The First Step


New Member
Jan 30, 2020
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Today I was digging into some discussions from the earlier years of Sosuave, this one however, moved me:

Almost 20 years later and the posts in this thread (especially the ones by Survivor and Pook) still apply to this day. While there may be need for readjustment in terms of what to do (calling, for example), the base seems to be the same.

One must put themselves first in all situations. To be the point of origin from which your reality is created.

In addition, there is no need to mimic women. When we spend so much time trying to analyze this and that, it is a waste of time that could have been used to better ourselves (and our situation). Let women wonder about us, let them waste time in analyzing our every action and sentence which escapes from our mouths (they do this anyway!).

Why focus on making ourselves more attractive to women? Why focus on the creation of interest? Why spend so much energy on the pursuit?

Is pvssy really all that?

The proper response to dismiss all of these questions is simple: Put yourself first.

Become more attractive for yourself (if you value yourself, why would you ever allow yourself to look like a bum?).

Only invest energy in those who value you, for you should already value yourself (if you value yourself, why waste time on those who do not value you?).

Sex is great and rather important for any guy, but it does not equate to success, nor does it give one true satisfaction (after you climax, what really changes? Usually, nothing! Life goes on and the journey continues.).

I think I'm only scratching the surface, but everything changes once an individual establishes themselves as the center of their reality. And from this center, said reality is created from the ground up. The trade off is that almost everything becomes your responsibility. It is both liberating and hard. A path few guys take, but one that ends with being a Man.

You call the shots. No one else. This is the first step in one’s journey towards Manhood/Self-actualization/whatever. Everything must begin from here.

If you are in control, you can change your mindset, you can take action, you can go out and make your dreams come true, etc.

And once you do make yourself the point of origin, along with proceeding with action (this is very important), your reality changes. You begin to create your own reality, your own world. And hopefully, as you continue against all odds, you unite dream and day.

I might be a bit over my head, but what do you guys think?