The girl next door


Oct 4, 2023
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Guys, I’ve lived at my place for around three years. The rental agent have obviously discriminated and only rented to beautiful people. I’m talking about the women here.

So this one on my floor is an absolute stunner. Off the charts remarkably perfect looking. I’ve learned this babe is not totally perfect: she is human like you and me. She is SUPER quiet too. It’s so attractive. She NEVER has guys over.

A couple years ago I saw her kissing some dude outside. Other than that I occasionally see her with hot girlfriends outside. Maybe lesbian, I don’t know. She’s a foreigner too. Probably a yoga instructor and she was likely a model. Probably like most women the city is expensive so they have sugar daddies.

Also she has full knowledge of how I can act abusively towards others. If anything is wrong in our building I stand up for myself and I am abrasive. I actually think she likes how abusive I am. It’s like my game style is the Abusive Man who has good intentions but he gets into conflicts with people. Sometimes unpredictable.

Not to get your hopes up but she avoids me. She barely even responds when I say hello if walking by. I still think I have a chance even though she literally avoids me.

Question: any ideas how to spark a conversation up? I’ve tried numerous approaches and she is skilled with deflecting questions with just one word responses.

What else can I do? Perhaps something needs to happen in our building where she absolutely must interact with me. If I have to abuse someone or do something outrageous, so be it.

Guys I need suggestions


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2019
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Why would you think she likes you when she avoids you OP? From what you’re saying I think you’re overly confident and are overestimating your chances. I like your confidence though, it’s admirable (n-no homo).

If you go for it anyway you have a chance at great pssy, or an awkward situation in the building. Seems like you already made up your mind so just go in there balls out.


Oct 4, 2023
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She knows I sometimes drink wine in excess. I suspect she had a dad who drank like me. This is why I think the ball is actually in my court. That element of dysfunction is certainly in my toolbox. She literally wakes up early and goes to bed early alone every night. She likely does not have a man.

One day the mailman accidentally put her mail into my box, so I contacted the manager of our building. The manager is also a young model. So I gave the piece of Mail to the manager girl and even mentioned this babe on my floor barely speaks to me.

But honest, that is how all young women are today. They just walk by and say nothing. They are all a bunch of entitled bratty hot young women. Some of these young hot babes are bigger scumbags than me!

But the one I am targeting is a complete smoke show. She is quiet as a mouse. Avoidant like a cat. I’ve seen her half naked a couple times. She is the type of model who dresses down in public but I have seen her rocking out top fashions because she has likely done international high level modeling.

I really don’t understand my target and how to get to her, She likes to eavesdrop on my phone conversations. So I’ve tried to use the eavesdropping to triangulate her when I’m talking to women or guy friends. It’s maddening because she does not have dudes over. She is very private and quiet and hot and modest. It drives me wild.


Oct 4, 2023
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Also I sometimes leave my front door slightly open so she can see my place with nice candles lit and a clean organized apartment. My place is totally dope.

What needs to happen is a new approach that will stop this one word reply nonsense. I need to get her talking. Then if I can manage a conversation or two then I can gauge the seduction from a fresh and new perspective.

She already trusts me in the sense that I’ve lived next door for 3 years with no problems. She likes my home improvements around the building.

I think the biggest issue is we are neighbors and women will avoid guy neighbors even if they ARE attracted, these babes do not want to mess up where they live just for some dude.

My seductive plan is to somehow get communicating more and to find new ways to lay siege. I want to screw this babe. It’s driving me crazy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Also she has full knowledge of how I can act abusively towards others. If anything is wrong in our building I stand up for myself and I am abrasive. I actually think she likes how abusive I am. It’s like my game style is the Abusive Man who has good intentions but he gets into conflicts with people. Sometimes unpredictable.

Not to get your hopes up but she avoids me. She barely even responds when I say hello if walking by. I still think I have a chance even though she literally avoids me.
I'm trying to understand the mental gymnastics that you had to perform to put those two and two together.

She's avoiding you because she thinks that you are mentally unstable, dangerous or simply annoying. Contrary to popular opinion, acting like an unhinged @sshole does not automatically make you a pvssy magnet.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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You have wrapped this girl up in a fantasy of cognitive dissonance. Nothing in her behavior suggests interest (and yours comes off as creepy and weird). Stop buying into a fantasy that doesn't exist and don't sh!t where you eat.

Find a chick outside your apartment complex.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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How about you just say hello and then maybe along the lines of “I have a really nice bottle of wine (make sure it’s an expensive bottle) and I’ve been meaning to open it but I’d rather share it how about you stop over or I grab it and we go sit on the bench/pool/garden and have a glass?”

Or any variation of it. Surely you can come up with something.

Or borrow someone’s puppy or foster one. Chicks cannot help themselves with puppies.


Oct 4, 2023
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Thanka pierce

i want to tell you specifically, without any weird conceits this babe Pines for me. It’s still just a wild suspicion but honestly I am a pretty cool man. Women yearn for men who have it like me. And I am OLDER too.

The factor ALL of you mofos ignore is she DOES NOT BRING DUDES OVER.

Man, listen, I am here for you guys thick and thin but I CANNOT be expected to just carry all the weight at the topics. You guys are lite weights?

Im getting piseed. This girl pisses me off. This **** needs to be RESOLVED already.

today in the mailroom she got a package from EUROPE labeled “underwear”. She likes that stuff. You got a problem with that?

I mean it’s been helpful but overall I think you guys are clueless… it’s bad…


Oct 4, 2023
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If it had the chance of involving the police department….. I will DEFINITELY still go for this babe.

And I am realistic. If I put my foot in and sense no chance whatsoever, that is cool. I will move on.

..,,..Two weeks ago she got another little package from EUROPE and then I saw her in the hallway wearing panties and this big fluffy wool sweater thingy, probably from euro

It this was real life I’d beat some of your asses outright, just because i care, just because I can.


Sep 10, 2014
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If she was interested she would make it easy for you to talk to her or at least be receptive. Let's stop deluding ourselves.

Women who are interested make it easy for you. Women who aren't don't.