I just want to gather some opinions about this.
As we all know, guides to seducing women have become very popular all over the net. It's a separate industry now which seems to be making a good profit.
There are different methods: MM, SS, Gunwitch's and lots of other different people who are trying to rip off money from the guys.
They are interested in attracting people and therefore advertize themselves shamelessly. This is happening not only in US/Canada, but in europe too. In russia there are 100 bucks courses what bring you into the field and teach you some SS. It's on TV and the agencies have cars with the websites' addresses listed on them.
The sad thing, is that by attracting lots of people the authors of the seduction methods devalue their methods. For example, all of the listed patterns on the net are practically useless today. The roller coaster pattern could've worked in 1985, but not today. With repeated posting of her all over the net and magazines, the chance that the target knows it is too great.
I guess it all comes back to being "alpha", developing your own methods/tactics/patterns and not posting them on the net, so that they're unique to you...
I think in a few years these tactics are gonna be common knowledge.
As we all know, guides to seducing women have become very popular all over the net. It's a separate industry now which seems to be making a good profit.
There are different methods: MM, SS, Gunwitch's and lots of other different people who are trying to rip off money from the guys.
They are interested in attracting people and therefore advertize themselves shamelessly. This is happening not only in US/Canada, but in europe too. In russia there are 100 bucks courses what bring you into the field and teach you some SS. It's on TV and the agencies have cars with the websites' addresses listed on them.
The sad thing, is that by attracting lots of people the authors of the seduction methods devalue their methods. For example, all of the listed patterns on the net are practically useless today. The roller coaster pattern could've worked in 1985, but not today. With repeated posting of her all over the net and magazines, the chance that the target knows it is too great.
I guess it all comes back to being "alpha", developing your own methods/tactics/patterns and not posting them on the net, so that they're unique to you...
I think in a few years these tactics are gonna be common knowledge.