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The Grey Fox and The Student. (For the new guys and those still learning.)

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
The Grey Fox and The Student.

I once asked myself a question “What if someone, say a student, asked what is the one hard and fast rule behind, dating, women, relationships, sex and pick-ups?” I would have one reply, naturally because only one question had been asked.

Grey Fox: “There are no rules.”

Naturally a lot of you would say that’s wrong or be confused. The asker of the question would most certainly be confused, but if you’re going to someone for a lesson or advice, you’re a student, and students are supposed to be confused.

Student: “What do you mean there are no rules, there are rules to everything. One has to wait 5 days to gain an advantage. Action dates should be the first date. You should never leave a message on an answering machine. You should use neg-hits to take an over-confident women down a peg. These are little rules that many agree are a part of being a good Don Juan.”

Grey Fox: “Nope, what you say is not true. Sometimes waiting 5 days turns out to be 2 days to long. Sometimes all a girl wants is a quiet dinner and a good conversation. You can leave a message on a machine as long as you don’t sound desperate or dumb, if she likes you, she’ll call. Some women will just write off a neg-hit and you as an anomaly, there are plenty of AFCs out there to salve her bruised ego if she is hurt, also what’s the point of dealing with them unless their beauty is as rare as the passing of a comet is rare.”

Student: “So your saying go against the grain of everything I have learned, that’s how I am to be a good Don Juan?”

Grey Fox: “No you are missing the point, that sometimes these “rules” get in the way of having a successful close. You don’t have to know what you are doing you just have to look that way, just adapt to a situation. You’ll find women are much more likely to respond to you when you act naturally, as opposed to this rehearsed litany of things that have come from the archaic and dusty “Bible of Don Juan.”

Student: (Gasps) Your telling me the DJ bible is old and you don’t sound like you respect it like a good Don Juan should! Why I have I come to you for any help, your probably just as clueless as I am, I’m better off rereading the DJ bible and waiting for Pook or Anti-Dump to show me the light.”

Grey Fox: (Sighs, looks annoyed, and is reminded of other “DJs” who sound like this) No one should want to be Don Juan, they may want to be like him in certain respects. But, for the most part you’re better off being you, if you think some old guy’s advice is going to help then why not listen to your father about the women of your day?”

Student: “Well because my father doesn’t deal with the women of my day. He has his women, and no longer needs to compete for a significant other. Likewise women no longer compete for him because he is spoken for. But what does this have to do with Don Juan?”

Grey Fox: “Don Juan never had to deal with the same problems you will.”

Student: “So I should be like Pook, Anti-Dump, and the other elders then?”

Grey Fox: “I wouldn’t recommend it. You want to be your own man I assume (Student nods), the only difference between you and them is experience. You need to get out on your own, get rejected 100 times and hook-up only twice.”

Student: “Rejected 100 times? That a terrible thing to go through, what kind of teacher are you?”

Grey Fox: “A piratical one, more importantly I am self taught so I know my lessons are not purely theoretical or simply misogynist rants. Getting rejected 100 times teaches you a lot of things about yourself and your qualities. I won’t give you a laundry list, because it would take away from the joy of finding them for yourself. Those 100 rejections mean that you will have had to go through 100 interactions and each time you are going to learn something new.”

Student: “And the two hook-ups?”

Grey Fox: “The two hook-ups will be interactions number 101 and 102, it is then your own experiences and ability to adapt will begin to evolve and grow into your actions and thought. You will be natural at what you do, and hooking up will not be a problem.”

Student: “So I should then forget everything I have learned as a DJ?”

Grey Fox: “Why would you want to do that? You spent your time here learning how to use new tools in your quest for women, why give them up?”

Student: “What is this some test? What you just said makes no sense and invalidates everything you told me to forget.”

Grey Fox: “I didn’t tell you to forget anything, I told you not to live so strictly by what you have been taught. I only told you to make your own rules. Look an auto-mechanic has to repair cars. So he needs tools and parts to do so, the more tools and parts he has, the more chance he has of repairing the car successfully. Same with you and your being a “DJ” the more tools you have, the better your chances are with women. Your not going to use the same tools every single time, but it helps to have them around when you do eventually need them.”

Student: “If my tools fail to pick-up a girl then what, how do I recover?”
Grey Fox: “Next.”

Student: “What about a girl I’ve been seeing who loses interest. How do I fix that problem?”

Grey Fox: “Next.”

Student: How can you simply say Next? Though I’m sure you follow your own advice in this matter, why let these women slip away from you, with your DJ skills and experience you should be able to regain her attention.”

Grey Fox: “Well because most folks don’t live on small islands of 100 people or even small towns of 100 people for that matter. In fact a lot of us live in cities or large suburbs or urban areas, and quiet frankly there’s a **** load of people in all those environments. You can afford to burn bridges and nothing bad will happen, unlike the small town where it can quickly turn 99 against 1, you don’t have to worry about people turning on you, cause no one cares. If a woman loses interest and is on her way out of your life, usher her out a little faster because she is just taking up space. Seriously, she is doing you a favor, she is self-selecting herself out of the process for becoming your girlfriend. So why waste time and money on her? Trust me its something you will end up regretting if you were to consort with such a woman.”

Student: “On the subject of undesirable women, how can I sort the dateable one’s from the un-dateable one’s?

Grey Fox: “Just look for the little red flags. There are many, but you will see them if you know what to look and listen for. For example, she boasts of having many male friends and the things they do for her. Most likely she is a Queen Bee, a woman who keeps men like drones to do her favors and other things. At the most begin she is a braggart and a slut. Another would be that she is only interested in going out to restaurants, theater, and of course shopping. If you were to suggest a night in she would literally pout like a toddler when a favorite toy is taken away. This woman is a gold digger or a professional dater. She is only into accumulating wealth from those who date her, she dates for the sake of dating. Some are like mercenaries, you must shell out the cash before they ever want to do anything with you, others dangle the hope of It in front of you but never give It to you.”

Student: “It? You mean sex or a relationship, or both for that matter, right?”

Grey Fox: “This is the It of which I speak.”

Student: “But, women…people in general are like this?”

Grey Fox: “They most certainly can be.”

Student: “But how can they choose to be so cruel, how can they be this way, what causes them to do this?”

Grey Fox: “There are many reasons: their parents spoiled them, their friends advice, television, Cosmo, someone hurt them mentally or physically in a relationship, or someone just hurt them.”

Student: “So it’s not their fault then, because of outside circumstances.”

Grey Fox: “No it is their fault. Events and people may influence us, or how we see things, but in the end we choose who we are to be. A man maybe taught to be an AFC due conditioning, but he can decide that he wants to be a DJ and learn to be something more. A person brought up in a commune with a bunch of hippies may not want to be what his environment may be stimulating him to become, another hippy. That person may choose to go to the city, get a high paying job that involves the exploitation of the environment and drive a car that guzzles diesel fuel. In the end a woman how may have gone through a horrible experience with a man or taught to treat them poorly must decide whether or not she wants to treat men in this manner. Like us they know the difference between right and wrong, they knowingly choose wrong and hide behind some excuse to gain our pardon. It’s wrong to play with someone’s feelings, it was wrong when someone played with there’s like when they got cheated on. The woman knows how terrible it feels to be cheated on, but she decides as revenge on all men to cheat on them. All of a sudden what was wrong to do to them, is okay to do to us. They can be stupid like that. So yes I place the blame solely on those women who act in such ways.”

Student: “Aren’t you being a bit of a misogynist?”

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score

Grey Fox: “Not really I merely acknowledge the fact that women aren’t the nice little homemakers myths that society has made them out to be. I treat them as I would treat a man; if they are a good person I respect them. If they are a bad person I don’t want to do much with them. You see you need to view a woman as an equal, before you can make her unequal.”

Student: “In English please.”

Grey Fox: “You see men put women on pedestals, they treat them like Heaven sent beings, women see this and get an inflated ego to say the least. Women are then free to treat a man like garbage because he sees himself as a lowly mortal in her gaze. I have never heard of anyone respecting someone who licks your boots, so she doesn’t respect men because she believes they will simply kneel down and lick her boots.”

Student: “What woman would wear boots?”

Grey Fox: (Grimaces) Just shut up and listen. The way to deal with this problem is to treat a woman as an equal. You see her and you on the same playing field as it were, and you both are to be judged by your merit. If she pulls the “goddess routine”, in which she tries to lord her self over you, you treat her as you would treat a man doing the same thing. You call her out; you tell her that she can try that crap on someone else because you’re not buying it. This is best done through a neg-hit, its funny but it also gets the point across. For example: Her: All these guys just keep running up to me for my number I can’t get a moments peace. You: Well if you didn’t stand on a street corner all the time that might not be a problem.”

Student: “Won’t that piss her off and make her walk off?”

Grey Fox: “Sure could, but no one has ever done that to her before, and your gambling that she’ll be so shocked that you are willing to toss her away she will be drawn to that and you.”

Student: “Since we have just started talking about techniques, what is this kino I keep hearing about?”

Grey Fox: “Simple you touch a woman for about a second on the arm, small of the back, shoulder so she gets the idea that your into her physically and remind her that you’re a man and she’s woman. I hope you can see where this train of thought is leading.”

Student: “Naturally.”

Grey Fox: “A general disclaimer about techniques, not all of them work for some people, you have to tailor your techniques to how you operate. As you grow in experience, more techniques will become natural to you.”

Student: “(Hopefully) Like an RPG!”

Grey Fox: “Jeez you are an AFC, this is not a game, if you lose you lose for good, there is no reset button or do-over.”

Student: “By the way what’s an AFC?”

Grey Fox: “Average Frustrated Chump, which is pretty much you. He knows little of women, gets his advice from them, which is dumb. Why ask a problem to solve itself?”

Student: “How many women must I lay to become a DJ?”

Grey Fox: “None.”

Student: “What!”

Grey Fox: “A true DJ doesn’t care about getting laid, he cares about how happy he is with himself. He seeks constant improvement, the only praise he likes to hear is the kind that comes from the realization that he is achieving what he wants. A man like that does not worry about women or sex, because the women and sex will come to him.”
Student: “It seems our lesson is coming to a conclusion, what if I have more questions or forget something?”

Grey Fox: “Then take this with you and commit it to memory: You make your own rules to play by. If you can remember that and live for yourself you shouldn’t have problems growing into a DJ, more importantly the man you want to be. Your not going to always get what you want, but you will get a lesson from everything just listen to it and learn what you can. Here ends the lesson.”

-Grey Fox


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
student - "When do i realize i am a DJ?"

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Grey Fox: "The realization that one is a DJ comes gradually over time. Little moments will dawn on you making you realize the change that has taken place within you. It can be something as simple as noting that you would have made an approach and closed a number if you acted like your old AFC self, or something huge like having two women make love to at once (You can't tell me thats not a sign of sucess.) The day you know you are a DJ is when you no longer notice the changes, because everything has become so natural you cannot think of a time when it was not, the feeling of being AFC is lost in an ocean memories and successes both in love and life."

-Grey Fox

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Half the fun is in the journey itself, I'd like to at least see some of the road I walk on before I turn around and see it behind me.

-Grey Fox


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Good post!