This a interesting situation goin' on right now. By the way the name's Vercetti, I'm new here but you'll get used to me.
Well anyway back to the subject. This hot chick digs me right? Well heres the catch, even though this 8 on the hot-chick-o-meter has the stupid highschool "crush" on me, she seems nervous and shy, but under that i know she isn't.
I start school, she is in my last two classes. first day she looks at a lot. glances and stuff. I glance back and smile of course. a few days later she pulls the dress-up-and-attract routine. And that gave me an oppurtunity to break the ice a little. I complimented her on her hair and skirt. Next day she's all suppresed but still continues her consistant foot tapping, nervous movements, twirling of the hair, and worrying about the placement of it on her head.
I greeted her today in my last class with a friendly "hello *her name*" and she responded with a seemingly disinterested "hey" which seemed inaudible.
I'm just curious what do you do in this situation to get the chick.
Well anyway back to the subject. This hot chick digs me right? Well heres the catch, even though this 8 on the hot-chick-o-meter has the stupid highschool "crush" on me, she seems nervous and shy, but under that i know she isn't.
I start school, she is in my last two classes. first day she looks at a lot. glances and stuff. I glance back and smile of course. a few days later she pulls the dress-up-and-attract routine. And that gave me an oppurtunity to break the ice a little. I complimented her on her hair and skirt. Next day she's all suppresed but still continues her consistant foot tapping, nervous movements, twirling of the hair, and worrying about the placement of it on her head.
I greeted her today in my last class with a friendly "hello *her name*" and she responded with a seemingly disinterested "hey" which seemed inaudible.
I'm just curious what do you do in this situation to get the chick.