The Girl I like Does she have any interest and do I keep persuing?


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Staten Island , NY
Well I really didnt wana type all this out again so , Conversations from friends. All your help would be apreciated This has been going on since December 22nd. I know its kinda long but Iam lost with answers or things to do. I dont know if I should persue this, this girl is realllllyyyyyyyyy cute an I dont know if I have a chance to get with her in anyway at all. Thanks for the help ahead of time guys.

December 22nd 2002
Me: well here goes
Me: That day I went up to her at the trainstation , I said hi she lookd at me so then I said i think your really cute I see you around here alot but I havent had a chance to go up to you . Then i said i got you this i had the pack of smokes in my hand
Me: she laughed said what did he say to her friend
Me: so I was like well i said I think your really cute I said is it ok I give you these
Me: She stood there her friends said free smokes koo so she said ok tookem
Me: Then these 2 kids asked me for a stoge they kept callin me over i walked over to them . They said they didnt like marlbros so i said ight bro fuk off im busy so then i walked over to her she was lighting her cig so i lit it for her
Me: we got on the train
Me: I rele didnt know what to say
Me: I asked her soo do you got AOL or aim instant messanger
Me: she said I got aol but im never on im always out
Me: did you get all that?
Friend : yes
Me: k well then
Me: I said well can iget it anyhow
Me: after like 2mins she said no rele quiet an looked down
Friend : next
Me: I told her well **** I work goto school an I get time to go on
Me: then I just walked over to my friend hes like which one u like I said that 1
Me: he said didnt u have a girl i said yea i broke up with her ( which i didnt have)
Me: he said why I said cuz i like that girl
Me: he said oh , so I walked over to the girl my friend Marlena I just chated with her I told the girl I like Kali seeya tomma an she said bye a n got off the train
Me: well uget that too lol?
Friend : got it
Me: k well
Me: that whole week when i came back
Me: I didnt see her
Me: So I saw her friend she asked me for a stoge , I gave her 1 an her friend
Me: then Im like you know that cute girl with red hair shes like yea my best friend blahblah
Me: so I was like ask her if she wants to smoke a blunt
Me: she said ok an i said heres my # ask her to give me a call
Me: so this week i saw her
Me: I didnt say nada she didnt either
Me: I saw her on the train she walked on stood next to me
Me: so I got off she was in my way I said excuse me she looked at me
Me: there was something on the floor i almost sliped lol
Me: so I got off
Friend : and did you say anything to her other then excuse me or did you stand there like a mute moron?
Me: called my friend marelena asked her to ask Kali if she wants to smoke she said ok calls me back said she said sure she asked me if tomma was ok I said yea , I didnt wake up in time an I called my friend marlena she said she wasnt there an she wasnt there friday either
Me: I standed there like a MUTE moron
Me: with my walkman on
Friend : Time to find someone new
Friend : she said no
Me: its over
Me: ?
Friend : get over her and move on
Me: So basically she stood me up that day
Me: man
Me: i ****ed it up
Friend : If she wanted to be there she would have
Me: I rele like her
Friend : if she wanted to talk to you she would have
Me: damn
Friend : if she wanted to get to know you better she would have made it easy for that to happen
Me: I cant like do nothing to fix it
Friend : no
Me: :(
Me: its gona take me a really long while to get over her
Me: My friend David told me to go up to her an tell her that he said hi
Me: cuz he went out with her
Me: so if i try again im guessing she will just say look leave me alone ur ugly or some ****
Friend : most likely it will be anything to get you out of her hair
Friend : anything except yes
Me: so your saying
Me: get me out of her hair as in not to bother with her at all
Me: so where did i **** up
Friend : Me: I havent talked to her since the time since the cigarettes
Me: yea

January13th 2003
Me: well i walked past her on the platform before you goto the train stairs
Me: she was starin at me
Me: so i stared back
Friend: ight
Me: we all got on teh train
Me: she gets on the 2nd car
Friend: k...............
Me: i was on the 1st
Me: well
Me: she was with like
Me: 12 girls
Me: lol
Friend: lol..k
Me: but she walked to
Me: my car
Me: with 1 friend
Friend: uh huh
Me: well her friend stood far behind her
Friend: yyyyyea
Me: she walks past me
Me: so she does an about face
Me: like as if shes gona go back to the other car
Friend: yup..
Me: so i said
Me: kali
Me: im like yo
Friend: k
Me: u wana smoke a blunt or somethin
Me: shes like ya
Me: shes like when
Me: im like i duno up 2 u
Me: shes like well i might have work tomma but will you be here im like ya
Me: shes like ok if i see you we shall
Me: so then as shes walking away I said you went out with david davis rite
Me: i said u did didnt u
Me: she kept Smiling
Me: at me
Me: an lookin @ me then walking

January 15th 2003
Friend: what happen with the girl?
Me: well
Me: I saw her when i got out of school @ the trainstation the platform of tompkinsville train
Me: i yelled out yo kali
Me: im like sup
Me: shes like n m , im like well wutcha do today goto school she like yea
Me: im like so u wana smoke
Me: shes like i cant i got w0rk im like ight
Friend: k
Me: so then as im walkin wit her she asks me for a stoge so I gave her 1
Friend: so when r u going?
Me: so thn mm
Me: so what happend with dave i asked
Me: she didnt say ****
Me: so like
Me: I thought she was walkin wit me
Me: an she wasnt
Me: she stood behind
Me: i was like talking to myself for a sec there rofl
Me: then i walked without her to the trainstation
Me: she getson the train not even the same car
Me: :-/
Me: the end


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Hey man, I dunno how much I can tell you cuz what you have posted was somewhat unclear. Maybe if you want a bit better advice you could summarize it up so that its easier to understand. Like leave out parts where you say how many smokes you gave them, theyre not that important. Neither is what they said exactly. But from what I understood, it seems like shes kinda unresponsive to any attempts you have of getting with her. She might be playing hard-to-get, but it doesn't seem that way. From your convos, it dont seem like there is much Interest Level there... That, and this seems like it has been going on for a while. Maybe too long. If its been almost a month, and theres nothing concrete, I suggest you just let it go. If she wants to follow up, she has your number, and knows where to find you. Hope this helps.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Staten Island , NY
Well , Im going to approach her for the last time. This time Im going to explain exactly how I feel. Not lovey dovey kind of stuff but its gona be like this.Kali, I don't know what you think of me but, I think your beautiful. I tried my best to hint you that I like ya. I didn't mean to get on the dave subject , I was just trying to startup a convo with ya. You seem like a really nice girl I would like to get to know you better. If you don't want to get to know me better you could take it slowly an say hi an possibly be friends with me. Heres my cell phone number again , I dont know if your friend exactly gave it to ya but if you feel different give me a call.

Sound ok guys?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score
Ummm.. I don't get what your talking about due to the spelling and etc. etc. but from what i understood in your reading I think you should next that girl and stop asking her to smoke with you.
She told you no, the first time you asked her for her AOL, then whats the use of being an AFC staying with her?

also please read the bible