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The Gods are against me - Help!

Clint Eastwood

Don Juan
Jul 4, 2002
Reaction score
As some of you may know, I haven't been in a relationship in awhile. Was really pi$$ed after my last one, and decided not to date for awhile. I was going to start my own DJ boot camp, in which I was going to work on my DJ skills as much as I could. I was going to focus on getting over fear of rejection, and avoid getting a gf. At least until I got my skills to where I want them. And, have the wisdom and mindset to get a good girl, and weed out the losers.

I wanted to get really good, so I could eventually end up with a great GF, and not get burned like I have in my past few relationships. I know there are great girls out there, but I need to work on some things in order to find them and keep them.

The last time I was going to do this, I ended up having a hottie beg me to go home with her. This led to a string of one night stands, and eventually me ending up with my last girlfriend. I lost all motivation to do the DJ boot camp thing, since I had girls approaching me. I ended up settling for one who was a little below my standards and it all just turned to $hit in the end.

Well, just as I was getting ready to start this boot camp thing again, some girl came on real strong at a bar the other night. Of course, I haven't had nookie in a long time. Too long. SO, I went home with her. And, went home with her again the other night. She's not bad, but I'm not wanting to settle down with anyone just yet.

Problem is, my motivation to do the boot camp thing is all gone. Seems like when I'm getting easy booty, I don't care about the boot camp.

This is something I really need to do. Help me get my focus back. Getting laid is great, but I want to get the girls I want, and not settle for any girl who gives it up so easy. (Although, I like to get it easy, I have raised my standards.) I really need to get my game together. I know I could be a really great DJ, but I have to work on some things. It's hard to go out and face the rejection of some hottie, when some sweetheart is giving you the coochie with no hassles.

Help a fellow DJ out. And don't hate me for being lucky.

Help me get my motivation back to do what is necessary, in spite of getting easy sex in a comfortable situation


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Clint Eastwood
It's hard to go out and face the rejection of some hottie, when some sweetheart is giving you the coochie with no hassles.
I'm sure it is hard.

Now go DO IT! ;)

Don't sit here and complain about your motivational problems as if they weren't under your control. Lack of motivation is no excuse for not doing what you want. Go do it anyway. It'll be FUN! :D
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
what you need to do is get out there and stack up some honeys on your team.

Why You Need To Build A Team
This is taken from a report I once read pimps, macks and players, then re-edited by Zen and re-spit for the pn.

As a player, you need to build a team of women consisting of at least 3 different women. You should never set your sites on just one woman. When you let yourself fixate on just one woman, then you will begin to base your ideas of success and failure in the game on the momentary thoughts and actions of one person. You will end up basing your own happiness on the thin cord of one persons passing moods.

Recently I read about a philosophy called “culture of poverty”, this is when a person talks himself into believing that this one moment is their only chance for happiness. Or that this is the one person who will make them happy, or that this one thing or action is the only thing that will lead to happiness.

Don’t fall for this self destructive thinking. It’s ok to have multiple women in your lives. The player who puts his happiness on one woman while playing the game is like a blind fool sitting by a stream complaining about being thirsty.

****and adding this to the report*******

Finding women for your team is easy. They are everywhere. But you must learn to recognize them. They are the ones who need what you have to offer. They may be single or with boyfriends or even *******. You can achieve benefit from all of them.

The problem facing an awaken player is not scarcity but exclusivity. Managing my own team I am often challenged by problems of scheduling. Women want attention. They crave attention.

Women are not roving the streets looking for sex, so get that out of your minds. They will be happy to provide you with it, but that’s not her basic motovation.

No women are trudging through life, working day in and day out, waiting for the man who will touch her in ways she never thought really possible. She is waiting for the man who through his words, thoughts, feelings can touch her in ways she has always needed and craved for. Why do you think romance novels constitute 54% of the book sales in North America.

Women are dying to be touched in ways other than physical. Women being emotional creatures need their minds and emotions stimulated and waken up.

Societal pressures lock women down, and with additional pressures from church, family and friends most women have few opportunities to express their inner sexuality in a healthy way.

Most women are encouraged to shut down and she is even rewarded for shutting herself down and learning to do for others before she tends to herself. This is a key issue as a player that you need to take advantage of .

Remember most women are boiling cauldrons of emotions beneath their surface. You must learn to stir the pot to get the real flavor to raise to the top.

Your goal is to touch each one on a deep emotional level. When combined with sexual intimacy you will create an emotional bond that will have her on her knees for you. But your not going to get the treats unless you open the emotional wrappers covering her mind.

Women become attracted to the man she desires. You don’t need a corvette, long hair, buffed out body, or tall good looks. All you really need is SELF-CONFIDENCE, a dash of charisma with a willingness to listen to her babble on about ****. Of these 3 things self-confidence is my number one tool. I have heard comments like: “you look tough”, your intimidating, but I like it” and similar ones to that effect. I always try to put out the energy of being extremely self confident. Women love this. Most men out there are symps and weaklings. When a real man comes along women are naturally attracted to him.

Most younger players thinK “ you mean I gotta listen to this ho babble on & on just to get laid?” As she is babbling her life story your collecting evidence for her demise. In her words you will find the key to her inner kingdom. Once you open this door she will belong to you. So I say yeah, sit and listen and direct her thoughts where you want them to go. Notice the word direct. That means you stay in control of the conversation. You let her think she is but it is really you who is managing the flow of conversation.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hmm, I don't know if the DJ Bootcamp is really something that you need. My perception is that the Bootcamp is to help those AFCs overcome their shyness and their inability to approach girls.

It doesn't seem like you have that problem, since you're getting girls without much effort. It just seems like you're being impatient and taking the first girl that goes strong on you. You just need to be more picky and more patient. Try to control your sex drive a little. Get a bullpen going. Occupy yourself with other girls and other things in life.

Clint Eastwood

Don Juan
Jul 4, 2002
Reaction score
Wow! Thanks a lot Odd Tech and Player_Supreme! That's some awesome advice Player! I was with this girl last night and met another one that I might be able to get on my team. I'm gonna go for it. Thanks.