The Gay Friend Dilemma- Is She Testing Me?


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Oct 1, 2012
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I'll just say upfront that I trust my girlfriend, but that trust is being tested, and I don't think I should trust blindly.

We've been together seriously since October, but were in somewhat of a friends with benefits situation since May of last spring. She said she fell hard for me. She got out of a terrible marriage of four years with a very possessive and crazy ex-husband a little over a year ago. She told me there was no sex in the last two years of the marriage and for a year after the divorce until I came back into her life. I should also mention this is a LDR.

I've recently come out of a roller coaster ride with her that started when she stopped taking her birth control pills. Intense fighting on the phone over nothing and her completely picking me apart was the norm for about three weeks. It was intense and emotionally draining for me. She started taking them again and we went through about another week of craziness and threats of breaking up before her body got adjusted. She's a whole different person now and back to herself. Now, she is talking about stopping them again only two weeks after starting and it's really bugging the **** out of me. I just want her to make up her mind. She feels the pill is bad for your body, and I'm cool with that I just want to be prepared for the storm that comes when she stops.

My main problem concerns this guy that she's known since last summer that is a mutual friend of one of her girlfriends. They said all along they couldn't figure out if he was gay. He does pilates, yoga, bar method, goes to dance at gay night with them, very effeminate voice, dad turned out gay after marrying his mom, talks about guys bodies, etc. etc. Not saying any one of those things really makes you gay but everything is in place.

My girlfriend told me that he had rubbed her body one night in the hot tub before we were official and then came out one day and told me that they 'hooked up' a few months after this incident. She said that she didn't really feel like he was into it and that he was only doing it to make her feel better about missing me! I don't know I just think this is a little weird that she would tell me this, but I also feel like she may be testing me to see if I would get jealous. Again, this is before we became an official couple. The possessive ex husband really ****ed with her mind and she doesn't want another one of those situations so maybe I thought she's screening me hard.

So the current problem is this. When they went dancing at this gay night couple of weeks ago my girlfriend blacked out from drinking and called me from his apartment when she got there at about 1 in the morning. He is an ex alcoholic and doesn't drink and she couldn't drive. She told me the situation about where she was and that she was okay and says she has no recollection of the conversation. I didn't act jealous about it the next day and just played it cool. She said she woke up and saw the back of his head in bed and freaked out because she didn't know where she was and then soon realized. She also told me that he told her she passed out in about 20 seconds and assuming all this is true nothing sexual happened.

Last night she said she was only going out for a couple of drinks and ended up at the same gay night dance club with this guy and another girlfriend. I called her at about 1 in the morning and she picked up and said she was at his place again and couldn't stay at her place. She just renovated a house and she has no wall coverings and no bed or furniture and was scared to stay there. She said she loved me in front of him on the phone and we ended the conversation. She didn't sound that drunk. Now, this morning I slept in late and had my cell ringer off. She left 7 voicemails and was calling about every 20-30 minutes thinking something was wrong, if I was mad at her, didn't think we hung up mad last night, how much she loved me, she was stalking me in a joking way, blah blah blah. It seemed excessive.

She called again as I was listening to the voicemails and I picked up and we talked. Said that she knew we talked but doesn't really know the details of the conversation. Said she was a good girl and couldn't understand why I wouldn't pick up this morning. She also said that she woke up with her hand on his chest and freaked out for a moment and got up out of bed.

I'm secure about our relationship and trust her and all that jazz, but I don't care how confident you are we're all human and people start to have concerns about this sort of thing. I'm a little more concerned about the level of drinking where she doesn't remember anything. And, I just get the sneaking suspension she is testing me, because she said that she abhors cheaters and cheating and she has only done it once to a boyfriend in high school. I'm not so sure that the story about them having sex is true. How could this guy if he is able to have sex with her once not try and want do it again? What are other's thoughts about this whole situation?


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
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I can't guess if she's messing around. However, something's certainly up. Making a saga of ending the night at his place is weird, especially if they have some kind of history, and especially if she's tied up about it too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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This is not a test. It's straight up disrespect.

They used to hook up. You only have her words that he wasn't into it and that he "might" be gay. Would you feel better if he cums in her and it wasn't so bad cos his semen's gay?

Last night she said she was only going out for a couple of drinks and ended up at the same gay night dance club with this guy and another girlfriend. I called her at about 1 in the morning and she picked up and said she was at his place again and couldn't stay at her place. She just renovated a house and she has no wall coverings and no bed or furniture and was scared to stay there. She said she loved me in front of him on the phone and we ended the conversation. She didn't sound that drunk. Now, this morning I slept in late and had my cell ringer off. She left 7 voicemails and was calling about every 20-30 minutes thinking something was wrong, if I was mad at her, didn't think we hung up mad last night, how much she loved me, she was stalking me in a joking way, blah blah blah. It seemed excessive.

She called again as I was listening to the voicemails and I picked up and we talked. Said that she knew we talked but doesn't really know the details of the conversation. Said she was a good girl and couldn't understand why I wouldn't pick up this morning. She also said that she woke up with her hand on his chest and freaked out for a moment and got up out of bed.
The guys here who have banged taken women before will tell you that it's pretty standard for them to have said phone calls. They sound super honest and innocent on the phone too, sometimes right in the middle of getting d1cked.

The whole episode of her calling so many times the morning after is the guilt talking.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Agree with everything from above posters. You should tell her you don't feel comfortable with her staying there or with getting so drunk she loses memory. If it displeases you, you should tell her.
You have to set the boundary and if she crosses it, then she's done.
I smell a rat and it's bisexual and could indirectly give you the HIV.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
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Well just wanna say that I.. banged a girl with a bf and he called right after se.x once and she said "I love you" to him, hung up the phone and said "lets do it again"... so the I love you thing means nothing.. but the fact that your gf and her gay friend fvked once and the gay friend ISNT taking ANY guys home from gay night shows that he might he doing the ol faking gayness to get at the tight ***** routine... the situation is totally fvked dude, I really dont see this lasting too long


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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I completely think it's a bad situation too. The bad thing about it is that I'm locked into going to see her in a couple of weeks and we'll be vacationing for two weeks together. Things just haven't gone right over the phone over the past month or so. We were were planning for me to relocate and move in with her. I need to seriously weigh my options me thinks.

I have to say she has a couple of things working in favor of her integrity.

She told me one day that she was going to a concert with this guy and her girlfriend and she was late getting ready and rushing around at her house. She was masturbating taking cell pics and sending them to me. She all of a sudden told me that she accidentally sent them to this gay guy that was coming to pick her up. She said she sent some texts to him explaining what was going on and everything was cool and thank God it was just him. Later when I was out to see her I was able to look through her texts to see the kind of banter that was going on between them. I looked back at the dates around when she was talking about and there were no pics sent and there wasn't even any mention of a concert, picking people up, pics Their conversations that they had were totally benign like two girls talking. Even more innocent than that. That doesn't mean this girl didn't bang him, but the sexual flirtation etc. is not there.

Also, without going into detail I am able to track her cell phone. She hasn't once lied to me about where she's been. She's never at the guys house. Only these two nights or in a yoga studio like a gay friend. Again, I realize that this doesn't mean she didn't have sex with him, but I thought if you're going to consistently cheat on somebody wouldn't you want to be ****ing your brains out with them.

About his gayness. They can't figure out if he's gay or not. Says he wants a girlfriend but never tries. They think he wants it just for a cover to conceal the gayness and fit in. They never see him with men either. Weird I know. This guy is almost 40 years old. At least this is what I've been told......


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
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North America
If this woman lived next door you should dump her.
Not a chick to relocate for.

She sure as heck is not worried about your feelings.



Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Tiz,
Can't wait for the novel!


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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did you guys also notice its never the woman fault for any married for ending? and here another woman says that.

dude just end it, also starting now alwyas use condom, if she stop using her birth control pills, and you don't waat to be a dad with a psycho...


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Only reason any girl that is with AJ will be texting any dude.

1. She is related to the person.
2. It's business related.

You simp dudes need to realize that dudes ain't tryna be friends with any female. Especially if you deal with very attractive females.

This girl slept with that dude. If she woke up with her hand on his chest then they slept together. That is cheating. Cheating is an automatic next. At least for me.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2012
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Man, some of the things that guys will go through just to say they have a girlfriend.

First of all, her crazy behavior over the phone and with the pills should be enough for you to realize that this woman has some sort of issues going on.

Not to mention the going back and forth with the pills and the crazy marriage she had before.

That should of been enough for you to get out of this relationship.

Then to top it off she is hooking up with a bisexual man right under your nose and you say you still trust her.

Wake up man she is cheating on you.

They are not just friends. This guy is her f buddy.

This is your fault for allowing this to go on and putting up with this.

You should end this right now and be careful you don't get some disease.

Next time don't get involved with a crazy woman who cheats on you with bisexual men. Or at least realize what is actually going on when it is actually happening.

Dr. Harvey Poon