Don Juan
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- Jul 23, 2003
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- 47
many years ago i had stumbled across these forums beating down by the world, women shootng me down, so called friends betraying me, my family were hard on me, it seemed like being myself got me nowhere!depression kicked into high gear and it seemed hopeless!
that story seems to always sound the same.but there can always be a twist.
all it takes is shutting the world out for a moment to realize what your made of!
being a resurge in comic superheros on the big screen lately, i’m going to give a comparison of how we all have those abilities and traits to be truly something special.we’ll take a look at some of the bigger heroes and exploit their strengths and weaknesses.
Spiderman-this guy trumphs when it comes to the ladies,he’s got the mask(mysterious),nobody knows his true identity,he’s the headliner in the newspaper(social proof,celebrity like status),100 times stronger than the average man,****y,and the lad swings hundreds of feet in the air on a web(bold,no fear),and never afraid to walk into the fight even if the odds are against him, and the beauty queen mary jane wants a piece of him like many.
but sadly by day he resorts back to his former self peter parker.he takes of the mask and hangs up the suit.his goal in life is to make mary jane love him for who he is.peter parker is clingly,needy,nerdy,push over ect.
lets compare this hero to us now.
now alot of us don’t wear tights and were not headlining on the front page or 100 x stronger than most men and we don’t fight villians daily.hmmmm.....that sounds exactly like us.
most of us stay the way we are.we come to this site and read post after post hoping something will wake us up.but just like peter parker, when that computer gets turned off,alot of us turn back to our weak selves.we have this great power and knowledge in us but we don’t use it!
now lets look at the incredible Hulk-this is the kinda guy ,you don’t want to piss in his cornflakes(unless you want to feel the hulk smash.)the Hulk is big, mean ,green, dumb,and no matter how many times the military trys to beat him down, he only gets madder to his benefit which makes him stronger.
when the hulk isn’t p*ssed off you may know him as the big geek bruce banner.being the little skinny geek gets bruce picked on.he’s the so called nice guy!all of bruces life he got walked on by society and the military.bruce was full of pent up anger and hatred.but being the nice guy he was he always let stuff slide!thats until the gamma released it all.
the Hulk is basically a metaphor of us.were all like bruce in a way.when something makes us mad or we get picked on, put down, we pent this anger up.think about it......sometimes we get so angry we turn green.the only thing is we don’t turn ten feet tall and we don’t get 500 inch biceps.we don’t release our anger most can anyone respect a push over.
but when we finally do lose it we become something were not.when the anger is released you become fierce, invincible , it Feels good to let go. that person who tried to take advantage of you will definatly think twice next time they mess with you. mother nature gave you a temper for a reason.......USE’ll feel much better about yourself.
people prey on the weak.don’t be weak.let go.people gain more respect for somebody who doesn’t take sh@t than somebody who does.
i remember at school there was this guy who thought he was tough picked on me everyday. everytime i would just clinch my fist and just walk day i sat there and thought about it.whats 3 minutes out of my life to fight.think about most many punches are usually thrown.....8 or 9 punches if that...then its over.
so the next day while i was walking down the hall, a piece of paper hit me in the head and a bunch of girls laughed and his mouth shot off as usual.i turned around and said “you and me outside NOW”! he looked shocked.he accepted and as his first punch connected with my cheek it didn’t hurt half as bad as i thought it would.i released my anger and wrecked him”.
the feeling that came over me when i let go was unexplainable.i faced what i was afraid of and i felt more alive. he hasn’t said a word to me ever again.since then i’ve won and lost battles but the difference is i FIGHT NOW.thats something i didn’t do before.think about this for a moment...............players don't become players by not walking up to women.probably they got shot down till they learned what works and what don't.after a while rejection becomes nothing to fight the fight.we all bomb sometimes, so what!boxers don't become champions by blocking punches and backing down from fights.they all comes together.
the XMEN-the next evolution in mankind.considered mutants by the latter.The X-Men are an organization of superhumanly powerful mutants that was founded by Professor Charles Xavier to train such mutants in the uses of their superhuman powers, Xavier expected that normal human beings would eventually come to fear and persecute the growing number of superhuman mutants.
mutants are feared by people because their different.they don’t fit the mold of society or social norms.change scares people so they suppress it.
how do we compare to the xmen?like the xmen to charles xavier.we have,anti-dump,mr.fingers,etc.).most of us that have come here are evolved somewhat.society has tried to mold us into niceguys,afcs.women have been persecuring and dogging us men for centuries.our way of life as being men is being threatened by niceguys,afcs,jerks, our minds have become more advanced than the average man.our other highly evolved nemesis is the jerk.he has our powers but not the shelf life though.a good example is look at your group of friends,you all have one trait stronger than the friend maybe funny,the other could be the tough guy, the other might be the ladies man, the smart get the point.we all have one attribute in us that if we harness it...can make us better than we ordnarily are.
as time goes on can djs and mankind co-exsist.hmmm.....mayby when women become logical!
enough about superheros....lets look at some real people then!
kiss...the masters of the mask
when they step out in front of 10,000 people a night.they aren’t just paul stanley,gene simmons.their KISS.kiss is not kiss without the make-up,or the outrageous costumes.their little get up has made them millions.
look at supermodels, they put on 10 pounds of make up everyday and go out make thousands of dollars from their looks which by the way is their greatest attribute.they put on the mask day in and day out.without the makeup how pretty are half these women.
the point i’m trying to make is that all this B.S about being yourself may be damaging to who you really could be! ever wear a pair of sun glasses and walk down the street like your the coolest thing in the world.take them off and you stand like the rest of the pack.find your strength and exploit it.i don’t care if it takes a new hair cut, a new wardrobe,whatever.just don’t be the old self!your at sosuave for a reason and the reason is to change and evolve.
people in the media aren’t who you really percieve.eminem is a good example.rod stewart said eminem without the mask is probably a nice boy.sometimes its not bad to give yourself a complete more than you were.
anybody else have any examples then please contribute.
that story seems to always sound the same.but there can always be a twist.
all it takes is shutting the world out for a moment to realize what your made of!
being a resurge in comic superheros on the big screen lately, i’m going to give a comparison of how we all have those abilities and traits to be truly something special.we’ll take a look at some of the bigger heroes and exploit their strengths and weaknesses.
Spiderman-this guy trumphs when it comes to the ladies,he’s got the mask(mysterious),nobody knows his true identity,he’s the headliner in the newspaper(social proof,celebrity like status),100 times stronger than the average man,****y,and the lad swings hundreds of feet in the air on a web(bold,no fear),and never afraid to walk into the fight even if the odds are against him, and the beauty queen mary jane wants a piece of him like many.
but sadly by day he resorts back to his former self peter parker.he takes of the mask and hangs up the suit.his goal in life is to make mary jane love him for who he is.peter parker is clingly,needy,nerdy,push over ect.
lets compare this hero to us now.
now alot of us don’t wear tights and were not headlining on the front page or 100 x stronger than most men and we don’t fight villians daily.hmmmm.....that sounds exactly like us.
most of us stay the way we are.we come to this site and read post after post hoping something will wake us up.but just like peter parker, when that computer gets turned off,alot of us turn back to our weak selves.we have this great power and knowledge in us but we don’t use it!
now lets look at the incredible Hulk-this is the kinda guy ,you don’t want to piss in his cornflakes(unless you want to feel the hulk smash.)the Hulk is big, mean ,green, dumb,and no matter how many times the military trys to beat him down, he only gets madder to his benefit which makes him stronger.
when the hulk isn’t p*ssed off you may know him as the big geek bruce banner.being the little skinny geek gets bruce picked on.he’s the so called nice guy!all of bruces life he got walked on by society and the military.bruce was full of pent up anger and hatred.but being the nice guy he was he always let stuff slide!thats until the gamma released it all.
the Hulk is basically a metaphor of us.were all like bruce in a way.when something makes us mad or we get picked on, put down, we pent this anger up.think about it......sometimes we get so angry we turn green.the only thing is we don’t turn ten feet tall and we don’t get 500 inch biceps.we don’t release our anger most can anyone respect a push over.
but when we finally do lose it we become something were not.when the anger is released you become fierce, invincible , it Feels good to let go. that person who tried to take advantage of you will definatly think twice next time they mess with you. mother nature gave you a temper for a reason.......USE’ll feel much better about yourself.
people prey on the weak.don’t be weak.let go.people gain more respect for somebody who doesn’t take sh@t than somebody who does.
i remember at school there was this guy who thought he was tough picked on me everyday. everytime i would just clinch my fist and just walk day i sat there and thought about it.whats 3 minutes out of my life to fight.think about most many punches are usually thrown.....8 or 9 punches if that...then its over.
so the next day while i was walking down the hall, a piece of paper hit me in the head and a bunch of girls laughed and his mouth shot off as usual.i turned around and said “you and me outside NOW”! he looked shocked.he accepted and as his first punch connected with my cheek it didn’t hurt half as bad as i thought it would.i released my anger and wrecked him”.
the feeling that came over me when i let go was unexplainable.i faced what i was afraid of and i felt more alive. he hasn’t said a word to me ever again.since then i’ve won and lost battles but the difference is i FIGHT NOW.thats something i didn’t do before.think about this for a moment...............players don't become players by not walking up to women.probably they got shot down till they learned what works and what don't.after a while rejection becomes nothing to fight the fight.we all bomb sometimes, so what!boxers don't become champions by blocking punches and backing down from fights.they all comes together.
the XMEN-the next evolution in mankind.considered mutants by the latter.The X-Men are an organization of superhumanly powerful mutants that was founded by Professor Charles Xavier to train such mutants in the uses of their superhuman powers, Xavier expected that normal human beings would eventually come to fear and persecute the growing number of superhuman mutants.
mutants are feared by people because their different.they don’t fit the mold of society or social norms.change scares people so they suppress it.
how do we compare to the xmen?like the xmen to charles xavier.we have,anti-dump,mr.fingers,etc.).most of us that have come here are evolved somewhat.society has tried to mold us into niceguys,afcs.women have been persecuring and dogging us men for centuries.our way of life as being men is being threatened by niceguys,afcs,jerks, our minds have become more advanced than the average man.our other highly evolved nemesis is the jerk.he has our powers but not the shelf life though.a good example is look at your group of friends,you all have one trait stronger than the friend maybe funny,the other could be the tough guy, the other might be the ladies man, the smart get the point.we all have one attribute in us that if we harness it...can make us better than we ordnarily are.
as time goes on can djs and mankind co-exsist.hmmm.....mayby when women become logical!
enough about superheros....lets look at some real people then!
kiss...the masters of the mask
when they step out in front of 10,000 people a night.they aren’t just paul stanley,gene simmons.their KISS.kiss is not kiss without the make-up,or the outrageous costumes.their little get up has made them millions.
look at supermodels, they put on 10 pounds of make up everyday and go out make thousands of dollars from their looks which by the way is their greatest attribute.they put on the mask day in and day out.without the makeup how pretty are half these women.
the point i’m trying to make is that all this B.S about being yourself may be damaging to who you really could be! ever wear a pair of sun glasses and walk down the street like your the coolest thing in the world.take them off and you stand like the rest of the pack.find your strength and exploit it.i don’t care if it takes a new hair cut, a new wardrobe,whatever.just don’t be the old self!your at sosuave for a reason and the reason is to change and evolve.
people in the media aren’t who you really percieve.eminem is a good example.rod stewart said eminem without the mask is probably a nice boy.sometimes its not bad to give yourself a complete more than you were.
anybody else have any examples then please contribute.