The High School Don Juan survival guide


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Introduction: An interesting opportunity

At any point in your life you should know exactly where you are and what your goals are. This is the number 1 thing all people in high school are confused about, they have no direction. “Go to school, then go to college, & then get a good job” is the advice every teenager receives or is at least hinted. Along with this society also promotes social goals such as going out to parties and getting wasted, which also becomes a goal for the teenager. I have a different opinion on this. I see high school as a great opportunity to set the foundation for the rest of your life. The leading males of every pack become noticeable at a very young age, & I bet you see it to. Those guys that work hard at school, are confident socially, probably play a sport, and everyone likes them (NOTE: I am not talking about the guys who fight everyone, they end up nowhere in their adult hood). The dominant male of today is not one who can beat each other up, but one who can stay focused and reach his goals.

Genetically, we are not meant to succeed. This can change however, and the best time to change that is right now, in high school. I’m not saying you can’t turn it all around after high school, I’m just saying it is a hell of a lot easier to do it now. You just need the right goals. Your goal now should be to set the foundation for the rest of your life. Stop jumping ahead of yourself, your not ready for the outside world, prepare yourself the best you can in all aspects of your life and get ready for the show!

Don’t take this as a “don’t have fun, work hard and go to college” message, this is far from that. As I said before, now is the time to set the foundations of your life in EVERY ASPECT, including you social skills. Think about it, what better time is there? Your body is full of hormones which gives you the ability to make awesome gains in the gym, girls are easier to seduce then ever (we will talk about this later), people in general are easier to get along with because they are LOOKING for friends due to their insecurity, you have the opportunity to learn about anything so you can direct where your life is going to career wise, and the list goes on! High school is just an introduction to life! The perfect time to prepare yourself!

I see a lot of people here complaining about high school sucking so much. You don’t know anything other then school so how do you know the real world is so much easier? Its not! It’s a hell of a lot harder; having said that the more there is to lose the more there is to gain. Stop looking at high school as a problem and start looking at it as an opportunity.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Foundation #1: Taking Independence

This is probably the most important foundation in the entire post, you just can’t see it yet. If you can start taking independence, bit-by-bit, you will be more prepared by the flood of responsibility presented to you in the real world. It’s all about learning to take care of yourself, to many times I see teenagers who leave everything up to anyone but them. If you take your independence you start becoming happy, taking care of yourself is a good experience. In my opinion we should have been doing it a LONG time before we do.
There are heaps of things you can do. First thing would be to get a part time job. Hand in résumé’s everywhere, always be on the look out, there are tonnes of jobs out their for teenagers. Don’t worry about getting a bad job for your first job just get some experience and then look for a better job. The resume is only half the battle, the biggest part is appearing confident when you meet. Just look them in the eye and answer confidently, its easier then you think to act confident around employers.
Another thing you can do is get a car. Now you have a job this should be pretty easy. It doesn’t have to be anything flash, just keep looking for a deal and do your best to save. The next thing you can do is take care of yourself, your parents shouldn’t be doing it anymore. Keep your room clean, make yourself dinner every now and then, do these things yourself. Your parents will be impressed. The last thing I recommend you do is help your parents, help them in the garden, help them clean up, help them do everything around the house. You owe them a lot of respect, they are the reason you are here. I helped my dad make a deck today, it was a rewarding experience. I spent some time with my dad and I learnt how to do something new, one day im going to move out and I might want to build a deck of my own, now I know how.

If for some reason you can’t do the above just think to yourself, why SHOULD I do this? What are my reasons? If your thinking about spending your savings think about your car. If you don’t want to help your parents think about all they have done for you. If you don’t want to get a job think about how good it would be to get your own money. Everyone knows “how” they just have to remember “why”.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Foundation #2: Your body

Here comes the first foundation to set. Your body. As I said before, the hormones in your body make this the BEST time to get in to the gym of your life! You can make awesome gains and with a proper training program and a good diet you will be looking awesome in no time. I was able to lose weight while at the same time increase in strength, which is only possible for adults with the use of steroids or training for the first time (which is all the more reason to start if you haven’t all ready). I could turn this in to a thread on weight training and eating but I have decided against it. Instead I have decided an extremely helpful link which was posted in the teen forum over a Read it through and go from there. Before I post it though there are some things you should be careful of, don’t keep changing programs, stick with it. Also, don’t read those body building magazines, there all juiced up to their eyeballs and full of ****. Any way here is the link:

Poppa pump - A Beginner's Guide To Bodybuilding

Now before we move on to the next foundation there is something I want to cover. The topic of motivation. It’s really important that in the gym you push yourself to the limit, those last few reps that you really had to push out are the ones that count. I find the best idea to get motivated for the gym is to listen to music and get ANGRY. Get mean and focus all of your energy on the weights. Music really helps you get away from the outside worlds and focus on the weights, staying in a constant focus will really benefit your workouts. The hardest part will be sticking with your eating. There are 3 pieces of advice that I will give you when it comes to sticking with your eating plan.

1. If you absolutely MUST cheat, cheat SMALL. Don’t get a large big mac meal and think “Oh well, I cheated now, its to late”. Get a small burger and leave it at that.
2. If you did good this week have a ‘rest day’. This was originally Bill Phillips idea. What you do is eat whatever you want all day (my day is Sunday). It helps you with the rest of the week.
3. Be consistent, not perfect. Instead of trying to be perfect with your eating plan just do your best and slowly improve on your efforts. Don’t make one big jump and burn yourself out.

Now that’s out of the way, lets move on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Foundation #3: Your career

High school is the best time to decide where it is you want to go in your career. Once you figure it out you start taking all the according classes and start working for it. You should really dream big when you thinking about what it is you want out of a career. This is what I want you to do right now, what is it you want in your career? Where do you want to go? Dream BIG!! You want to own night clubs all across the world? Cool! Just figure it out. What is it you want out of life. It will be hard to figure it all out but you will be able to do it. If your strapped for ideas think about when you where younger what you liked then? What are your passions? Is there opportunities in those areas? If not can you make your own opportunities by starting you own business?

“The important thing is to never stop questioning” – Einstein

Now when you have figured out exactly what it is you want, decide upon when your going to reach that goal. Right it down and put it on your wall. Write down where you will be in 1 year, in 3 years, in 5 years, all the way up to whenever you plan on having fulfilled your dream. What you have just done is transformed an exciting dream in to achievable goals. These goals have time limits, which you will live up to.

Then the real test comes, you actually have to meet the goals you have set yourself. This can be really difficult because it seems so distant. Well humans have no sense of time, it’s a hell of a lot closer then you think. It’s time to get working! Whenever your motivation starts to waver (you don’t want to do extra study, you don’t want to look in to starting up a business, you don’t want to look at the jobs page, you don’t want to apply for a job, etc) start thinking about your dream. Go and have a look at your dream timeline. Remind yourself of the importance of achieving those goals and what you have to do to reach them. Also remember that those times seem far away, but in reality there not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Foundation #4: Your attitude/Social skills

High school is the perfect time to get your social skills up to scratch for the real world. As I said before, everyone is a lot more willing to label you as a ‘friend’ because that’s what they want, more friends! Going to a party and being able to talk to everyone there is a good experience, you really should get used to meeting new people, it will benefit you in the future.

The first thing you should do is learn to be nice. When you are GENUINELY nice and caring, you start to see the world a lot better then before. You start showing gratitude and you don’t pick on people for no reason. Every morning just after you wake up take a moment to think about all the things that make you are grateful in the world, what makes you happy? Who makes you feel really loved? What are you really passionate about? Think about all your friends and family and their good qualities. Take at least 5 minutes to truly appreciate life. When you start appreciating life you develop charisma, you start caring for people and they start caring about you, you develop a trait few people have and even fewer people have in high school. This is irresistible to women. A love of life also builds unstoppable confidence. It works well when you walk and think about these things.

The second thing you should do is get in to the habit of talking more. You do this by talking more around your family and close friends. Then you will start talking in group conversations where people are there that you don’t know. Once you have done this you will be able to talk to people you haven’t met. You see, you progress in to it. Just start talking! This combined with the exercise I said before makes you extremely charismatic, ensure you talk and the other exercise ensures what you talk about will be beneficial to your cause. Talk more and love life, the key to charisma.

That’s pretty much all you have to do at this stage. Just remember try to talk to as MANY people as possible, be really friendly to (It will happen naturally anyway thanks to your morning exercises) . This will make you have A LOT more fun at parties. Another thing, stop looking at all guys as your enemies. Guys who want to fight everyone and stare everyone down just end up nowhere and with no friends, don’t be one of those guys.

Whenever you start to think about going back in to your shell or you don’t want to do your morning reflection period just remember, if you do these things how much more opportunities will their be? To meet even more people at parties, to meet women at parties, to just improve naturally. When you develop a good attitude you start to realise that there is more to life then you once thought.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Foundation #5: Seduction

This is the prime time to seduce girls! To learn how they work! They are confused and willing to experiment with the right guy, and thanks to your attitude in foundation 4, you are that right guy. Girls always talking about guys, they are always sizing you up, and with your recent improvements the girls sure will be talking about you! “Your love of life will be more then enough confidence to start talking to them. Just remember NOT to get attached to a girl, your improvement and hobbies always comes before them, but I’m sure you all ready know that.

There is one problem however, you will be seeing these girls every day, so you cant be so straight forward. Ask for their number and ask for the date etc but always remember not to take it to far at school. When you have them on the phone its your time to shine, because they are alone and once you have a high school girl isolated – it is TOO easy. Just get them talking, open them up, and get them laughing. It really isn’t hard now with your new charm. Start dating them, and your set. Parties is another good opportunity, once you have shown interest and she has shown enough interest back then a simple “lets go for a quick walk” is all you should need if the party is big enough. Big parties really are your time to shine when it comes to girls, this is your training ground for the real world, and since you have been talking to everyone and being charismatic you will be invited to A LOT of them. Drinking is OK just don’t drink to much. Drinking to much is just retarded and you make a fool of yourself.

At school just talk to the girls in your charismatic way and keep them laughing. Parties and dates is when you get it going on. This is where you get the kino and the rest of it going. Doing this at school can be difficult but make sure you are showing at least a little interest at school. Seduction really ISNT hard at high school, cold approaches aren’t necessary because you can meet everyone through other people, its so easy! The perfect introduction to the real world. ;)

Just remember a couple of things
1. Don’t get to drunk at parties
2. Don’t get with girls that have boyfriends
3. Try not to get in to a relationship, your to young
4. Have some fun.

If you ever feel scared, the only answer is to think about success! Concentrate on ****ing the girl, when your horny its a lot easier to approach. Good luck with it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Conclusion: Thankyou

Thanks guys for reading, I hope this helped you in some way. I will be tidying it up and making some adjustments in the next couple of days.

There are some things I wanted to say first; keep an eye out for these guys:

The Antichrist Star: This guy is back and I know he’s going to be posting some awesome ****. This guy has the unique ability to “re-invent the wheel” so keep all eyes on him and be the first to learn new and more effective ways of doing old things.

LikRetSam: I don’t even remember when this guy came back but he has been posting some good stuff. His mindset is awesome and he sees the world like no other, his unique view allows us to see what is really important

Smooth As Anything: He posts some deep & meaninfull stuff, he hasn’t posted that much lately but keep an eye out incase he does.

Brazilian Blues Boy: All though he has left you should always look back on his writings, some VERY inspirational stuff right there probably the most inspirational there was on this board. Or at least while ive been here.

There are a few other I will add in the next few days.
Well no I have boosted their ego it’s time that I headed off. I hope you enjoyed it , This is the last ‘informative’ posts ill be making for a while, I’m all drained out, ill hit you all with some more when I get it though ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
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Very nice guide. I think what is really important in first place would be attitude. A strong attitude will alow you to stick to the things you want to stick to. I personally HATE doing things while I'm busy (like taking out the trash) but I know I'm going to forget and get into trouble. I just tell myself procrastination is for the weak and get to it. I absolutly still hate it, but I'm better for it. The world is a better place for me when I do what I need to do and do it right away.

As you said, we can still have fun while setting ourselves up for the future. I leave you guys with a quote from star wars : 'By mindful of the future but not at the expense of the present'.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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my compliments to you, buddy! i love high school guides;-)


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2004
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Playboy Land
Nice post Sammo I can't wait for your next post :) - Keep it up.. your posts motivate me
By the way.. I was checking the site you gave us and I surfing through and I found a very very interesting article from a guy named Louis Dorman that went from over 250 lbs to 160lbs and the massive change he got. He was fat.. ugly,nerdy, miserable and now he is a very good looking guy with a great body and his face kinda change alot. If that guy could change that much I think everyone of us could make a big diffrence in our lifes with the right MINDSET and motivation. Here's the link everyone should read it!


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, amazing post! This pretty sums up my philosophy towards life. Good points throughout.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2005
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The thing about the car are really expensive, and my mom wont let me get a cheap one from the auto trader or something, because she claims theyre unsafe. Plus, I dont have my license...or permit...I am only 15 though, but no car for me until college because my mom just bought my brother a car for 13 grand, and the monthly payments are killer.

Are cars from auto traders and stuff safe?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
nice post sammo, ur words had changed the way i think.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2004
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Everytime Sammo, you get me pumped. I just wanna go out and do all the stuff you said. I have not been talking much lately at school, but I will now.