 said that the reason that AFPs stay AFPs is because they think they are having the great time and think they're the best they can be. They're subconscious mind is screaming to them "there is something wrong" they feel it to but they dismiss it because "Heck Im getting laid, what could be wrong?"
An AFP does not know he is an AFP just like an AFC does not know hes an AFC. When you realise that you are relying too heavily on certain techniques then you become an RAFP(Recovering Average Frustrated Player). The only way to cure this is to try having fun without girls for a while. See if for even just a day you can cope with being yourself. If you enjoy it use C&F, but make sure it's because you want to use it and not because the chick will fancy you. If you are naturally (insert DJ trait here) so be it.

Girls do not go after a specific type of man
Girls go after C&F men, girls go after mysterious men, girls go for intelligent men, girls go for thick men, girls go for loud men, girls go for quiet men, there are, however, a few constants that attract women to men, for example confidence. But these "constant qualities" do not affect your hobbys or force you to do something you don't want to do.
I have older friends who spend thousands on spoilers, paint jobs, etc. What the **** for? To get laid by a few money-grabbing girls. As soon as that car gets stolen it's like someones stolen their crutch if they could not walk. They will not get ****ed by those girls who want to travel in style or want to get a few free gifts, they will not have that confidence they had from the car. When they see that car burnt out I'll see their attitudes and confidence burnt out.
Please guys don't bother changing your hobbys just for a girl, social status or anyhting else apart from your happiness. If you don't enjoy working out don't, who cares if you lose a few ****s, you'll be doing something you like with the time. If you like chess so what if that HB9 thinks your a geek, just laugh at the stupid *****, because your having fun and shes just analysing you.

Pook said: "Embrace your sexuality"
I say: "Embrace your happiness"


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Some real good ****, john atlantis said today "a woman doesnt want a NAUGHT BOY, a woman wants a MAN with a naughty boy side"