The Girl in my class


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Today has been an eventful day for me. After two weeks of admiring the girl sitting directly in front of me, she turned her head back to look at me and began speaking to me about the class.

After I cracked a couple jokes at the expense of the teacher, she laughed and class resumed as usual. During class I noticed that she kept trying to turn her head so that she can have a look at me with the edge of her eye, I would just feign ignorance and watch the lecture. Regardless of all that's happened, I wonder if I truly have a chance with this girl, or am I just seeing something that isn't there at all?

I felt like a real bastard though, because upon leaving the class I realized that I had totally forgotten to ask for her name and introduce myself. Then my self-confidence issues kicked in. I realized that I was also a fat bloody bastard who wears the same shirt every other day, and the same pants, and the same ****ty sneakers. I've been going to the gym the past 6 weeks for the first time in my life and lost 8lbs, but the self-confidence issue is still there.

All ranting aside though, I want to take a shot at this girl. I wish I could say I hit a dry spell but I haven't been with anyone since I posted up here a time ago. I really want to try to get with this girl, but how do I make it happen?

My plan is to get her number next week under the pretense that it's for the class. And then where do I go from there? Would it be a true bastard move to use that pretense and then 'holla' ?

I hope that you guys can offer me some guidance, although I enjoyed speaking to her today, even if only briefly, I was actually suffering inside during class thinking about what i should say, how could I have started a conversation with her, how could I make her like me? etc.

My biggest fear is that we will spend all semester making light conversation and then by the end we will be no different than where we started.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
your mental state needs work. you have way too many doubts. you don't need some lame pretense to get her number. that makes you seem like a friend. if you handle this like a man, you will speak to her the next chance you get, be charming and get her number. if you are confident you can do this right, the first time.

you are overthinking this man.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
amazingswayze: Thanks for that post man, you've made me snap out of it. I've been doing some thinking about my mental state and I noticed that when I have too much time to think my mind usually spirals. From now on, I am going to try to catch myself when I start thinking negatively, as there's no point in thinking that way. I'm seeing her again this monday, I'll get her name and hopefully a number.

Ruler: Pretty sweet story dude. I know exactly what you mean, thanks for the tip. I know a friend that has gotten nowhere by telling girls that he likes them right off the bat - although I've never been one to do that in the first place. If I can successfully keep her wondering I might be able to pull it off. Just gotta figure out how to juggle being interested and aloof in the first place since I haven't had much practice.