The importance of driving yourself


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Okay, here's a rule that's easy to follow and to break. You should always drive yourself in every possible situation. Two things this will do for you. If you're out clubbing, you'll pace yourself with the drinking, maintaining a functioning brain so when you do talk to the hottie checking you out, you won't be stumbling all over yourself and slurring every other syllable. Second, when said hottie starts expressing interest, you can cut the party short and get her somewhere more private (i.e. her place) without having to find someone to let them know they have to find their own way home, or that you've already found a way home.

Prime example: On New Year's Eve, I was out with friends. It was well after midnight, and since I wasn't driving, I had let loose a bit. I probably still could have driven home, but I wasn't about to test it. And besides, I had left my truck at my friend's house. I was shooting pool with said friend when I noticed a woman walking towards me. She happened to be a friend of mine from high school that I haven't seen in six or seven years. After the amazed "Hey!" followed by a nice hug, we got to talking. She's been in the Army for the last six years, and she was leaving on Jan 2. for Afghanistan. She had just gotten a divorce, was alone on NYE, and was only in town for the night. Now, that's a situation that's just begging for some good luvin. But, as luck would have it, I wasn't driving, and neither was she. And since I was well hammered by this point, I didn't think to call a cab or find some other way of getting home with her. I did get her e-mail, and hope to at least stay in touch with her for a while. But I could have done so much better if I'd just thought ahead a bit.